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    Hardware, Locknut, A9116 | Turck WMFK O-RING/LOCKNUT KIT (10/BAG)
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    RS WMFK O-RING/LOCKNUT KIT (10/BAG) (ALTERNATE: A9116) Package 5 Weeks 1
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    IC LA1260

    Abstract: 30194 mitsumi LA1260 Mitsumi YT30194 mitsumi YT-30224 coil Mitsumi 10.7MHZ COIL YT-30194 KW-30011 LA1185 yt-30224
    Text: Ordering number : EN1506D Monolithic Linear IC LA1260 FM/AM Tuner System for Radio-Casette Recorders, Music Centers Functions Package Dimensions FM : IF amplifier, quadrature detector, AF preamplifier, unit : mm tuning indicator drive output. 3006B-DIP16 AM : RF amplifier, MIX, OSC with ALC , IF amplifier,

    EN1506D LA1260 3006B-DIP16 LA1260] 130mV 24MHz) DIP16 100dB/m. IC LA1260 30194 mitsumi LA1260 Mitsumi YT30194 mitsumi YT-30224 coil Mitsumi 10.7MHZ COIL YT-30194 KW-30011 LA1185 yt-30224 PDF


    Abstract: sanyo la1230 if fm amplifier CBTKAE-24783X 1216V FM stereo radio circuit la1140 sanyo la1230 LA1143 LA3373 korin CBTKAC-24782AUO
    Text: Ordering number : EN1140D Monolithic Linear IC LA1143 FM IF System for Car Radios Overview Package Dimensions The LA1143 is an IF system IC designed for FM car stereo receivers. It features versatile muting characteristics and allows receiver designers to realize the muting

    EN1140D LA1143 LA1143 3006B-DIP16 LA1143] DIP16 LA1230 sanyo la1230 if fm amplifier CBTKAE-24783X 1216V FM stereo radio circuit la1140 sanyo la1230 LA3373 korin CBTKAC-24782AUO PDF


    Abstract: l0422 IA2410 C22A c2f sot AS120252-9R3N IA4910 C2F SOT23 PD85006L-E PD85035S-E
    Text: STEVAL-TDR011V1 2-stage RF power amplifier with LPF based on the PD85006L-E and STAP85050 RF power transistors Features • Excellent thermal stability ■ Frequency: 400 - 470 MHz ■ Supply voltage: 13.6 V ■ Output power: 50 W ■ Current: < 10 A ■ Input power: 20 dBm

    STEVAL-TDR011V1 PD85006L-E STAP85050 STEVAL-TDR011V1 AS080447-33N l0422 IA2410 C22A c2f sot AS120252-9R3N IA4910 C2F SOT23 PD85035S-E PDF

    PLCC IC le 9148

    Abstract: 9152 sot-89 C3622 SFG450 60F10 la1832 and tuner pack N4040 FM TV Stereo Radio Receiver ICs transistor fp 1016 fm 1016
    Text: MC13029A Advance Information Advanced Medium Voltage IF and C-QUAM AM Stereo Decoder with FM Amplifier and AM/FM Internal Switch C–QUAM AM STEREO ADVANCED MEDIUM VOLTAGE IF AND DECODER FOR E.T.R. RADIOS The MC13029A is a third generation C–QUAM stereo decoder targeted

    MC13029A PLCC IC le 9148 9152 sot-89 C3622 SFG450 60F10 la1832 and tuner pack N4040 FM TV Stereo Radio Receiver ICs transistor fp 1016 fm 1016 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPM0510SJ •Input-output condition Item Specification Input voltage range DC110~450V Rated input voltage DC140V, DC340V Rated output voltage 5V Rated load current 1A ■Electrical specification Ta=25℃ Item Specification Conditions・Note Efficiency

    EPM0510SJ DC110ï DC140V, DC340V DC110Vï 100mV 60mVp-p 100mVp-p AC85Vï AC276V PDF


    Abstract: ATC100B1R5CW
    Text: STEVAL-TDR030V1 RF power amplifier based on the LET9060S for 2-way radio and general wireless services Data brief Features • Excellent thermal stability ■ Frequency: 760-870 MHz ■ Supply voltage: 32 V ■ Output power: 100 W ■ Gain: 14 dB min ■ Efficiency: 45% min



