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    LA5010 Search Results

    LA5010 Datasheets (9)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    LA5010 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    LA5010 Sanyo Semiconductor Low Saturation Voltage Regulator Scan PDF
    LA5010 Sanyo Semiconductor Sanyo Datasheets, Cross References and Circuit Examples Scan PDF
    LA5010M Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    LA5010M Unknown The Power Supply IC Data Book 1993 Scan PDF
    LA5010M Sanyo Semiconductor Low Saturation Voltage Regulator Scan PDF
    LA5010M Sanyo Semiconductor 10 V low-saturation voltage regulator Scan PDF
    LA5010M Sanyo Semiconductor Sanyo Datasheets, Cross References and Circuit Examples Scan PDF
    LA5010M-E Sanyo Semiconductor IC REG LIN FIX POS 10V 0.06A 8SOP Scan PDF

    LA5010 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LA5010 Linear ICs Fixed Positive Voltage Regulator status Military/High-RelN Output Voltage Nominal V 10 Load Current Max. (A)20m Tolerance (%) Drop-Out Volt Max.0.2Â P(D) Max. (W)560m Supply Voltage Maximum (V)11 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)-20 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)85

    LA5010 Code4-14 NumberLN00400014 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LA5010M Linear ICs Fixed Positive Voltage Regulator status Military/High-RelN Output Voltage Nominal V 10 Load Current Max. (A)20m Tolerance (%) Drop-Out Volt Max.0.2Â P(D) Max. (W)300m Supply Voltage Maximum (V)11 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)-20 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)85

    LA5010M Code8-357 NumberLN00800357 PDF


    Abstract: LA5010M LA5003M LA5000M LA5002M LA5006M LA5009M
    Text: 注文コード No.N 1 4 1 5 E 半導体ニューズNo.N1415Dをさしかえてください。 モノリシックリニア集積回路 LA5000Mシリーズ 低飽和定電圧電源回路 概要 0.2V 安定化

    N1415D LA5000M LA5002M 5003M 5004M 5005M 5006M 5008M 5009M 5010M LA5010M LA5003M LA5000M LA5006M LA5009M PDF


    Abstract: LA5000M LA5002M LA5006M 8119Y LA5003M LA5010M la5009m
    Text: Ordering number : EN1415E Monolithic Linear IC 2 to 10V 60mA LA5000M Series Low Saturation Voltage Regulators Overview The LA5002M, 5003M, 5004M, 5005M, 5006M, 5008M, 5009M, 5010M are voltage regulators having a small input-output voltage drop 0.2V typ . They are especially suited for use in battery-powered low voltage equipment and

    EN1415E LA5000M LA5002M, 5003M, 5004M, 5005M, 5006M, 5008M, 5009M, 5010M 5009m LA5002M LA5006M 8119Y LA5003M LA5010M la5009m PDF


    Abstract: LA5772 LA5664 LV51116LF 5A 28v regulator LV51111 LA5744MP voltage regulator 12v 2a LDO regulator 51A LA5779N
    Text: Power Supply ICs, LED Driver ICs 2008-6 For both analog and digital systems, SANYO multifunction regulator IC products, support our customers' creation of the new wave of next generation in electronic products by providing extensive functionality and high reliability for all electronic devices.

    VCT16 EP91G LA5617 LA5772 LA5664 LV51116LF 5A 28v regulator LV51111 LA5744MP voltage regulator 12v 2a LDO regulator 51A LA5779N PDF


    Abstract: lb1639 LB11911 la4289n LB8070 lb8060 LA78040A sanyo la7673 la4289 la4603
    Text: Ordering number : E I 0 0 9 1A Announcement Regarding the Discontinuation of BIP IC Products due to discontinuation of 4-inch wafer ICs Thank you for using SANYO semiconductor products. Please note, as captioned above, we will terminate the production of ICs on 4-inch wafers at the Gunma Plant of

    eLB11966M LB1410 LB1693 LB1967M LB11966M LB1411 LB1694N LB1975 LB1969M la7673 lb1639 LB11911 la4289n LB8070 lb8060 LA78040A sanyo la7673 la4289 la4603 PDF


    Abstract: LA5100 la7550 LA-30-50 LA-5-100 LA-50-100 LA50 LA1050 LA-50-50 LA-30-100
    Text: DC Ammeter Shunts STD Accuracy ± 0.25% TYPE LA: 5 through 150 Amperes TYPE LA: 50 mV Catalog Number LA-5-50 LA-10-50 LA-15-50 LA-20-50 LA-30-50 LA-50-50 LA-75-50 LA-80-50 LA-85-50 LA-100-50 LA-150-50 AMP 5 10 15 20 30 50 75 80 85 100 150 TYPE LA: 100 mV Catalog

    LA-5-50 LA-10-50 LA-15-50 LA-20-50 LA-30-50 LA-50-50 LA-75-50 LA-80-50 LA-85-50 LA-100-50 la8550 LA5100 la7550 LA-5-100 LA-50-100 LA50 LA1050 LA-30-100 PDF


