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    Allegro MicroSystems LLC ASEK713ELC-20A-T-DK

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    DigiKey ASEK713ELC-20A-T-DK Box 1 1
    • 1 $45.02
    • 10 $45.02
    • 100 $45.02
    • 1000 $45.02
    • 10000 $45.02
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    Allegro MicroSystems LLC ASEK713ELC-30A-T-DK

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    DigiKey ASEK713ELC-30A-T-DK Bulk 1 1
    • 1 $81.34
    • 10 $81.34
    • 100 $81.34
    • 1000 $81.34
    • 10000 $81.34
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    ASSMANN WSW components GmbH AK713-5

    CBL ASSY CEN36M TO 25P M 16.4"
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    DigiKey AK713-5 Bulk 640
    • 1 -
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    • 1000 $15.2625
    • 10000 $15.2625
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    Fischer Elektronik GmbH & Co KG SK-71-37,5-ME

    Extruded Heatsink
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    DigiKey SK-71-37,5-ME Bulk 5
    • 1 -
    • 10 $4.066
    • 100 $4.066
    • 1000 $4.066
    • 10000 $4.066
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    Siemens 3RK71366SC000BC1

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    DigiKey 3RK71366SC000BC1 Box 1
    • 1 $1010.08
    • 10 $1010.08
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    • 10000 $1010.08
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    Mouser Electronics 3RK71366SC000BC1
    • 1 $919.84
    • 10 $919.84
    • 100 $919.84
    • 1000 $919.84
    • 10000 $919.84
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    RS 3RK71366SC000BC1 Bulk 3 1
    • 1 $1060.58
    • 10 $1028.77
    • 100 $1028.77
    • 1000 $1028.77
    • 10000 $1028.77
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    K713 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Pole/a44 b331 k7311
    Text: MINIATURE POSITIVE ACTION SWITCHES MIL-S-8834 Miniature Positive Action Switches Lever Lock/Solder Lug Terminals Series - 8855, 8856 FEATURES SPECIFICATIONS • Sealed bushing • Dry circuit logic level loads to power switching levels • 1 and 2 pole circuitry

    MIL-S-8834 -S-8834 TF300-5B B331 Pole/a44 b331 k7311 PDF

    A42 B331

    Abstract: 96182 eaton eaton 96182 MS27903-1 ms90311 mil-s-8834 NEC k719 ms24547-1 MS25237 nec k591
    Text: Electric Distribution & Controls Switch Catalog Making the Best Better Traditional aerospace component suppliers are being asked to assume even greater levels of responsibility. One trend is that component manufacturers are being asked to increase their subsystem integration

    TF300-5 A42 B331 96182 eaton eaton 96182 MS27903-1 ms90311 mil-s-8834 NEC k719 ms24547-1 MS25237 nec k591 PDF


    Abstract: k719 K78X K36XX b331 1/transistor k719
    Text: MINIATURE POSITIVE ACTION SWITCHES Series—8855, 8856 FEATURES MIL-S-8834 Miniature Positive Action Switches Lever Lock/Solder Lug Terminals SPECIFICATIONS • Sealed bushing • Dry circuit logic level loads to power switching levels • 1, and 2 pole circuitry

    MIL-S-8834 MIL-S-8834 J241 k719 K78X K36XX b331 1/transistor k719 PDF


    Abstract: 1FK7103-5AF71 1FK7063-5AF71 1FK7042-5AF71 1FK7105-5AF71-1 1FK7022-5AK71 siemens servo motor 1fk7060 1FK7083-5AF71 1FK7032-5AK71 1FK7063-5AF71-1
    Text: Configuration Manual 12/2006 Edition 1FK7 Synchronous Motors SINAMICS S120 sinamics s Foreword Motor Description 1 SINAMICS S120 Application 2 Synchronous Motors 1FK7 Mechanical data 3 Electrical data 4 Configuration 5 Motor components 6 Technical data and

    6SN1197-0AD16-0BP1 1FK7061-7AH71, 1FK7063-5AF71, 1FK7063-5AH71, 1FK7064-7AF71, 1FK7064-7AH71, 1FK7080-5AF71, 1FK7080-5AH71, 1FK7083-5AF71, 1FK7060-5AF71-1 1FK7103-5AF71 1FK7063-5AF71 1FK7042-5AF71 1FK7105-5AF71-1 1FK7022-5AK71 siemens servo motor 1fk7060 1FK7083-5AF71 1FK7032-5AK71 1FK7063-5AF71-1 PDF