    Abstract: BL-70 MG46A Motorola C-QuAM LA1832 equivalent MC13028AD LA1832 MC13028AP MC145151 MC145151DW2
    Text: Order this document by MC13028A/D MC13028A Advanced Wide Voltage IF and C-QUAM AM Stereo Decoder The MC13028A is a third generation C–QUAM stereo decoder targeted for use in low voltage, low cost AM/FM E.T.R. radio applications. Advanced features include a signal quality detector that analyzes signal strength,

    MC13028A/D MC13028A MC13028A MC13028A/D* LA1832M BL-70 MG46A Motorola C-QuAM LA1832 equivalent MC13028AD LA1832 MC13028AP MC145151 MC145151DW2 PDF

    stereo to 2.1 converter circuit diagram

    Abstract: schematic diagram of ic type tone control mono LA1832M dfig generator cda10.7mg46-a envelope detector am 50hz 100HZ MC13028A MC13028AD MC13028AP
    Text: Order this document by MC13028ND MOTOROLA @ MC13028A Advance Information Advanced Wide Voltage IF and C-QUAM@ A.M. Stereo Decoder The MC1 3028A is a third generation C–QUAM stereo decoder targeted for use in low voltage, low cost AM/FM E.T.R. radio applications. Advanced

    MC13028ND MC13028A MK145BP, 1pHx3380wUSA stereo to 2.1 converter circuit diagram schematic diagram of ic type tone control mono LA1832M dfig generator cda10.7mg46-a envelope detector am 50hz 100HZ MC13028A MC13028AD MC13028AP PDF


    Abstract: 2SK41 Equivalent bl-13 korin giken LA1235 LA3401 CSB456F 11typ Murata KBR-457HS LA1260 2SK41 CSB456F
    Text: Ordering number : EN1868D Monolithic Linear IC LA3401 VCO Non-Adjusting PLL FM MPX Stereo Demodulator with FM Accessories Overview The LA3401 is a multifunctional MPX demodulator IC designed for FM stereo electronic tuning. It features the VCO non-adjusting function that eliminates the need to adjust free-running frequency of VCO and the accessory functions such

    EN1868D LA3401 LA3401 10kHz) csb456f11 2SK41 Equivalent bl-13 korin giken LA1235 CSB456F 11typ Murata KBR-457HS LA1260 2SK41 CSB456F PDF


    Abstract: korin soc117
    Text: KEMET T E C H T O P I C S … T H E L E A D I N G E D G E V OL . 4, N O . 7 y P UBLISHED BY KEMET E LECTRONICS C ORP . y P. O. B OX 5928 y G REENVILLE , SC 29606 y 864 963-6300 y N OVEMBER 1994 At ppm-ppb base performance for capacitors, it is difficult for the



    Abstract: AS030721-39N J657 korin 3214W-1-103E DB-84006L-175 EXCELDRC35C PD84006L-E transistor l54 J387
    Text: DB-84006L-175 Evaluation board using PD84006L-E for VHF 2-way radio Features • Excellent thermal stability ■ Frequency: 135 - 175 MHz ■ Supply voltage: 7.2 V ■ Output power: 5 W ■ Power gain: 14.0 ± 0.8 dB ■ Efficiency: 59 % - 68 % ■ Load mismatch: 10:1 all phases

    DB-84006L-175 PD84006L-E DB-84006L-175 PD84006L-E J449 AS030721-39N J657 korin 3214W-1-103E EXCELDRC35C transistor l54 J387 PDF

    murata sfe10.7ma

    Abstract: KO387 2SK212E BFU450c la1265 B.P.F sny sfz450 BFU450CN sfz450b mitsumi variable coil 455KHz
    Text: Ordering number : EN1820D LA1265 Monolithic Linear IC FM/AM Tuner of Electronic Tuning Type Features • Minimum number of external parts required. • Excellent S/N. • Local OSC with ALC. • Local OSC buffer. • Tuning indicator pin common with narrow-band stop signal and muting drive output .

