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    Banner Engineering Corp SMA990LTQD (ALTERNATE: 26858)

    Valu-Beam, Infrared 940 Nm Retro, Range, 9 M, Inpu, VALU-BEAM Series | Banner Engineering SMA990LTQD
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    RS SMA990LTQD (ALTERNATE: 26858) Bulk 1
    • 1 $364.29
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    • 10000 $364.29
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    Abstract: LTC1991 op amp marking P3 LT1991 LT1991ACDD LT1991CDD LT1991IDD LT1991AIDD#PBF
    Text: LT1991 Precision, 100µA Gain Selectable Amplifier FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LT 1991 combines a precision operational amplifier with eight precision resistors to form a one-chip solution for accurately amplifying voltages. Gains from –13 to 14 with a gain accuracy of 0.04% can be achieved using no

    LT1991 LT1995 30MHz, 000V/s, LT6010/LT6011/LT6012 14nV/Hz LT1991 LT6013/LT6014 LTC6910-X LTQD LTC1991 op amp marking P3 LT1991ACDD LT1991CDD LT1991IDD LT1991AIDD#PBF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LT1991 Precision, 100µA Gain Selectable Amplifier FEATURES DESCRIPTION Pin Configurable as a Difference Amplifier, Inverting and Noninverting Amplifier n Difference Amplifier Gain Range 1 to 13 CMRR >75dB n Noninverting Amplifier Gain Range 0.07 to 14 n Inverting Amplifier

    LT1991 n560kHz 10-Lead 30MHz, 100kHz 1991fh LT1991AIDD#PBF PDF


    Abstract: LT1991ACDD LT1991AIDD LT1991CDD LT1991CMS LT1991IDD LT1991IMS
    Text: LT1991 Precision, 100µA Gain Selectable Amplifier U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO • The LT 1991 combines a precision operational amplifier with eight precision resistors to form a one-chip solution for accurately amplifying voltages. Gains from –13 to 14 with a gain accuracy of 0.04% can be achieved using no

    LT1991 LT1995 30MHz, LT6010/LT6011/LT6012 14nV/Hz LT1991 LT6013/LT6014 LTC6910-X 1991fc LT1991ACDD LT1991AIDD LT1991CDD LT1991CMS LT1991IDD LT1991IMS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LT1991 Precision, 100µA Gain Selectable Amplifier FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n n DESCRIPTION Pin Configurable as a Difference Amplifier, Inverting and Noninverting Amplifier Difference Amplifier Gain Range 1 to 13 CMRR >75dB Noninverting Amplifier Gain Range 0.07 to 14

    LT1991 560kHz 10-Lead LT1991 LT6013/LT6014 LTC6910-X LT1999 100kHz LT5400 PDF

    op amp marking P3

    Abstract: M3 MSOP
    Text: LT1991 Precision, 100µA Gain Selectable Amplifier U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO • The LT 1991 combines a precision operational amplifier with eight precision resistors to form a one-chip solution for accurately amplifying voltages. Gains from –13 to 14 with a gain accuracy of 0.04% can be achieved using no

    LT1991 560kHz 10-Lead LT1991 32kHz 1991fa op amp marking P3 M3 MSOP PDF


    Abstract: ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v ltls e3 Weston 2281 thermometer LT3060ITS8 Transistor SR 6863 TO-126 LTC3855EUH-1 LTPG e3 5Dx diode SMD LTABA
    Text: November 2009 Product Selection Guide Amplifiers Data Converters Linear Regulators Switching Regulators µModule DC/DC Converters Battery Chargers LED Drivers Hot Swap Interface Filters RF/Wireless Silicon Oscillators Comparators Supervisory Circuits References

    D-59387 D-73230 1-800-4-LINEAR SMD LTYN ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v ltls e3 Weston 2281 thermometer LT3060ITS8 Transistor SR 6863 TO-126 LTC3855EUH-1 LTPG e3 5Dx diode SMD LTABA PDF


    Abstract: LT1991ACDD LT1991AIDD LT1991CDD LT1991CMS LT1991IDD LT1991IMS M3 marking
    Text: LT1991 Precision, 100µA Gain Selectable Amplifier U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO • The LT 1991 combines a precision operational amplifier with eight precision resistors to form a one-chip solution for accurately amplifying voltages. Gains from –13 to 14 with a gain accuracy of 0.04% can be achieved using no

    LT1991 LT1995 30MHz, LT6010/LT6011/LT6012 14nV/Hz LT1991 LT6013/LT6014 LTC6910-X 1991fb LT1991ACDD LT1991AIDD LT1991CDD LT1991CMS LT1991IDD LT1991IMS M3 marking PDF

    lm 7803 3V Positive Voltage Regulator

    Abstract: ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v ltsx e3 mt 1389 de LM 4440 AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT w10 mic package bridge rectifier PF08109B smd code marking 162 sot23-5 ul 1741 grid te inverter datasheet ltqt e3
    Text: May 2009 Product Selection Guide Amplifiers Data Converters Linear Regulators Switching Regulators µModule DC/DC Converters Battery Chargers LED Drivers Hot Swap Interface Filters High Frequency Silicon Oscillators Comparators P Supervisor References Reference

