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    Autonics Corporation BTS200-MDTL

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    DigiKey BTS200-MDTL Box 1
    • 1 $84
    • 10 $84
    • 100 $84
    • 1000 $84
    • 10000 $84
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    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey BTS200-MDTL Bag 1
    • 1 $84
    • 10 $84
    • 100 $84
    • 1000 $84
    • 10000 $84
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    Rochester Electronics LLC TND512MD-TL-E

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    DigiKey TND512MD-TL-E Bulk 281
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    • 1000 $1.07
    • 10000 $1.07
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    Rochester Electronics LLC TND505MD-TL-E

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    DigiKey TND505MD-TL-E Bulk 346
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    • 1000 $0.87
    • 10000 $0.87
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    Rochester Electronics LLC TND506MD-TL-E

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    DigiKey TND506MD-TL-E Bulk 260
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    • 1000 $1.15
    • 10000 $1.15
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    MDTL Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MC1488P MC1489 232B 232D MC1488D MHTL
    Text: ON Semiconductort MC1488 Quad Line EIA-232D Driver The MC1488 is a monolithic quad line driver designed to interface data terminal equipment with data communications equipment in conformance with the specifications of EIA Standard No. EIA–232D. QUAD MDTL LINE DRIVER

    MC1488 EIA-232D MC1488 r14525 MC1488/D MC1488P MC1489 232B 232D MC1488D MHTL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    r14525 easyCap PDF


    Abstract: 232D MC1488 MC1488D MC1488P MC1489 mhtl
    Text: ON Semiconductort MC1488 Quad Line Driver The MC1488 is a monolithic quad line driver designed to interface data terminal equipment with data communications equipment in conformance with the specifications of EIA Standard No. EIA–232D. QUAD MDTL LINE DRIVER

    MC1488 MC1488 MC1488PONlit r14525 MC1488/D 232B 232D MC1488D MC1488P MC1489 mhtl PDF


    Abstract: KF CAPACITOR
    Text: .B . u I Input 1A Input 2A output A I vc~ Input ID Input 2D I Input lB output D Input Input Ic 2B Input output 2C B output Gnd c I 1 P SUFFIX PLASTIC CASE TYPICAL PACKAGE 646 OPERATION Input 2.5 V/div 2,5 V/div Utput Vcc TA MDTL and MTTL are Trademarks of

    3008SC O-116 MC3459 KF CAPACITOR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ON Semiconductort Back MC1488 Quad Line EIA-232D Driver The MC1488 is a monolithic quad line driver designed to interface data terminal equipment with data communications equipment in conformance with the specifications of EIA Standard No. EIA–232D. QUAD MDTL LINE DRIVER

    EIA-232D MC1488 MC1488 MC1488P MC1488D r14525 MC1488/D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AnyLevel, BERS, Bullet–Proof, CHIPSCRETES, DUOWATT, E–FET, EASY SWITCHER, ECLinPS, ECLinPS Lite, ECLinPS Plus, EpiBase, Epicap, EZFET, FULLPAK, GEMFET, GigaComm, HDPlus, ICePAK, L2TMOS, MCCS, MDTL, MECL, MEGAHERTZ, MHTL, MicroIntegration, MicroLeadless, MiniGate, MiniMOS, MiniMOSORB, MOSORB, MRTL, MTTL,

    r14525 PDF


    Abstract: MC1488 MC14889 MC1488 mc1489 MC1488D MC1488P MC1489 232B 232D
    Text: Order this document by MC1488/D MC1488 Quad Line Driver The MC1488 is a monolithic quad line driver designed to interface data terminal equipment with data communications equipment in conformance with the specifications of EIA Standard No. EIA–232D. QUAD MDTL LINE DRIVER

    MC1488/D MC1488 MC1488 MC1488/D* MHTL MC14889 MC1488 mc1489 MC1488D MC1488P MC1489 232B 232D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC1488 QUAD MDTL LINE DRIVER RS-232C QUAD LINE DRIVER S IL IC O N M O N O L I T H IC I N T E G R A T E D C IR C U IT T h e M C 1 4 8 8 is a m o n o lit h ic q u a d lin e d riv e r designed t o in te r ­ fa ce d a ta te rm in a l e q u ip m e n t w it h d a ta c o m m u n ic a tio n s e q u ip m e n t

    OCR Scan
    MC1488 MC1488 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC1489 MC1489A QUAD MDTL L IN E R E C E IV E R S RS-232C Q U A D L IN E R E C E IV E R S S IL IC O N M O N O L IT H IC IN T E G R A T E D C IR C U IT T h e M C 1 4 8 9 m o n o lith ic quad line receivers are designed to inter­