    EN1820D LA1265 murata sfe10.7ma KO387 2SK212E BFU450c la1265 B.P.F sny sfz450 BFU450CN sfz450b mitsumi variable coil 455KHz PDF

    JIS B 7512

    Abstract: 2SC536 C1513 2sc930 LA1135 BL-70 BFU450CN YT-30202 LA-1500 sfp450h
    Text: 注文コード No. N 1 2 7 2 G 半導体ニューズNo.N1272Fをさしかえてください。 LA1135 LA1135M モノリシックリニア集積回路 カーラジオホームステレオ用 AM チューナシステム 概要 LA1135,1135MはAM電子同調チューナ用に開発された高性能ICで、混変調特性を大幅に改善している。

    N1272F LA1135 LA1135M LA1135 1135MAMIC 380mVrms) 130dBfm 400Hz 25dBm 2SK315 JIS B 7512 2SC536 C1513 2sc930 BL-70 BFU450CN YT-30202 LA-1500 sfp450h PDF


    Abstract: AS080447-33N IA2410 AS120252-9R3N PD85006L-E SOT323-5 C1P SOT23 GRM42-6 COG c6p SOT23 PD85035s-e
    Text: STEVAL-TDR011V1 2-stage RF power amplifier with LPF based on the PD85006L-E and STAP85050 RF power transistors Data brief Features • Excellent thermal stability ■ Frequency: 400 - 470 MHz ■ Supply voltage: 13.6 V ■ Output power: 50 W ■ Current: < 10 A

    STEVAL-TDR011V1 PD85006L-E STAP85050 STEVAL-TDR011V1 MA4P7436-1141T AS080447-33N IA2410 AS120252-9R3N SOT323-5 C1P SOT23 GRM42-6 COG c6p SOT23 PD85035s-e PDF

    korin pj5h

    Abstract: LF-4Z-E363H
    Text: EPM1510SJ •Input-output condition Item Specification Input voltage range DC110~450V Rated input voltage DC140V, DC340V Rated output voltage 15V Rated load current 1A ■Electrical specification Ta=25℃ Item Specification Conditions・Note Efficiency

    EPM1510SJ DC110ï DC140V, DC340V 100mV DC110Vï 250mV 150mVp-p 200mVp-p AC85Vï korin pj5h LF-4Z-E363H PDF

    B.P.F sny

    Abstract: LA1265 mitsumi tuner fm if 10.7Mhz 2SK212e sfe10.7ma Korin LA300 bl70 sumida ift coil sfz450 sanyo LA1265
    Text: Ordering number : EN1820D LA1265 Monolithic Linear IC FM/AM Tuner of Electronic Tuning Type Features • Minimum number of external parts required. • Excellent S/N. • Local OSC with ALC. • Local OSC buffer. • Tuning indicator pin common with narrow-band stop signal and muting drive output .

    EN1820D LA1265 B.P.F sny LA1265 mitsumi tuner fm if 10.7Mhz 2SK212e sfe10.7ma Korin LA300 bl70 sumida ift coil sfz450 sanyo LA1265 PDF


    Abstract: LA1185 la1260 mitsumi coils sanyo fm front end YT-30105 YT-3019 la12so mitsumi fm KW-30011
    Text: Ordering number: EN 1 506D Monolithic Linearle i LA1260 N0.15Ö6D r SANYO i FM/AM T u n e r S y s t e m for Ra d i o -Ca s s e t t e Re c o r d e r s , M u s i c C e n t e r s Functions FM: IF amp., quadrature detector, AF preamp., tuning indicator drive output

    OCR Scan
    LA1260 130mV 24MHz) 100dB/m fr108 LA1185 la1260 mitsumi coils sanyo fm front end YT-30105 YT-3019 la12so mitsumi fm KW-30011 PDF


    Abstract: AN7410 10J capacitor STEREO FM MODULATOR 47LF capacitor 4.7J capacitor 470p FM Stereo FM PLL MODULATOR AN74-1
    Text: A N 7410N AN7410N FM Stereo Multiplex Demodulator • D e s c rip tio n T he A N 7410N is a m onolithic integrated circuit designed for low voltage operatin g F M m u ltip lex dem odulator. It has im proved perform ance o v er the A N 7410 at low voltage low er distortion, L E D m is-tuning protection, low er pow er

