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    Abstract: E2V Technologies tag 725 thyratrons thyratron
    Text: E2V Technologies CX1151 Hydrogen Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Hydrogen-filled tetrode thyratron, featuring low jitter and low anode delay time drift. Suitable for use at high pulse repetition

    CX1151 CX1151, CX1151 E2V Technologies tag 725 thyratrons thyratron PDF


    Abstract: x-ray tube datasheet thyratrons thyratron tube thyratron
    Text: E2V Technologies CX1622 Deuterium Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Deuterium-filled, flange mounted tetrode thyratron featuring high peak current, high rate of rise of current, low jitter and low

    CX1622 CX1622, CX1622 x-ray tube datasheet thyratrons thyratron tube thyratron PDF


    Abstract: CX1574C CX1535 CX1585A CX1140 CX1157 CX1836A cx2804 e2v spark gaps Thyratron dc to ac inverter
    Text: E2V Technologies Hydrogen Thyratrons Preamble Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION . . . . . THE SWITCHING CYCLE . . . . . . . i. Voltage Hold-off . . . . . . . . ii. Commutation . . . . . . . . .

    180A-5 CX2801 CX1574C CX1535 CX1585A CX1140 CX1157 CX1836A cx2804 e2v spark gaps Thyratron dc to ac inverter PDF


    Abstract: CX-1559 8417 tube thyratron tube operation thyratrons interlock 1672 marconi tube company Marconi Applied Technologies MARCONI DATASHEET MA360A
    Text: Marconi Applied Technologies CX1559 Deuterium Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Deuterium-filled flange mounted tetrode thyratron featuring low jitter and low anode delay time drift. It is designed for

    CX1559 CX1559, CX1559 CX-1559 8417 tube thyratron tube operation thyratrons interlock 1672 marconi tube company Marconi Applied Technologies MARCONI DATASHEET MA360A PDF


    Abstract: MA92 FX2519A MA94 CX1140 CX1835 FX-2519 5949A CX1191A FX2525
    Text: E2V Technologies Accessories for Hydrogen Thyratrons The following top cap connectors, sockets, cooling modules and resistor box are available for use with E2V Technologies hydrogen thyratrons. Type Outline Description MA91 Page 2 A five-contact B5F socket with flexible leads and terminal tags, and mounted on an

    CX1140 MA153 CX1191 MA92 FX2519A MA94 CX1835 FX-2519 5949A CX1191A FX2525 PDF


    Abstract: tag 8812 MA360A thyratron tube operation Thyratron E2V Technologies thyratron tube thyratrons TRANSFORMER 7700
    Text: E2V Technologies FX1585 Hydrogen-Filled Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Hydrogen-filled, flange mounted triode thyratron designed for high voltage modulator applications. It has a rugged internally

    FX1585 FX1585, FX1585 tag 8812 MA360A thyratron tube operation Thyratron E2V Technologies thyratron tube thyratrons TRANSFORMER 7700 PDF


    Abstract: thyratron thyratron tube operation R2G1 MA360A
    Text: E2V Technologies CX1151L Hydrogen Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Hydrogen-filled, fast recovery tetrode thyratron, specifically designed for operation under medical linac conditions, but also

    CX1151L CX1151L, CX1151L thyratron thyratron tube operation R2G1 MA360A PDF