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    ML66525 Search Results

    ML66525 Datasheets (6)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    ML66525 OKI Electronic Components 16-Bit Microcontroller Original PDF
    ML66525B OKI Electronic Components 16-Bit Microcontroller Original PDF
    ML66525B-xxLA OKI Electronic Components 16-Bit MCU, CISC, ROM, NX Family Original PDF
    ML66525B-xxTB OKI Electronic Components 16-Bit MCU, CISC, ROM, NX Family Original PDF
    ML66525B-XXXLA OKI Electronic Components Microcontroller, High-Performance 16-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers Original PDF
    ML66525B-XXXTB OKI Electronic Components Microcontroller, High-Performance 16-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers Original PDF

    ML66525 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    ML66525 Family

    Abstract: ML66525
    Text: FEDL66525-01 1Semiconductor ML66525 Family This version: Oct. 2001 Previous version: Mar. 2001 16-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML66525 family devices are high-performance 16-bit CMOS microcontrollers that utilize the nX-8/500S, Oki’s proprietary CPU core.

    FEDL66525-01 ML66525 16-Bit nX-8/500S, 32-byte ML66525 Family PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 02OKI-DCA002 Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. Advanced Digital Consumer Business Unit Edition: 2002.2.7 OKI 16-bit MICROCONTROLLER INFORMATION Subject: This shows the notice for using ML66525A-xxTB Mask ROM version or ML66Q525A-NTB (Flash ROM version). The description of UDCKEN bit of P5IO register (P13-3 on ML66525 Family User’s Manual) is not enough.

    02OKI-DCA002 16-bit ML66525A-xxTB ML66Q525A-NTB P13-3 ML66525 PDF

    schematic usb flash nand

    Abstract: ram1mb
    Text: ML66525A PRODUCT INTRODUCTION SHEET November 8, 2001 1 16-BIT MCU FOR AUDIO PLAYERS AND PC APPLICATIONS Description With its internal DMA capable USB 1.1 controller plus ECC supported Flash media controller, the 16Bit MCU ML66525A allows data from a personal

    ML66525A 16-BIT 16Bit ML66525A 32-byte 100-pin TQFP100-P-1414-0 144-pin P-LFBGA144-1111-0 schematic usb flash nand ram1mb PDF

    FRB connector

    Abstract: ML66525 PEDL66525-01 TQFP100-P-1414-0 p121 fd5
    Text: PEDL66525-01 1Semiconductor ML66525 Family This version: Oct. 2000 Preliminary 16-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML66525 family devices are high-performance 16-bit CMOS microcontrollers that utilize the nX-8/500S, Oki’s proprietary CPU core.

    PEDL66525-01 ML66525 16-Bit nX-8/500S, 32-byte FRB connector PEDL66525-01 TQFP100-P-1414-0 p121 fd5 PDF

    mov rdn 240

    Abstract: csacv16m CSTCV12M0T54J-R0 1a03 ac
    Text: FEUL66525-01 ML66525 Family User’s Manual CMOS 16-bit microcontroller Issue Date: Feb. 8, 2002 Preface This user’s manual describes the hardware of Oki-original CMOS 16-bit microcontrollers ML66525 family. In addition to this manual, Oki also provides the following manuals which should be read with regard to the ML66525 family.

    FEUL66525-01 ML66525 16-bit nX-8/500S CC665S mov rdn 240 csacv16m CSTCV12M0T54J-R0 1a03 ac PDF


    Abstract: CSTCV12M0T54J-R0 RDD 17-33 rl66 1A01 1A02 1a43 1a48 1B80 ML66525 PW66K
    Text: FEUL66525-02 ML66525 Family User’s Manual CMOS 16-bit microcontroller Issue Date: July 26, 2002 Preface This user’s manual describes the hardware of Oki-original CMOS 16-bit microcontrollers ML66525 family. In addition to this manual, Oki also provides the following manuals which should be read with regard to the ML66525 family.

    FEUL66525-02 ML66525 16-bit nX-8/500S CC665S 1A60 CSTCV12M0T54J-R0 RDD 17-33 rl66 1A01 1A02 1a43 1a48 1B80 PW66K PDF


    Abstract: P1720
    Text: 02 沖 DCA002 Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. Advanced Digital Consumer Business Unit Edition: 2002.2.7 OKI 16-bit MICROCONTROLLER INFORMATION Subject: ML66525A-xxTB Mask ROM 品 または ML66Q525A-NTB (Flash ROM 品)を使用する場合の注意事項に

    DCA002 16-bit ML66525A-xxTB ML66Q525A-NTB ML66525 P13-2 P17-19 P17-20 P1719 P1720 PDF

    FRB connector

    Abstract: connectors FRB ML66525 ML66525B ML66Q525B ML66Q525B-NLA ML66Q525B-NTB TQFP100-P-1414-0 P-LFBGA-144-1111-0
    Text: OKI Semiconductor ML66525 Family FEDL66525-02 Issue Date: July 19, 2002 16-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML66525 family devices are high-performance 16-bit CMOS microcontrollers that utilize the nX-8/500S, Oki’s proprietary CPU core. Data from a personal computer with a USB connector can be automatically, quickly written or read to and from

    ML66525 FEDL66525-02 16-Bit nX-8/500S, 32-byte FRB connector connectors FRB ML66525B ML66Q525B ML66Q525B-NLA ML66Q525B-NTB TQFP100-P-1414-0 P-LFBGA-144-1111-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FJDL66525-01 1電子デバイス ML66525 Family 作成: 2001年10月 前回作成: 2001年3月 16ビットマイクロコントローラ • 概要 ML66525 Familyは沖電気オリジナルCPUコアnX-8/500Sを採用した、高性能CMOS16ビットシングルチッ

    FJDL66525-01 ML66525 FamilyCPUnX-8/500S CMOS16 32-byteFIFO4 1616CPUMP3 ROMML66Q525A ML66525A-xxTB ML66Q525A-NTB P103P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 PEUL66525-02 ML66525 Family User’s Manual CMOS 16-bit microcontroller Preliminary SECOND EDITION ISSUE DATE: May 2001 NOTICE 1. The information contained herein can change without notice owing to product and/or technical improvements. Before using the product, please make sure that the information being referred to is up-to-date.

