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    LSI Corporation L64760NC-30

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    Bristol Electronics L64760NC-30 25
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    L64760 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LSI LOGIC L64760 Interframe Processor Description The L64760 performs many of the functions required for the interframe prediction of the CCITT Consultative Committee on International Telephones and Telegraphs video compression standard. The current frame data and the motion compensated

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    L64760 100-Pin MIL-STD-883C PFI0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O EC i 9 LSI LOGIC 1990 L64760 Inter-Frame Processor Prelim inary The device also generates strobes for the vari­ able length coder L64750 and the quantizer (L64740). In addition, the quantization stepsize from the channel data buffer is latched by the

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    L64760 L64750) L64740) L64760 MIL-STD-883C 100-Pin LM7603 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W Ît S 3 LSI LOGIC 159! L64750/51 CCITT Variable Length Coder/Decoder Description The L64750 and L64751 perform the run length and variable length coding and decoding func­ tions of the CCITT Consultative Committee for International Telephones and Telegraphs

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    L64750/51 L64750 L64751 L64740 L64760 PDF

    845 bios chip

    Abstract: bdv 83 d L-803
    Text: s 3 LSI LOGIC m L64750/51 C C m Variable Length Coder/Decoder Description The L64750 and L64751 pe rfo rm th e run length and va ria b le le ng th coding and de cod ing fu n c ­ tio n s of the CCITT C o nsu ltative C om m ittee fo r In te rn a tio n a l T elephones and Telegraphs

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    L64750/51 L64750 L64751 L64740 L64760 24-bit 845 bios chip bdv 83 d L-803 PDF

    bdv 83 d

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LSI LOGIC L64750/51 CCITT Variable Length Coder/Decoder D escription The L64750 and L64751 p erfo rm th e ru n -le n g th and v a ria b le le n g th co din g and d e co d in g fu n c ­ tio n s o f th e CCITT C on su lta tive C om m ittee on In te rn a tio n a l Te lep h o ne s and Telegraphs , H.261

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    L64750/51 L64750 L64751 L64740 L64760 24-bit 68-Pin 80-Pin bdv 83 d PDF

    zr 78 L 03 video images

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LSI LOGIC L64750/51 CCITT Variable Length Coder/Decoder Description The L64750 and L64751 perform the run-length and variable length coding and decoding func­ tions of the CCITT Consultative Committee on International Telephones and Telegraphs , H.261 video compression standard, respectively.

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    L64750/51 L64750 L64751 L64740 L64760 24-bit 68-Pin zr 78 L 03 video images PDF