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    IXZH Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    IXZH10N50L2A IXYS-RF Discrete Semiconductor Products - Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - RF - RF MOSFET N-CHANNEL TO-247 Original PDF
    IXZH10N50L2B IXYS-RF Discrete Semiconductor Products - Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - RF - RF MOSFET N-CHANNEL TO-247 Original PDF
    IXZH16N60 IXYS RF MOSFET 600V 18A TO-247 Original PDF

    IXZH Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ixzh ixzh08n120
    Text: IXZH08N120 Z-MOS RF Power MOSFET N-Channel Enhancement Mode Switch Mode RF MOSFET Low Capacitance Z-MOSTM MOSFET Process Optimized for RF Operation Ideal for Class C, D, & E Applications Symbol Test Conditions Maximum Ratings VDSS TJ = 25°C to 150°C 1200

    IXZH08N120 IXZ308N120 dsIXZH08N120 ixzh ixzh08n120 PDF


    Abstract: ixzh10n50l IXZH10N50 7310 mosfet mosfet 168.54 IXZ210N50L 78105 ixzh ixzh10n TD 6905
    Text: IXZH10N50LA/B RF Power MOSFET N-Channel Enhancement Mode Linear 175MHz RF MOSFET Low Capacitance Z-MOSTM MOSFET Process Optimized for Linear Operation in Common Source Mode Test Conditions VDSS TJ = 25°C to 150°C 500 V VDGR TJ = 25°C to 150°C; RGS = 1 MΩ

    IXZH10N50LA/B 175MHz IXZH10N50LB IXZH10N50LA dsIXZH10N50LA/B IXZH10N50LA ixzh10n50l IXZH10N50 7310 mosfet mosfet 168.54 IXZ210N50L 78105 ixzh ixzh10n TD 6905 PDF

    "RF MOSFET" 300W

    Abstract: IXZH16N60 1 RF s 640 a 931 IXZ316N60 MOSFET QG mosfet 300w rf power mosfet
    Text: IXZH16N60 Z-MOS RF Power MOSFET N-ChannelEnhancement NChannel EnhancementMode Mode Switch Mode RF MOSFET Qg and Rg Low Capacitance Z-MOSTM MOSFET Process Optimized High dv/dt for RF Operation Ideal Nanosecond for ClassSwitching C, D, & E Applications Symbol

    IXZH16N60 IXZ316N60 dsIXZH16N60 "RF MOSFET" 300W IXZH16N60 1 RF s 640 a 931 MOSFET QG mosfet 300w rf power mosfet PDF


    Abstract: IXI1222 IXI1688S ixthos 741G ADSP-2101 IXI1204 IXI1210 IXI1241 IXI1688P
    Text: Ixthos, Inc., 741-G Miller Drive SE, Leesburg, VA 20175 phone 703 779-7800 fax (703) 779-7805 email [email protected] website: Ixthos has provided commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) integrated hardware and software solutions for the Analog Devices floating point DSP family (ADSP210xx) since 1991. The

    741-G ADSP210xx) 2106x ADSP-210xx IXI1222 IXI1688S ixthos 741G ADSP-2101 IXI1204 IXI1210 IXI1241 IXI1688P PDF


    Abstract: BTY79 equivalent diode skn 21-04 marking CODE W04 sot-23 bbc 598 479 DIODE mw 137 600g TFK 401 S 673 Vishay Telefunken tfk transistor INFINEON transistor marking W31 JYs marking transistor
    Text: 573 Technical portal and online community for Design Engineers - Discrete & Power Devices Page 700 Bridge Rectifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diodes Schottky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    element-14 F155-6A F155-10A F165-15A F175-25A irfb4115 BTY79 equivalent diode skn 21-04 marking CODE W04 sot-23 bbc 598 479 DIODE mw 137 600g TFK 401 S 673 Vishay Telefunken tfk transistor INFINEON transistor marking W31 JYs marking transistor PDF

    7N60B equivalent

    Abstract: 18N50 equivalent ixgh 1499 MOSFET smd 4407 IXDD 614 C 547 B W57 BJT transistor r1275ns20l R1271ns12C IXYS CS 20-22 MOF1 IXTP 220N04T2
    Text: Contents Page General Contents QA and Environmental Management Systems Alphanumeric Index Symbols and Terms Nomenclature Patents and Intellectual Property I II III XVIII XX XXII CLARE Optically Isolated Solid State Relays Optically Isolated AC-Power Switches

    MS-013 10-Pin 5M-1994 MO-229 7N60B equivalent 18N50 equivalent ixgh 1499 MOSFET smd 4407 IXDD 614 C 547 B W57 BJT transistor r1275ns20l R1271ns12C IXYS CS 20-22 MOF1 IXTP 220N04T2 PDF


    Abstract: DE275X2-102N06A PLUS247 501N2 DE275-501N16A DE475-501N44A H12N50 DE475-102N21A ISOPLUS247 IXFX
    Text: 500KHz-82MHz POWER MOSFETS O SWITCH MODE POWER SUPPLIES & RF GENERATORS January 2003 The IXYS RF Switch Mode MOSFET family is ideal for applications requiring fast switching including laser driver, induction heating, switch mode power supplies and other non-linear industrial applications. An extensive product

    500KHz-82MHz O-247 PLUS247 ISOPLUS247 102N06 DE275X2-102N06A PLUS247 501N2 DE275-501N16A DE475-501N44A H12N50 DE475-102N21A ISOPLUS247 IXFX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: » Am2055 Am205s Extended PCM Interface Controller EPIC A dvanced Data Sheet M icro Revision TM 8/89 D e v ic e s . * » ' * ";> * • ,• * 9* r * « £ • • « \ • • •• A d v a n c e d M i n ':; S ' D i - y ; . - ì ->- n / Armnfltmn; 11149D/0

    OCR Scan
    Am2055 Am205s 11149D/0 81max Q67100 A1S1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY 80960JD EMBEDDED 32-BIT MICROPROCESSOR • P in /C o d e C o m p a tib le w ith all 80 96 0J x P ro ce ss o rs ■ H ig h -P e rfo rm a n c e E m b ed d ed A rch ite c tu re — O n e In s tru c tio n /C lo c k E xecu tio n — C o re C lo c k R a te is 2x th e B us C lo c k

    OCR Scan
    80960JD 32-BIT 80960JD 27248 PDF