    Abstract: AN3223-1 8895K1 K3320 MS18152-1 K47-20 WC150PB6 K2520 K8016 8869K67
    Text: REFERENCE DOCUMENTS Cross Reference MILITARY PART NUMBERS TO EATON CATALOG NUMBERS Military Part Number Eaton Catalog No. AN3221-1 -2 AN3223-1 -2 AN3230-1 -2 -3 E1663-1 -3 M3950/14A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31 A32 A33 B21 B22 B23 B24 B25 B26

    AN3221-1 AN3223-1 AN3230-1 E1663-1 M3950/14A21 M3950/14C24 M5423/16-01 M8805/2 M8805/55-001 M8805/93-001 MS27903-1 AN3223-1 8895K1 K3320 MS18152-1 K47-20 WC150PB6 K2520 K8016 8869K67 PDF


    Abstract: MS90311-271 MS90310 MS25307 MIL-S-8834 MS21027 K851 MS21353 transistor D331 circuit diagram application ms25307-212
    Text: SECTION A TOGGLE SWITCHES Introduction Industrial – Environmentally Sealed Switches • Watertight seal per MIL-STD-108 • Ratings at 28VDC and 115VAC 60/400Hz • One, two and four pole configurations • Toggle and designerline actuators • Positive detent action

    MIL-STD-108 28VDC 115VAC 60/400Hz MIL-S-3950 variati8867K11, 8867K611, MS90311 MS90311-271 MS90310 MS25307 MIL-S-8834 MS21027 K851 MS21353 transistor D331 circuit diagram application ms25307-212 PDF


    Abstract: K712 k729
    Text: MINIATURE POSITIVE ACTION SWITCHES 4-Pole Miniature Positive Action Switch Series Series - 8879 FEATURES SPECIFICATIONS • • • • • Bushing seal per MIL-DTL-8834 • Meets 0.5" Head of Water • Temperature Range: -22°F to +149°F -30°C to +65°C

    -DTL-8834 TF300-5B K728 K712 k729 PDF

    state machine diagram for axi bridge

    Abstract: audio automatic gain control S028 SSOP28 SW11 UBA1707 UBA1707T UBA1707TS
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Cordless telephone, answering machine line interface • AGC: FEATURES Line interface • Low DC line voltage; operates down to 1.2 V excluding polarity guard - O n/off - Slope - Igtart line current. • V oltage regulator w ith adjustable DC voltage

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    UBA17Q? state machine diagram for axi bridge audio automatic gain control S028 SSOP28 SW11 UBA1707 UBA1707T UBA1707TS PDF

    TB 1226 EN

    Abstract: 1595A 512-50A i4315
    Text: 10 12 13 0.33±0.25 027) .013±.010 .0 5 0 TYP. JQ, , •^0 .100 n (3 . 8 I) (2.54) I M0LÊ1 RE F. MA X. .199 TYP. n . 150 - J (2.54 u RE CO MM END ED .100 ± 0 .0 8 ) L N O N-ACC UM ULATIVE ±.003 P.C. BOA RD SC ALEs LAYOUT 4s I (2 .54 ) . I00 (2 .5 4 )

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: .BPSK MODULATORS INPUT 1 dB COMP. PT dBm VSWR MIN MAX 2.0 2.0 +1 + 10 1.5:1 1.5:1 101 101 1 1 M F -2 0 6 0.4 0.4 2.0 2.0 +1 + 10 2.0:1 2.0:1 101 101 1 1 MF-208 MF-218 0.4 0.4 4.0 4.0 + 1 + 10 3.0:1 3.0:1 101 101 2 2 M F -2 1 O t M F -2 2 0 t

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    MF-216 MF-208 MF-218 MK-701S MK-711S MK-702S MK-712S K-703St K-713St BPSK MODULATORS PDF


    Abstract: D1160 K-726 yd 1160 YD1160 DL160 K713 YD1162 40688 YD1161
    Text: V.H .F. IN D U STR IA L TRIO D E YD II60 Y D II6 I YD II 62 TENTATIVE DATA QUICK REFERENCE DATA E xternal anode trio d e, intended for u se a s C la ss 'C in d ustrial o sc illa to r . The YD1160 i s fo r c e d -a ir cooled . The YD1161 i s w ater cooled by m ean s of a sep arate jack et.