    D-59387 D-73230 1-800-4-LINEAR lm 7803 3V Positive Voltage Regulator ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v ltsx e3 mt 1389 de LM 4440 AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT w10 mic package bridge rectifier PF08109B smd code marking 162 sot23-5 ul 1741 grid te inverter datasheet ltqt e3 PDF

    mosfet 4800

    Abstract: schematic diagram inverter 12v to 24v 30a schematic diagram inverter 500w USING MOSFET 4606 MOSFET INVERTER ltsx e3 mosfet driver ic mt 1389 de aot 110 optocoupler 4558 opamp schematic ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v LTPG e3
    Text: May 2008 Product Selection Guide Operational Amplifiers Data Converters Linear Regulators Switching Regulators µModule DC/DC Converters Battery Chargers Hot Swap Interface Filters High Frequency Silicon Oscillators Comparators µP Supervisor References High

    D-59387 D-73230 1-800-4-LINEAR mosfet 4800 schematic diagram inverter 12v to 24v 30a schematic diagram inverter 500w USING MOSFET 4606 MOSFET INVERTER ltsx e3 mosfet driver ic mt 1389 de aot 110 optocoupler 4558 opamp schematic ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v LTPG e3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LT1991 Precision, 100µA Gain Selectable Amplifier FEATURES DESCRIPTION • The LT 1991 combines a precision operational amplifier with eight precision resistors to form a one-chip solution for accurately amplifying voltages. Gains from –13 to 14 with a gain accuracy of 0.04% can be achieved using no

    LT1991 560kHz. 30MHz, LT6010/LT6011/LT6012 14nV/H LT6013/LT6014 LTC6910-X 1991fe LTQD PDF


    Abstract: op amp marking P3 led 3watt VOS TRIM op amp LT1991 LT1991ACDD LT1991CDD LT1991IDD
    Text: LT1991 Precision, 100µA Gain Selectable Amplifier FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTION Pin Configurable as a Difference Amplifier, Inverting and Noninverting Amplifier Difference Amplifier Gain Range 1 to 13 CMRR >75dB

    LT1991 560kHz 10-Lead LT1995 30MHz, LT6010/LT6011/LT6012 14nV/Hz LT6013/LT6014 LTC6910-X LT1991 LTC1991 op amp marking P3 led 3watt VOS TRIM op amp LT1991ACDD LT1991CDD LT1991IDD PDF


    Abstract: Micropower 100A 53450K
    Text: LT1991 Precision, 100µA Gain Selectable Amplifier FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTION Pin Configurable as a Difference Amplifier, Inverting and Noninverting Amplifier Difference Amplifier Gain Range 1 to 13 CMRR >75dB

    LT1991 560kHz. 30MHz, 000V/s, LT6010/LT6011/LT6012 14nV/H LT6013/LT6014 LTC6910-X LTQD Micropower 100A 53450K PDF


    Abstract: toshiba s105
    Text: TOSHIBA TC528257 t a r g e t s il ic o n g a t e c m o s s p e c 262,144WORDS X 8BITS MULTIPORT DRAM DESCRIPTION T h e T C 5 2 8 2 5 7 is a 2M b it C M O S m u ltip o rt m e m o ry eq u ip p e d w ith a 2 6 2 ,1 4 4 -w o rd s b y ra n d o m a ccess m e m o ry R A M p o rt a n d a 5 1 2 -w o rd s by

    OCR Scan
    TC528257 144WORDS SF229 toshiba s105 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TC528257 t a r g e t s il ic o n g a t e c m o s 262,144WORDS X 8BITS MULTIPORT DRAM DESCRIPTION T h e T C 5 2 8 2 5 7 is a 2 M b it C M O S m u ltip o rt m e m o ry e q u ip p e d w ith a 2 6 2 ,1 4 4 -w o rd s b y ra n d o m access m e m o ry R A M p o rt an d a 5 1 2 -w o rd s b y

    OCR Scan
    TC528257 144WORDS C-231 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TC524262 TC524265 t a r g e t s il ic o n g a t e c m o s 262,144 WORDS x 16 BITS MULTIPORT DRAM DESCRIPTION The TC524262/265 is a 4M bit CM OS m ultiport m emory equipped with a 262,144-words by 16-bits dynam ic random access m emory RAM port and a 512-words by 16-bits static serial access m emory (SAM)