    OCR Scan
    AN7410N AN7410N 470pF 10ki2 i32flS2 AN7410 10J capacitor STEREO FM MODULATOR 47LF capacitor 4.7J capacitor 470p FM Stereo FM PLL MODULATOR AN74-1 PDF


    Abstract: AN7410N AN-741 J100
    Text: AN7410N AN7410N FM Stereo Multiplex Demodulator • Description The AN7410N is a monolithic integrated circuit designed for low voltage operating FM multiplex demodulator. It has improved performance over the AN7410 at low voltage lower distortion, LED mis-tuning protection, lower power

    OCR Scan
    AN7410N AN7410N AN7410 16-Lead 16-DIP) 001403b 470pFÂ AN-741 J100 PDF


    Abstract: TSD300 hilti te 24 hilti te 92 PLIJA TVLU jdda GL-106 TD1111 A7J SOT 23
    Text: a - .u - .b ir i % i m ISD-300A1 CYPRESS ISD-300A1 High Speed USB to ATA ASIC Cypress Sem iconductor Corporation • 3901 N oth First St-eet * S a r Jo s e ■ CA 95'34 ■ 406-943-2600 O ct 10, 2CD-1 w / rvPR FSs— ispjODAi Table of Contents t a b u : o r o o r s r r r s r s . i

    OCR Scan
    ISD-300A1 Oct-10, NEL NLK TSD300 hilti te 24 hilti te 92 PLIJA TVLU jdda GL-106 TD1111 A7J SOT 23 PDF

    CHN T4 1060

    Abstract: LM7000 LM7001 transistor CHN 137 1137N CHN 044 VW LA1137 YD-9494-1 sfp450h shortwave antenna design
    Text: I Ordering number: ENÎ35Q7 Monolithic Linear IO LA1136N, 1136NM, 1137N, 1137NM AM Tuners OVERVIEW FEATURES The LA1136N/NM and LA1137N/NM are special-pur.pose, electronically aligned AM tuner ICs for automo­ tive and consumer stereo receivers. For tuning, they

    OCR Scan
    LA1136N, 1136NM, 1137N, 1137NM LA1136N/NM LA1137N/NM LA1136N LA1I37N/NM CHN T4 1060 LM7000 LM7001 transistor CHN 137 1137N CHN 044 VW LA1137 YD-9494-1 sfp450h shortwave antenna design PDF

    LA1832 equivalent

    Abstract: 19 khz fm stereo decoder circuit Sanyo ic Motorola ic radio av receiver schematic diagram 1n4148 motorola
    Text: Order this docum ent by MC13028A/D M M O TO R O LA MC13028A Advance Information Advanced Wide Voltage IF and C-QUAM A.M. Stereo Decoder The MC13028A is a third generation C -Q U A M stereo decoder targeted for use in low voltage, low cost AM/FM E.T.R. radio applications. Advanced

    OCR Scan
    MC13028A/D MC13028A MC13028A 1PHX33809-- LA1832 equivalent 19 khz fm stereo decoder circuit Sanyo ic Motorola ic radio av receiver schematic diagram 1n4148 motorola PDF


    Abstract: LAI265 Mitsumi variable capacitor mitsumi variable capacitor PVC k03-87 LA1265 xt 12 mhz hlx sumida QUADRATURE coil mitsumi tuner EO II 5 GE SVC321
    Text: Ordering number:EN 1820C Monolithic Linear IC No. 1820C SAWO L A 1 2 6 5 I i FM/AM T u n e r of El e c t r o n i c Tu n i n g Type Functions FM: IF amp, quadrature detector, AF preamp, signal meter, tuning indicator drive output common with stop signal, muting drive output

    OCR Scan
    1820C LA1265 K0387 LAI265 Mitsumi variable capacitor mitsumi variable capacitor PVC k03-87 LA1265 xt 12 mhz hlx sumida QUADRATURE coil mitsumi tuner EO II 5 GE SVC321 PDF


    Abstract: LA3370 LAII40 la1140 power ic of lg car stereo quadrature detector i8085
    Text: Ordering number: EN 729E I SAfÊYO i M onolithic Linear IC No 729E FM IF S y s t e m fo r Car Us e The LA 1140 is an IF system IC designed for FM car stereo receivers. It features versatile muting characteristics and allows receiver designers to realize the

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