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    LM381N Datasheets (7)

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    LM381N National Semiconductor LM381/LM381A Low Noise Dual Preamplifier Original PDF
    LM381N Unknown IC Datasheets - Shortform Scan PDF
    LM381N Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    LM381N Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    LM381N Signetics Integrated Circuits Catalogue 1978/79 Scan PDF
    LM381N Signetics Analogue IC Data Manual 1977 Scan PDF
    LM381NA Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LM381N Linear ICs Dual-Channel Audio Preamp/Input Amplifier status Outp Pwr Min. @R load (Ohms) Upper 3dB Frequency (Hz)75k AV (dB) Min.104 Input Resistance Min. (Ohms)100k THD Max. (%)100m Quies. Pwr (W)140m Nom. Supp (V)14 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)0

    LM381N Code14-741 Pins14 NumberLN01400741 PDF

    preamp circuit using lm381

    Abstract: National AN-64 lm381 LM381 LM381AN LM381N SNVS760A Low Noise Dual Preamplifier nab tape preamp phono preamplifier circuit diagram AN64
    Text: LM381,LM381A LM381 LM381A Low Noise Dual Preamplifier Literature Number: SNVS760A LM381 LM381A Low Noise Dual Preamplifier General Description Features The LM381 LM381A is a dual preamplifier for the amplification of low level signals in applications requiring optimum

    LM381 LM381A LM381A SNVS760A preamp circuit using lm381 National AN-64 lm381 LM381AN LM381N SNVS760A Low Noise Dual Preamplifier nab tape preamp phono preamplifier circuit diagram AN64 PDF


    Abstract: tlo72cp TOSHIBA 2N3055 M53207P 2N3055 TOSHIBA KIA7313AP kia7640ap LA5530 M5L8155P TBB1458B
    Text: ACTIVE ELECTRONICS COMPONENTS CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE 2SC429GTM 2SC458 2SC458LG 2SC503 2SC504 2SC510 2SC512 2SC519 2SC520A 2SC594 2SC699A 2SC780 2SC809-1 2SC945 2SC3012 2SC3074 2SC3114 2SC3115 2SC3116 2SC3117 2SC3134 2SC3135 2SC3138 2SC3143 2SC3144 2SC3145 2SC3157

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    Abstract: k4005 U664B mosfet k4005 MB8719 transistor mosfet k4004 SN16880N stk5392 STR451 BC417
    Text: 1 BHIAB Electronics Du som söker besvärliga IC & transistorer, börja Ditt sökande hos oss – vi har fler typer på lager än man rimlingen kan begära av ett företag Denna utgåva visar lagerartiklar men tyvärr saknas priser och viss information Men uppdatering sker kontinuerligt

    MK135 MK136 MK137 MK138 MK139 MK140 Mk142 MK145 MK155 157kr k2645 k4005 U664B mosfet k4005 MB8719 transistor mosfet k4004 SN16880N stk5392 STR451 BC417 PDF


    Abstract: JRC386D X0238CE UA78GKC M51725L MJ13005 AN6677 HA11749 MN8303 sn76131n
    Text: TCG/NTE/ECG To JEDEC and Japanese ECG/TCG/NTE ECG10 ECG11 ECG12 ECG13 ECG14 ECG15 ECG16 ECG17 ECG18 ECG19 ECG20 ECG21 ECG22 ECG23 ECG24 ECG25 ECG26 ECG27 ECG28 ECG29 ECG30 ECG31 ECG32 ECG33 ECG34 ECG35 ECG36 ECG37 ECG38 ECG39 ECG40 ECG41 ECG42 ECG43 ECG44

    ECG10 ECG11 ECG12 ECG13 ECG14 ECG15 ECG16 ECG17 ECG18 ECG19 LM1011N JRC386D X0238CE UA78GKC M51725L MJ13005 AN6677 HA11749 MN8303 sn76131n PDF


    Abstract: SN76131N LM1011N ne545b HA1457W X0238CE upc1018c UA78GKC MJ13005 MN8303
    Text: ECG/TCG/NTE ECG10 ECG11 ECG12 ECG13 ECG14 ECG15 ECG16 ECG17 ECG18 ECG19 ECG20 ECG21 ECG22 ECG23 ECG24 ECG25 ECG26 ECG27 ECG28 ECG29 ECG30 ECG31 ECG32 ECG33 ECG34 ECG35 ECG36 ECG37 ECG38 ECG39 ECG40 ECG41 ECG42 ECG43 ECG44 ECG45 ECG46 ECG47 ECG48 ECG49 ECG50

    ECG10 ECG11 ECG12 ECG13 ECG14 ECG15 ECG16 ECG17 ECG18 ECG19 jrc386d SN76131N LM1011N ne545b HA1457W X0238CE upc1018c UA78GKC MJ13005 MN8303 PDF


    Abstract: LM3171 LM1011N MJ13005 UA78GKC upc1018c x0137ce PLL02A MN8303 HA1457w
    Text: ECG To JEDEC and Japanese part numbers ECG/TCG/NTE ECG10 ECG11 ECG12 ECG13 ECG14 ECG15 ECG16 ECG17 ECG18 ECG19 ECG20 ECG21 ECG22 ECG23 ECG24 ECG25 ECG26 ECG27 ECG28 ECG29 ECG30 ECG31 ECG32 ECG33 ECG34 ECG35 ECG36 ECG37 2SA1265N ECG38 ECG39 ECG40 ECG41 ECG42