    OCR Scan
    MC1489 MC1489A RS-232C MC1489, PDF

    pc 1488 h

    Abstract: EIA-232B
    Text: M MOTOROLA Quad Line Driver The MC1488 is a monolithic quad line driver designed to interface data terminal equipment with data com munications equipment in conformance with the specifications of EIA Standard No. EIA-232D . QUAD MDTL LINE DRIVER EIA-232D

    OCR Scan
    MC1488 EIA-232D MC1488P MC1488D SO-14) MC1488 pc 1488 h EIA-232B PDF

    930 series dtl

    Abstract: 830 dtl DTL 957 dtl 948 expandable dual 4 input NAND DTL 950 motorola flip-flop 948 A9611 DTL 937
    Text: LANSDALE SEMICONDUCTOR 32E D • 5 3 b S fl0 3 □□□□355 5 HLTE T -43-01 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Supply Operating Voltage Range - Vcc DTL MOTOROLA INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 930 Series 830 Series These MDTL integrated circuits provide an excellent balance of

    OCR Scan
    14-LEAD 16-LEAD 10-LEAD 24-LEAD 930 series dtl 830 dtl DTL 957 dtl 948 expandable dual 4 input NAND DTL 950 motorola flip-flop 948 A9611 DTL 937 PDF


    Abstract: b 803a ls 1802 MC1802F MC1803F MC1903F Mc1802 MC1902
    Text: e x p a n d a b le 8 -in p u t "N A N O " GATE \ MDTL MC930/830 series ] MC1902F MC1802F,P MC1903F MC1803F,P V cc This device is an e x p a n d ab le 8 -in p u t NAND gate. It is useful w hen processing a large num ber o f variables, such as in en c o d ers o r decoders.

    OCR Scan
    MC930/830 MC1902F MC1802F, MC1903F MC1803F MC1902/MC MC1903/MC1B03-2 MC1902/MCI6Ã MC1903/MC1803 MC1902/MC1802 MC1902F b 803a ls 1802 MC1802F MC1903F Mc1802 MC1902 PDF


    Abstract: MC858F MC958 MC958F XMC96B MDTL
    Text: / QUAD 2-INPUT "NAND" POWER GATE MDTL MC930/830 series | MC958F MC858F,P The M C958/M C858 is a quad NAND power gate with an o u tp u t transis­ tor capable of sinking more current than standard gate elements. It is use­ ful as a high fan-out gate w ith an external pull-up resistor , and as a line,

    OCR Scan
    MC958F MC858F, MC930/830 MC958/MC858 MC958/MC856 100mA MC968, MC858. DSP56300 DSP56301 MC858 MC858F MC958 MC958F XMC96B MDTL PDF


    Abstract: ir receiver diod
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC1488 QUAD MDTL LINE DRIVER RS-232C QUAD LINE DRIVER S IL IC O N M O N O L IT H IC The M C 1 4 8 8 is a m onolithic quad line driver designed to inter­ IN T E G R A T E D C IR C U IT face data term inal equipm ent w ith data com m unications equipm ent

    OCR Scan
    MC1488 MC1488 RS-232C. RS-232C mc1488ap ir receiver diod PDF


    Abstract: MC835F MC935 til 216 Motorola MC833 DSP56300 DSP56301 MC935F ade vco
    Text: •r h e x in v e r t e r \ ] W ith o u t O u tp u t R e sisto rs MDTL MC930/830 series MC935F MC835F, P vc c o 1> J ii 2.16 k J< K •■n r o .6 k t 1.6 k :• 1.6 k | 16* k ; T h is h « x in ve rte r w ith no o u tp u t p u llu p re sisto rs, it

    OCR Scan
    MC935F MC835F MC930/830 DSP56300 DSP56301 DSP56300FM/AD MC835 MC935 til 216 Motorola MC833 MC935F ade vco PDF


    Abstract: UC863 MC953F 5J 76A MC953 MC965 Motorola MC833 MC852F MC853F MC956
    Text: d u a l j- K f l i p - f l o p MDTL MC930/830 series • \ MC952F MC953F MC955F MC956F MC852F,MC853F, * MC855F,MC856F, P P P P Each Mct»n of Che monolithic MC952/MCS&2 and MC9&3/MC853 dual J-K clocked flip tlop j o* ino directly-coupled Ip-flop« operating on the ” m«stei-tlav«" principe. Operation depends only on

    OCR Scan
    MC930/830 MC952F MC852F, MC953F MC853F, MC955F MC855F, MC956F MC856F, MC952/MC8S2 MCU53 UC863 MC953F 5J 76A MC953 MC965 Motorola MC833 MC852F MC853F MC956 PDF

    5 input nand gate

    Abstract: DUAL 5 input nand gate D1911 d948 D 1914 930 series dtl
    Text: lansdale semiconductor 17E D • S 3 L T Ô D 3 OQQGE'ifi fi ■ T -V 3-/.3 T-H5-23-DS T -5 / - / 9 T-V 6 -07-0-7 T-H6 - 0 7 -0 9 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Supply Operating Voltage Range - Vco DTL MOTOROLA INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 930 Series 830 Series These MDTL integrated circuits