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    YDII60 YD1160 YD1161 YD1162 YD1160-Page K726 D1160 K-726 yd 1160 DL160 K713 40688 PDF


    Abstract: Class D 6KW TY7-6000W vhf triode ITL12-1 Forced-air cooled triode K713 6000W 39 6kw CMZ53 2X40
    Text: TY7-6000A R.F. P O W E R T R IO D E 1 Forced-air cooled triode rated fo r a m axim um anode dissipation o f 6 k W and suitable fo r use at frequencies up to 55M c/s. 1 # P R E L IM IN A R Y D A T A This data should be read in conjunction w ith GENERAL OPERATIONAL

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    55Mc/s. TY7-6000A 30Mc/s TY7-6000W TY7-6000H TY7-6000A Class D 6KW TY7-6000W vhf triode ITL12-1 Forced-air cooled triode K713 6000W 39 6kw CMZ53 2X40 PDF


    Abstract: YD 1150 yd1150 YD1152 40630 B5018 bg75 mullard yd 1150 a 40686
    Text: V .H .F. IN D U STR IA L TR IO D E S YD 1150 YD 1151 YD 1152 QUICK REFERENCE DATA E xternal anode trio d e s of c e ra m ic -m e ta l construction, intended for use a s industrial o sc illa to rs . The YD1150 is fo rc e d -a ir cooled. The YD1151 is w ater-cooled by m eans of a se p a ra te jacket.

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    YD1150 YD1151 YD1152 150-Page K713 YD 1150 40630 B5018 bg75 mullard yd 1150 a 40686 PDF

    5000w amplifier

    Abstract: 5000W AUDIO AMPLIFIER 5000w power amplifier TY6-5000A amplifier 5000w circuit 5000w audio circuit design Power Triode application ITT 2X200 MULLARD ty6 800 high power Triode
    Text: V.H.F. POWER TRIODE H igh power water cooled triode rated for a m axim um anode dissipation of 6 k W . Prim arily intended for use in v.h.f- transmitters. TY6-5000W This data should be read in conjunction w ith G E N E R A L O P E R A T IO N A L R E C O M M E N D A T IO N S - T R A N S M IT T IN G

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    TY6-5000W 30Mc/s TY6-5000A) TY6-5000W) TY6-5000A TY6-5000H 5000w amplifier 5000W AUDIO AMPLIFIER 5000w power amplifier TY6-5000A amplifier 5000w circuit 5000w audio circuit design Power Triode application ITT 2X200 MULLARD ty6 800 high power Triode PDF


    Abstract: TK71 TK71315M H BTT
    Text: K71315M SPECIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.Purpose 2.TOKO Part Number 3.Function 4.Applicat ions 5.Structure 6.Package Outline 7.Absolute Maximum Ratings 8.Electrical Characteristics 9.Test Circuit lOsPin Assignment 11.Block Diagram 12.Definition 13.Package Outline Dimensions/Marking

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    TK71315M TK71315M QH7-B012. DP3-G014. DB3-I020 S0T23-5 TK71 H BTT PDF

    DIL Reed relay RS -349-399

    Abstract: LK NES IEC 292-1 ECG transistor replacement guide book free electrode oven calibration certificate formats dl-1d31 1a. 250v /reed relay rs 349-355 LCD LM 225X Ferroxcube pot core 6656 Semicon volume 1 l/DIL Reed relay RS -349-399 Siemens Optoelectronic Data Book
    Text: Issued November 1987 8420 Data Library Contents list and semiconductor device type index Data library contents Subject Title Number Communications Equipment B.T. telephone connection system Digital compact paging system Escort 2 + 6 telephone switching system

    OCR Scan

    stepping motor EPSON EM - 234

    Abstract: EPSON motor em 402 induction cooker fault finding diagrams ECG transistor replacement guide book free stepping motor EPSON EM 234 stepping motor EPSON em 331 S576B transistor d389 maranyl TMS1601A
    Text: Issued March 1988 8773 Data Library Contents list and semiconductor device type index Data library contents Subject Title Number Communications Equipment B. T. telephone connection system Digital compact paging system Escort 2 + 6 telephone switching system

