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    ITR08159 Search Results

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    Abstract: ITR08158 ITR08159 ENA1087
    Text: 2SC5347A Ordering number : ENA1087 SANYO Semiconductors DATA SHEET NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC5347A High-Frequency Semi-Power Output Stage, Low-Noise Medium Output Amplifier Applications Features • High-frequency medium output amplification

    2SC5347A ENA1087 S21e2 A1087-6/6 2SC5347A ITR08158 ITR08159 ENA1087 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SC5347A Ordering number : ENA1087A SANYO Semiconductors DATA SHEET NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC5347A High-Frequency Semi-Power Output Stage, Low-Noise Medium Output Amplifier Applications Features High-frequency medium output amplification VCE=5V, IC=50mA

    2SC5347A ENA1087A A1087-8/8 PDF

    TA 55122

    Abstract: 2SC5347 ITR08157 ITR08158 ITR08159 ITR08160 ITR08161 ITR08162 ITR08163
    Text: 2SC5347 注文コード No. N 5 5 1 2 C 三洋半導体データシート 半導体データシート No.N5512B をさしかえてください。 2SC5347 NPN エピタキシァルプレーナ型シリコントランジスタ 高周波セミパワー出力段

    2SC5347 N5512B S21e2 900mm2 S21e2 2SC5347 TA 55122 ITR08157 ITR08158 ITR08159 ITR08160 ITR08161 ITR08162 ITR08163 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SC5347A Ordering number : ENA1087A SANYO Semiconductors DATA SHEET NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC5347A High-Frequency Semi-Power Output Stage, Low-Noise Medium Output Amplifier Applications Features High-frequency medium output amplification VCE=5V, IC=50mA

    ENA1087A 2SC5347A S21e2 900mm2 A1087-8/8 2SC5347AF-TD-E PDF


    Abstract: ITR08157 ITR08158 ITR08159 ITR08160
    Text: 2SC5347 Ordering number : EN5512C SANYO Semiconductors DATA SHEET NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC5347 High-Frequency Semi-Power Output Stage, Low-Noise Medium Output Amplifier Applications Features • High-frequency medium output amplification

    2SC5347 EN5512C S21e2 2SC5347 ITR08157 ITR08158 ITR08159 ITR08160 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SC5347 Ordering number : EN5512C SANYO Semiconductors DATA SHEET NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC5347 High-Frequency Semi-Power Output Stage, Low-Noise Medium Output Amplifier Applications Features • High-frequency medium output amplification

    EN5512C 2SC5347 S21e2 900mm2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SC5347A Ordering number : ENA1087 SANYO Semiconductors DATA SHEET NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC5347A High-Frequency Semi-Power Output Stage, Low-Noise Medium Output Amplifier Applications Features • High-frequency medium output amplification

    2SC5347A ENA1087 A1087-6/6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1087A 2SC5347A RF Transistor 12V, 150mA, fT=4.7GHz, NPN Single PCP Features High-frequency medium output amplification VCE=5V, IC=50mA : fT=4.7GHz typ (f=1GHz) : ⏐S21e⏐2=8dB typ (f=1GHz) : NF=1.8dB typ (f=1GHz)

    ENA1087A 2SC5347A 150mA, S21e2 900mm2 A1087-8/8 PDF


    Abstract: A1087 ITR08158 ITR08159 ITR08160 ITR08161 ITR08162
    Text: 2SC5347A 注文コード No. N A 1 0 8 7 三洋半導体データシート N 2SC5347A NPN エピタキシァルプレーナ型シリコントランジスタ 高周波セミパワー出力段 低雑音中出力増幅用 特長 ・ 高周波中出力増幅 :fT=4.7GHz typ(f=1GHz)

    2SC5347A S21e2 900mm2 S21e2 2SC5347A A1087-5/6 A1087-6/6 A1087 ITR08158 ITR08159 ITR08160 ITR08161 ITR08162 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SC5347 Ordering number : EN5512B SANYO Semiconductors DATA SHEET NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC5347 High-Frequency Semi-Power Output Stage, Low-Noise Medium Output Amplifier Applications Features • High-frequency medium output amplification

    EN5512B 2SC5347 S21e2 900mm2 PDF