    OCR Scan
    T-H5-23--DS 14-LEAD 16-LEAD 10-LEAD 24-LEAD 5 input nand gate DUAL 5 input nand gate D1911 d948 D 1914 930 series dtl PDF


    Abstract: MC1489A
    Text: g MOTOROLA MC1489, A Quad Line Receivers T h e M C 1 4 89 m o n o lith ic q u a d line re ce ive rs are d e s ig n e d to in te rla c e data te rm in a l e q u ip m e n t w ith d ata co m m u n ic a tio n s e q u ip m e n t ¡n c o n fo rm a n c e QUAD MDTL

    OCR Scan
    MC1489, EIA-232D C1489P, 1489D -232D 1489-D MC1489A PDF

    Motorola MC833

    Abstract: DSP56300 DSP56301 MC834 MC834F MC934 MC934F
    Text: HEX IN V E R T E R > I MDTL M C 930/830 series MC934F MC834F, P T his elem ent consists a t six inverter circuit:«. SW ITCHING TIM E T E S T C IR C U IT AN D W AVEFO RM S TEST tpd» Vd- R c 3 .9 k ohm * 3 0 pF 4 0 0 ohm« 6 0 pF m il- ' ' “ V * * *—

    OCR Scan
    MC930/830 MC934F MC834F, MCS34 DSP56300 DSP56301 DSP56300FM/AD Motorola MC833 MC834 MC834F MC934 MC934F PDF


    Abstract: Motorola MC833 MC862F MC862G MC863F MC863G MC962F MC962G MC963F MC963G
    Text: MDTL MC930/830 series TRIPLE 3-INPUT "N A N D " GATE MC962F MC862F, P MC963F MC863F, P DUA L 2 INPUT "N A N D " GATE PLUS IN V E R TE R MC962G MC963G T h is gate elem ent, in the 14-pin fla t and dual MC862G MC863G in -lin e packages, consists o f three 3 -in p u t M A N D

    OCR Scan
    MC962F MC862F, MC963F MC863F, MC930/830 14-pin MC962G MC862G MC963G MC863G MC963 Motorola MC833 MC862F MC863F MC863G MC962F MC962G MC963F MC963G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: g M OTOROLA MC1489, A Quad Line Receivers The MC1489 monolithic quad line receivers are designed to interface data terminal equipment with data communications equipment in conformance with the specifications of EIA Standard No. EIA-232D. QUAD MDTL LINE RECEIVERS

    OCR Scan
    MC1489, MC1489 EIA-232D. EIA-232D MC1489P, MC1489D, EIA-232D b3b75S3 D1017T7 MC1489A PDF

    mc 1488

    Abstract: ia232 pc 1488 h MDTL MC1488C
    Text: MOTOROLA g Quad Line Driver The MC1488 is a monolithic quad line driver designed to interface data terminal equipment with data communications equipment in conformance with the specifications of EIA Standard No. EIA-232D. Features: QUAD MDTL LINE DRIVER

    OCR Scan
    MC1488 EIA-232D. EIA-232D MC1488P MC1488D MC1488 MC14S8 -i12V -10Vto0V mc 1488 ia232 pc 1488 h MDTL MC1488C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LANSDALE SEMICONDUCTOR 17E D 531^003 GDDaam d -r-i/3-90 T - 5 2 -0 7 r-V 6-01~ 07 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating MOTOROLA INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 660T Series Value -V 6 -0 7 -Z 7 T -5 2 -1 1 t- s i- i 9 Power Supply Voltage - V cc Continuous Pulsed, 1.0 s Vdc Vdc 666 MDTL

    OCR Scan
    -r-i/3-90 C-14-LEAD -14-LEAD 690T/C 691T/C 693T/E 696T/E 10VVC 25VVC 697T/C PDF

    5 input nand gate

    Abstract: MC1601 bistable multivibrator MC1900F Motorola MC833 MC1800F MC1900
    Text: fo u h l 5-INPUT "N AN D G AT MDTL MC930/830 series MC1900F MC1800F,P MCI 901F • MC1801F, P T h is gate elem ent, in th e 14-pin fla t and dual in ­ line packages, consists o f tw o 5 -tn p u t N A N D gate c irc u its . T h e elem ents m ay be c ro s s c o u p le d to

    OCR Scan
    MC930/830 MC1900F MC1800F MC1900/ MC1800-6 MC1901/MCI801-2 14-pin MC1900/MC1800 MC1901/MCI801 MCI900/MC1800 5 input nand gate MC1601 bistable multivibrator MC1900F Motorola MC833 MC1900 PDF