    OCR Scan
    TC524262 TC524265 TC524262/265 144-words 16-bits 512-words 16-bits TC524262 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TC528267 s i l i c o n g a t e CMOS 262,144WORDS x 8BITS MULTIPORT DRAM target DESCRIPTION T h e T C 5 2 8 2 6 7 is a 2 M b it C M O S m u ltip o rt m e m o ry e q u ip p e d w ith a 2 6 2 ,1 4 4 -w o rd s by ra n d o m acc e ss m e m o ry R A M p o rt an d a 5 1 2 -w o rd s b y

    OCR Scan
    144WORDS TC528267 H-123 PDF


    Abstract: NT25-6 sec sl06 SFE 8 528257J C198
    Text: TOSHIBA TC528257 t a r g e t s il ic o n g a t e c m o s 262,144WORDS X 8BITS MULTIPORT DRAM DESCRIPTION T h e T C 5 2 8 2 5 7 is a 2 M bit C M O S m u ltip o rt m e m o ry e q u ip p e d w ith a 2 6 2 ,1 4 4 -w o rd s by ra n d o m a cc e ss m e m o ry R A M p o rt an d a 5 1 2 -w ords by

    OCR Scan
    TC528257 144WORDS C-231 C-232 8L15A NT25-6 sec sl06 SFE 8 528257J C198 PDF

    KSD 303

    Abstract: ks503a SOJ40
    Text: TOSHIBA TC528267 t a r g e t s il ic o n g a t e c m o s 262,144WORDS x 8BITS MULTIPORT DRAM DESCRIPTION The TC528267 is a 2M bit CM OS multiport m emory equipped with a 262,144-words by 8-bits dynamic random access memory RAM port and a 512-words by 8-bits static serial access memory (SAM) port. The

    OCR Scan
    TC528267 144WORDS TC528267 144-words 512-words C-293 KSD 303 ks503a SOJ40 PDF


    Abstract: MARK M2W SI03 256kx4 vram IRFH fscj V52C4258
    Text: JON i 2 '982 V V'TELIC V52C4258 MULTIPORT VIDEO RAM WITH 256K X 4 DRAM AND 512 X 4 SAM HIGH PERFORMANCE V52C4258 80 10 Max. RAS Access Time, tnAC 80 ns 100 ns Max. CAS Access Time, (tcAc) 25 ns 25 ns Max. Column Address Access Time, (t*) 45 ns 50 ns Min. Fast Page Mode Cycle Time, (tPC)

    OCR Scan
    V52C4258 V52C4258 144-words 512-words ltls MARK M2W SI03 256kx4 vram IRFH fscj PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •.'MICRON T E C H N O L O G Y INC 3ÔE » bl11541 GDO^bOb 4 ■ ■ FIRN PRELIMINARY 7 ^ -2 3 -3 7 VRAM 128K X 8 DRAM WITH 256 X 8 SAM • • • • • • • • • • • Industry standard pinout, timing and functions High-performance CMOS silicon gate process

    OCR Scan
    bl11541 275mW 512-cycle T-46-23-37 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • DDBMñññ ÖSE ■ T O S E " . TOSHIBA LOGIC/riEMORY » TC524162 TC524165 b'iE SILICON GATE CMOS 262,144 WORDS x 16 BITS MULTIPORT DRAM t a r g e t DESCRIPTION The TC524162/165 is a 4M bit CMOS multiport memory equipped with a 262,144-words by 16-bits

    OCR Scan
    TC524162 TC524165 TC524162/165 144-words 16-bits 512-words 16-bits PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TC528267 t a r g e t s il ic o n g a t e c m o s 262,144WORDS x 8BITS MULTIPORT DRAM DESCRIPTION T he TC528267 is a 2M bit CM OS m ultiport m em ory equipped with a 262,144-words by 8 -bits dynamic random access m emory RAM port and a 512-words by 8 -bits static serial access m emory (SAM ) port. The

    OCR Scan
    TC528267 144WORDS TC528267 144-words 512-words C-293 508RP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3flE D M I CR ON T E C H N O L O G Y INC '• blllS^ 0 0 0 2 5 3 b *î « U R N PRELIMINARY ■TN¿Éfi- nfr ftM-^il- < T -% -2 3 -3 7 VRAM 256K X 4 DRAM WITH 512 X 4 SAM • • • • « • • • • • • Industry standard pinout, timing and functions

    OCR Scan
    000253b 512-cycle 275mW PDF


    Abstract: TC524258
    Text: TOSHIBA TC524258B t a r g e t s il ic o n g a t e c m o s s p e c 262,144WORDS X 4BITS MULTIPORT DRAM DESCRIPTION The TC524258B is a CM OS m ultiport m emory equipped w ith a 262,144-words by 4-bits dynam ic random access m em ory RAM port and a 512-words by 4-bits static serial access m em ory (SAM ) port. The TC524258B

    OCR Scan
    TC524258B 144WORDS TC524258B 144-words 512-words TC524258BZ TC524258 PDF