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    LT6240 Search Results

    LT6240 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: LSK389 LTC6240 LTC6241 LTC6242 transistor G1 SOT-23 LT 6242 LT624 LTC6910-2
    Text: LTC6240/LTC6241/LTC6242 Single/Dual/Quad 18MHz, Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output, CMOS Op Amps DESCRIPTIO U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 0.1Hz to 10Hz Noise: 550nVP-P Input Bias Current: 0.2pA Typ at 25°C 1pA Max (LT6240) Low Offset Voltage: 125µV Max

    LTC6240/LTC6241/LTC6242 18MHz, 550nVP-P LT6240) 18MHz LTC6240HV/LTC6241HV/LTC6242HV LTC6240 OT-23 LTC6241 LT6240 LSK389 LTC6242 transistor G1 SOT-23 LT 6242 LT624 LTC6910-2 PDF


    Abstract: LTC2632-HI12 LTC2632-L LTC2632-HI LTC2602 LTC2632-LI12 LTC2632 LTC2632A-12 LTC2632A-LZ12 LTC2632C
    Text: LTC2632 Dual 12-/10-/8-Bit SPI VOUT DACs with 10ppm/°C Reference DESCRIPTION FEATURES Integrated Precision Reference 2.5V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C LTC2632-L 4.096V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C (LTC2632-H) n Maximum INL Error: ±1LSB (LTC2632A-12) n Low Noise: 0.75mV

    LTC2632 12-/10-/8-Bit 10ppm/ LTC2632-L) LTC2632-H) LTC2632A-12) 200kHz LT6240 LTC2632-HI12 LTC2632-L LTC2632-HI LTC2602 LTC2632-LI12 LTC2632 LTC2632A-12 LTC2632A-LZ12 LTC2632C PDF


    Abstract: LTC2602 2636F LTC2636 LTC2636-12 LTC2636C LTC2636H LTC2636-H LTC2636I LTC2636-L
    Text: LTC2636 Octal 12-/10-/8-Bit SPI VOUT DACs with10ppm/°C Reference DESCRIPTION FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n Integrated Precision Reference 2.5V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C LTC2636-L 4.096V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C (LTC2636-H) Maximum INL Error: 2.5LSB (LTC2636-12)

    LTC2636 12-/10-/8-Bit with10ppm/ 10ppm/ LTC2636-L) LTC2636-H) LTC2636-12) 75mVP-P 200KHz LT6240 LTC2602 2636F LTC2636 LTC2636-12 LTC2636C LTC2636H LTC2636-H LTC2636I LTC2636-L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2991 Octal I2C Voltage, Current, and Temperature Monitor Features n n n n n n n n n n n n Description Measures Voltage, Current, Temperature Measures Four Remote Diode Temperatures 0.7°C Typ Accuracy, 0.06°C Resolution 1°C (Typ) Internal Temperature Sensor

    LTC2991 14-Bit 10ppm/Â 16-Lead LTC2945 12-Bit 24-Bit LTC2487 16-Bit LM134 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2636 Octal 12-/10-/8-Bit SPI VOUT DACs with10ppm/°C Reference DESCRIPTION FEATURES Integrated Precision Reference 2.5V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C LTC2636-L 4.096V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C (LTC2636-H) n Maximum INL Error: 2.5LSB (LTC2636-12) n Low Noise: 0.75mV

    LTC2636 12-/10-/8-Bit with10ppm/Â 10ppm/Â LTC2636-L) LTC2636-H) LTC2636-12) 200KHz PDF

    diode V6

    Abstract: LTC2991 LTC2991IMS diode 14-V6 sunon fan LTC2990 LTC2991C LTC2991CMS LTC2991I LT624
    Text: LTC2991 Octal I2C Voltage, Current, and Temperature Monitor FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LTC 2991 is used to monitor system temperatures, voltages and currents. Through the I2C serial interface, the eight monitors can individually measure supply voltages and can be paired for differential measurements of current sense resistors or temperature sensing transistors.

    LTC2991 10ppm LTC2991 LTC2978 LTC4151 12-Bit LTC2487 16-Bit LM134 diode V6 LTC2991IMS diode 14-V6 sunon fan LTC2990 LTC2991C LTC2991CMS LTC2991I LT624 PDF


    Abstract: LTC2636 LTC2636-12 LTC2636C LTC2636H LTC2636-H LTC2636I LTC2636-L LTC2636-LZ12 LT624
    Text: LTC2636 Octal 12-/10-/8-Bit SPI VOUT DACs with10ppm/°C Reference Description Features Integrated Precision Reference 2.5V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C LTC2636-L 4.096V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C (LTC2636-H) n Maximum INL Error: 2.5LSB (LTC2636-12) n Low Noise: 0.75mV

    LTC2636 12-/10-/8-Bit with10ppm/ 10ppm/ LTC2636-L) LTC2636-H) LTC2636-12) 200KHz LT6240 LTC2636 LTC2636-12 LTC2636C LTC2636H LTC2636-H LTC2636I LTC2636-L LTC2636-LZ12 LT624 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2632 Dual 12-/10-/8-Bit SPI VOUT DACs with 10ppm/°C Reference DESCRIPTION FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n Integrated Precision Reference 2.5V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C LTC2632-L 4.096V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C (LTC2632-H) Maximum INL Error: ±1LSB (LTC2632A-12)

    LTC2632 12-/10-/8-Bit 10ppm/Â LTC2632-L) LTC2632-H) LTC2632A-12) 75mVP-P 200kHz LT624 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2991 Octal I2C Voltage, Current, and Temperature Monitor Features n n n n n n n n n n n n Description Measures Voltage, Current, Temperature Measures Four Remote Diode Temperatures 0.7°C Typ Accuracy, 0.06°C Resolution 1°C (Typ) Internal Temperature Sensor

    LTC2991 14-Bit 10ppm/Â 16-Lead LTC4151 12-Bit LTC2487 16-Bit LM134 com/LTC2991 PDF


    Abstract: 2991 0x09-0x1B LTC2991IMS-PBF CET3904
    Text: LTC2991 Octal I2C Voltage, Current, and Temperature Monitor FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LTC 2991 is used to monitor system temperatures, voltages and currents. Through the I2C serial interface, the eight monitors can individually measure supply voltages and can be paired for differential measurements of current sense resistors or temperature sensing transistors.

    LTC2991 10ppm 10ppm/ LTC6102HV) 12-Bit 2991fa LTC2990 2991 0x09-0x1B LTC2991IMS-PBF CET3904 PDF


    Abstract: c2632 LTC2632-H LT6240 LT624
    Text: LTC2632 Dual 12-/10-/8-Bit SPI VOUT DACs with 10ppm/°C Reference DESCRIPTION FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n Integrated Precision Reference 2.5V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C LTC2632-L 4.096V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C (LTC2632-H) Maximum INL Error: ±1LSB (LTC2632A-12)

    LTC2632 12-/10-/8-Bit 10ppm/ TSOT-23 LTC2632-L LTC2632-H 50MHz. LTC2622 LTC2607/LTC2617/ 16-/14-/12-Bit LTC2632A-HMI12 c2632 LT6240 LT624 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2991 Octal I2C Voltage, Current, and Temperature Monitor FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n n DESCRIPTION Measures Voltage, Current, Temperature Measures Four Remote Diode Temperatures 0.7°C Typ Accuracy, 0.06°C Resolution 1°C (Typ) Internal Temperature Sensor

    LTC2991 10ppm LTC1392 LTC2970 LTC2978 LTC4151 LTC2487 LM134 PDF