    OCR Scan
    RS232 RS232C stepping motor EPSON EM - 234 EPSON motor em 402 induction cooker fault finding diagrams ECG transistor replacement guide book free stepping motor EPSON EM 234 stepping motor EPSON em 331 S576B transistor d389 maranyl TMS1601A PDF


    Abstract: W66000 82801 transformer 100 kW
    Text: J 5923 TB W 6/6000 V - - - . RF POWER TRIODE QUICK REFERENCE DATA G eneral p urposes C te le g r . X m F re q . (MHz) 4 (kV) W0 (kW) 6 5 4 6 .9 5 .6 4 Va 75 (kV) W0 (kW) 6 5 1 .9 1.45 Va B m od. !) Ca m od. B te lep h . (kV) W0 (kW) (kV) w0 (kW) 5

    OCR Scan
    W6/6000 TBW6/6000 K713 W66000 82801 transformer 100 kW PDF


    Abstract: 2X40 TBW7/8000
    Text: TBW7/8000 6960 W ATER C O O LED R.F. P O W ER TR IO D E QUICK REFERENCE DATA F re q . MHz 10 30 6 Va (kV) W0 (kW) 6 .5 6 .0 5 .0 9 .5 8 .5 7 .1 50 B m od. *) C o sc. C te le g r. X (m) Va (kV) 6 .0 W0 (kW) Va (kV) W0 (kW) 7 .0 5 .0 4 .0 9 .0 20 ' 7.1 6 .0

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    TBW7/8000 7Z00655 TBW7/8000 K713 2X40 PDF


    Abstract: 2N277 2SA63 2N390A L204A 2N408 TFK 940 OC59 2N374 2n1922
    Text: $1.50 Cat. No. SSH-4 TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTION HANDBOOK by The H ow ard W . Sams Engineering Staff HOWARD W. SAMS & CO., INC. THE BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY, INC. Indianapolis • New York FIRST EDITION FIRST PR IN T IN G — MARCH, 1961 SECOND PR IN T IN G — MARCH, 1961

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    2N34A 2N43A 2N44A 2N59A 2N59B 2N59C 2N60A 2N60B 2N60C 2N61A N1702 2N277 2SA63 2N390A L204A 2N408 TFK 940 OC59 2N374 2n1922 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TBW6/6000 5923 WATER C O O L E D R.F. POWER TRIODE QUICK REFERENCE DATA G e n era l p u rp o se s C te le g r. X m F re q . (MHz) 4 B te le p h . va w0 (kV) (kW) 6 5 4 6 .9 5 .6 4 75 Va (kV) W0 (kW) 6 1 .9 1.45 5 C a m od. B m od. 1) w0 w0 Va (kV) (kW) Va

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    TBW6/6000 K713 PDF


    Abstract: 7Z00 K713 transformer 100 kW 2X40
    Text: T B W 7/8000 6960 J v _ RF P O W E R TRIO DE QUICK REFERENCE DATA C o sc. C te le g r. X m F re q . (MHz) 10 30 6 50 Va (kV) W0 (kW) 6 .5 6 .0 5 .0 9 .5 8 .5 7 .1 Va (kV) 6 .0 B m o d . *) W0 (kW) Va (kV) w0 (kW) 7 .0 5 .0 4 .0 20 9 .0 7 .1

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    TBW7/8000 7Z00655 40634 7Z00 K713 transformer 100 kW 2X40 PDF

    3000w power amplifier Circuit

    Abstract: 3000w amplifier 15005AB QY5-3000A 85712 K713 2X40 20LA20A
    Text: R.F. P O W ER T ET R O D E QY5-3000A High-power forced air-cooled tetrode, rated for a maximum anode dissipation o f 3 kW . Primarily intended for use in V.H .F. television transmitters. P R E L I M IN A R Y DATA This data should be read in conjunction w ith “ O perating Notes Part 1— Power

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    QY5-3000A ei-82 QY5-3000A QY5-3000W 3000w power amplifier Circuit 3000w amplifier 15005AB 85712 K713 2X40 20LA20A PDF