    Abstract: 3032B LA5601 LA5009M
    Text: Continuée from previous page Package Device Type Number of Drawing pins and number configuration Description Feature* : • LA5005M MFP 8 3032B 5 V low-saturation voltage regulator Miniflat package version o1 the LA5005 LA5006M MFP 8 3032B 6 V low-saturation voltage regulator

    OCR Scan
    LA5005M LA5006M 3032B 3032B LA5005 STK733C STK740B' STK740C STK743B STK772B STK772B LA5601 LA5009M PDF

    IC LA 5003

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 7b - D È I 71170711 DDOl â L E n n n C C D IC C LAc5000 SERIES ? T _ * ._ _ • .T;SX - / / _ / 3 I mnnnll+-hin m o n o l i t h i c linoan l i n e a r IP 1C CIRCUIT DR RA AW

    OCR Scan
    LA5009 LA5010 3032B 5006M 5008M 5009M 5010M IC LA 5003 PDF


    Abstract: TDDY-5250 D350PK DL-3900 TDDO-5250 DL3400 LITRONIX dl TDDG5250 TDDR5250 TDDG 5250
    Text: Cross Reference Guide for I q .t .c ./ h .p ./ t e l e f u n k e n / s ie m e n s / t o s h ib a / m a t s u s h it a / r o h m In order to designate the similarity between the other manufacturers’ device and the nearest L.ITON equivalent. This guide has been included a letter code system to cover this.

    OCR Scan
    LA-301YK LA-301MK LA-401VF LA-401VP LA-4010F LA-4010P LA-401YF LA-401YP LA-401MF LA-401MP D350PA TDDY-5250 D350PK DL-3900 TDDO-5250 DL3400 LITRONIX dl TDDG5250 TDDR5250 TDDG 5250 PDF


    Abstract: CLA5004 LA5000 LA5002 LA5003 LA5004 LA5005 LA5006 LA5008 LA5009
    Text: I SANYO S E M I C O N D U C T O R CORP 12E D I 7 IT?Q7t, □.□D351fl 2 T sS-1/13 LA 5000 S e r ie s 3027A M o n o lit h ic L in e a r 1C • L o w - Saturati o n \ r 1 - ■ voi t ag e . r e g u l a t o r The LA5002, 5003» 5004, 5005, 5006, 5008, 5009, 5010 are voltage regulators

    OCR Scan
    LA5000 LA5002, LA50I0] LA50I03 LA5000 0D03523 3027a CLA5004 LA5002 LA5003 LA5004 LA5005 LA5006 LA5008 LA5009 PDF


    Abstract: HDSP-3533 D350PK tddr 5250 HDSP-5533 TDDG 5250 TLR-313 TDDY5250 TDDR-5250 TDDR5250
    Text: Cross Reference Guide Q.T. Quality Technology Equivalent LED Numeric Display QT Part No. Digit Size Color LITON Part No. Code QT Part No. Digit Size Color LITON Part No. Code MAN-71A 0.3" 1D Red LTS-312AR A MAN-4480A 0.4" 1D Green LT S -4 5 8 0 A G A MAN-72A

    OCR Scan
    MAN-71A LTS-312AR MAN-72A MAN-73A LTS-316AR MAN-74A LTS-315AR MAN-78A LTS-313AR D350PA HDSP-3533 D350PK tddr 5250 HDSP-5533 TDDG 5250 TLR-313 TDDY5250 TDDR-5250 TDDR5250 PDF


    Abstract: 5003M be5e 1415c 8119Y 5003H LA5000M LA5002M LA5006M I01JT
    Text: F No.l415C L A 5 0 0 0 M Series Monolithic Linear IC 2 to 10V 60mA Low Saturation Voltage Regulators The LA5002M, 5003M, 5004M, 5005M, 5006M, 5008M, 5009M, 5010M are voltage regula­ tors having a small input-output voltage drop 0,2V typ. . They are especially

    OCR Scan
    1415C LA5000M LA5002M, 5003M, 5004M, 5005M, 5006M, 5008M, 5009M, 5010M 5009m 5003M be5e 1415c 8119Y 5003H LA5002M LA5006M I01JT PDF


    Abstract: LA5009M 1415c 5009m 3032B-M8IC
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 1EE D | 7C5C17Q7fei 0003554 LA5000M Series s.T 3032B -i • 'rJ- —V V. ■ M o n o lith ic Linear 1C L o w -S a tu ra tio n - V o lta g e < 1415C R e g u la to r The LA5002M, 5003M, 5004M, 5005M, 5006M, 5008M, 50Q9M, 5010M are voltage regula­

    OCR Scan
    LA5000M 1415c LA5002M, 5003M, 5004M, 5005M, 5006M, 5008M, 50Q9M, 5010M LA5005H LA5009M 5009m 3032B-M8IC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 12E D I 7T1-7D7t 0003524 iT^Sg-i /-/> LA5000M Series M o n o lith ic Linear IC 3032B Low-Saturation Voltage Regulator 1415C The LA5002H, 5003M, 5004M, 5005M, 5006M, 5008M, 50Q9M, 5010M are voltage regula­ tors having a small lnput-output voltage drop 0.2V typ. . They are especially

    OCR Scan
    LA5000M 3032B 1415C LA5002H, 5003M, 5004M, 5005M, 5006M, 5008M, 50Q9M, LA5010M PDF