    ECG10 ECG11 ECG12 ECG13 ECG14 ECG15 ECG16 ECG17 ECG18 ECG19 jrc386d LM3171 LM1011N MJ13005 UA78GKC upc1018c x0137ce PLL02A MN8303 HA1457w PDF

    phono preamplifier circuit diagram

    Abstract: OF LM381 LM381N National AN-64 phono preamp national nab tape preamp Low Noise Dual Preamplifier LM381 LM381AN phono preamp
    Text: LM381 LM381A Low Noise Dual Preamplifier General Description Features The LM381 LM381A is a dual preamplifier for the amplification of low level signals in applications requiring optimum noise performance Each of the two amplifiers is completely independent with individual internal power supply decoupler-regulator providing 120 dB supply rejection and 60 dB

    LM381 LM381A LM381 phono preamplifier circuit diagram OF LM381 LM381N National AN-64 phono preamp national nab tape preamp Low Noise Dual Preamplifier LM381AN phono preamp PDF


    Abstract: 74ls154n SN72710N uln 2008 SN75450BN 1826-0138 SN74ALS00N MC889P SN72710L 9374PC
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CROSS REFERENCE 9 Integrated Circuits Replacement Part Cross Reference When selecting replacement parts for your HP products, you may notice that many manuals list only an HP part number for the part, even though it appears that this part is manufactured by one of the large semiconductor manufacturers. Service personnel often ask why only HP part numbers are

    UPD444CUPD5101L UPD8228D UPD8243C UPD8251D UPD8253D UPD8255 UT-309 VFC32KP WD8250A XC79L05C CA314DE 74ls154n SN72710N uln 2008 SN75450BN 1826-0138 SN74ALS00N MC889P SN72710L 9374PC PDF

    c5088 transistor

    Abstract: transistor C3207 TLO84CN sec c5088 IN5355B D2817A C3207 transistor toshiba f630 TLO81CP MC74HC533N
    Text: Transistor - Diode Cross Reference - H.P. Part Numbers to JEDEC Numbers Part Num. 1820-0225 1820-0240 1820-0352 1820-1804 1821-0001 1821-0002 1821-0006 1850-0062 1850-0064 1850-0075 1850-0076 1850-0093 1850-0099 1850-0126 1850-0137 1850-0150 1850-0151 1850-0154

    1853IMPATT c5088 transistor transistor C3207 TLO84CN sec c5088 IN5355B D2817A C3207 transistor toshiba f630 TLO81CP MC74HC533N PDF

    nab tape preamp

    Abstract: 7841 LM381N phono preamplifier circuit diagram phono pre-amp LM381 National AN-64 lm381 phono preamp national National AN-64 AN64
    Text: LM381 LM381A Low Noise Dual Preamplifier General Description Features The LM381 LM381A is a dual preamplifier for the amplification of low level signals in applications requiring optimum noise performance Each of the two amplifiers is completely independent with individual internal power supply decoupler-regulator providing 120 dB supply rejection and 60 dB

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    Abstract: MC1303L LM566 "direct replacement" transistor BD 540 LYS MFC6030 LM566 equivalent LM3039 SN72558P LM370 SN72741P
    Text: Edge Index by Product Family Here is the new Linear Data Handbook from National. It gives complete specifications for devices useful in building nearly all types of electronic systems, from communica­ tions and consumer-oriented circuits to precision instrumentation and computer designs.

    OCR Scan
    92260-Fontenay-Aux-Roses 25956F HX3866 LM373 MC1303L LM566 "direct replacement" transistor BD 540 LYS MFC6030 LM566 equivalent LM3039 SN72558P LM370 SN72741P PDF


    Abstract: XC6875 MC1741L C4558C SG425 mc7724c NE533V General Instrument data book 741p SN75107
    Text: Master Index and Cross Reference Guide M IL-M -38510 Program and Chip Information Operational Amplifiers Voltage Regulators Interface Circuits Voltage Comparators Consumer Circuits Other Linear Circuits Package Information and Mounting Hardware Application Notes

    OCR Scan
    110-E77-20. MIC710 XC6875 MC1741L C4558C SG425 mc7724c NE533V General Instrument data book 741p SN75107 PDF


    Abstract: AM9711CN LM378 equivalent SVI 3102 b LM1850 National Semiconductor LM2706 320l 78l05 lm1900 SVI 3105 B mc1458cp1 sgs
    Text: Edge Index by Function 2 l e i . Voltage Regulators Voltage References Operational Amplifiers/Buffers Instrumentation Amplifiers Voltage Comparators Analog Switches Sample and Hold A to D, D to A 8 Industrial/Automotive/Functional Blocks 9 Audio, Radio and TV Circuits

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: LM1800 TRANSISTOR LM371 ks2 6k MC7812CP LM3026 SN52101AJ transistor bf 175 LM170 Germanium drift transistor
    Text: Edge Index by Product Family Here is the new Linear Data Handbook from National. It gives complete specifications for devices useful in building nearly all types of electronic systems, from communications and consumer oriented circuits to precision instrumentation and computer designs.

    OCR Scan
    LM741 MIL-M-38510, M-38510/ 10101BCC. MIL-M-38510 L-M-38510 LM1808 LM1800 TRANSISTOR LM371 ks2 6k MC7812CP LM3026 SN52101AJ transistor bf 175 LM170 Germanium drift transistor PDF


    Abstract: National AN-64 LM381AN LM381N phono preamp national OF LM381 phono preamplifier circuit diagram National AN-104 tape preamp 24v AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM
    Text: LM381/LM381A National Semiconductor LM381/LM381A Low Noise Dual Preamplifier General Description Features The LM381 /LM381A is a dual preamplifier for the amplifica­ tion of low level signals in applications requiring optimum noise performance. Each of the two amplifiers is completely

    OCR Scan
    LM381/LM381A LM381/LM381A LM381 /LM381A LM381/ LM381A 10kHz 100kHz National AN-64 LM381AN LM381N phono preamp national OF LM381 phono preamplifier circuit diagram National AN-104 tape preamp 24v AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM PDF