    PEUL66525-02 ML66525 16-bit P-LFBGA144-1111-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PEDL66525-02 1Semiconductor ML66525 Family This version: Mar. 2001 Previous version: Oct. 2000 Preliminary 16-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML66525 family devices are high-performance 16-bit CMOS microcontrollers that utilize the nX-8/500S, Oki’s proprietary CPU core.

    PEDL66525-02 ML66525 16-Bit nX-8/500S, PDF


    Abstract: ML66525 ML66525B ML66Q525B ML66Q525B-NLA ML66Q525B-NTB TQFP100-P-1414-0 NAND Flash Memory ML66Q525A
    Text: お客様各位 資料中の「沖電気」「OKI」等名称の OKI セミコンダクタ株式会社への変更について 2008 年 10 月 1 日を以って沖電気工業株式会社の半導体事業は OKI セミコン ダクタ株式会社に承継されました。 従いまして、本資料中には「沖電気工業株

    FJDL66525-02 ML66525 FamilyCPUnX-8/500SCMOS16 32-byteFIFO4 1616CPUMP3 6VROMML66Q525B ML66525A/ML66Q525A ML66525B-xxTB ML66Q525B-NTB FJDL66525-02 ML66525B ML66Q525B ML66Q525B-NLA ML66Q525B-NTB TQFP100-P-1414-0 NAND Flash Memory ML66Q525A PDF

    FRB connector

    Abstract: connectors FRB FRB AC power connector ML66525 ML66525B ML66Q525B ML66Q525B-NLA ML66Q525B-NTB TQFP100-P-1414-0 NAND Flash Memory
    Text: Dear customers, About the change in the name such as "Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd." and "OKI" in documents to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. The semiconductor business of Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. was succeeded to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. on October 1, 2008.


    RDD 17-33

    Abstract: 1211 1A80 csacv16m 1A49 1A30R P21SF p7706 1tm4
    Text: 1 FJUL66525-01 L66525 ファミリ ユーザーズマニュアル CMOS 16 ビットマイクロコントローラ 第 3 版 2001 年 12 月作成 ご注意 1. 本書に記載された内容は製品改善及び技術改良等により将来予告なしに変更することがあります。したがって、

    FJUL66525-01 L66525 Copyright2001OKIELECTRICINDUSTRYCO. ML66525 nX-8/500S CC665S RDD 17-33 1211 1A80 csacv16m 1A49 1A30R P21SF p7706 1tm4 PDF


    Abstract: 1A60 transistor 1A60 equivalent 1A80 d123 murata 1A40 rl66 RDD 17-33 FRB connector 1A01 1A02
    Text: Dear customers, About the change in the name such as "Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd." and "OKI" in documents to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. The semiconductor business of Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. was succeeded to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. on October 1, 2008.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 FJBLPOD66525-01 POD66525 ユーザーズマニュアル プログラム開発支援キット 第1版 2000年8月 ・本書には製品を安全に正しくお使いただくための注意事項が書かれています。ご使用になる 前に必ずお読み下さい。

    FJBLPOD66525-01 POD66525 Copyright2001OKIELECTRICINDUSTRYCO. ML66525 Ultra-66K/E502 norti PDF

    minato programmer

    Abstract: MSM66Q573 MSM66573 MSM66573L MSM66577 MSM66Q577 MTP66573
    Text: FEBLMTPADAPTER-02 MTP Adapter User’s Manual Rev.2.00 Apr. 2001 -This manual contains important information necessary for the safe use of the MTP Adapter. It should be read before use. - Please keep it in an easily accessible place, near the MTP Adapter at all times.

    FEBLMTPADAPTER-02 MSM66577 MSM66Q577LY MSM66577L ML66Q517 ML66517 ML66Q525 ML66525 minato programmer MSM66Q573 MSM66573 MSM66573L MSM66577 MSM66Q577 MTP66573 PDF

    timing diagram of DMA Transfer

    Abstract: b7900032 TSE 4041 ML675200 ARM7 TDMI, sfr VCPU30 a006 a00a B7900049.00 MAKING CODE A00A
    Text: USER’S MANUAL O K I A R M - B A S E D M I C R O C O N T R O L L E R P R O D U C T S ML675200 Digital Audio Controller April 9, 2003 Preface This user’s manual describes the hardware of Oki-original CMOS 16-bit microcontrollers ML675200 family. In addition to this manual, Oki also provides the following manuals which should be read with regard to the ML675200

    ML675200 16-bit ML675200 timing diagram of DMA Transfer b7900032 TSE 4041 ARM7 TDMI, sfr VCPU30 a006 a00a B7900049.00 MAKING CODE A00A PDF


    Abstract: PathFinder-U66K wcn1 ML66525 NQPACK100SD POD66525 ml60852 M106K
    Text: お客様各位 資料中の「沖電気」「OKI」等名称の OKI セミコンダクタ株式会社への変更について 2008 年 10 月 1 日を以って沖電気工業株式会社の半導体事業は OKI セミコン ダクタ株式会社に承継されました。 従いまして、本資料中には「沖電気工業株

    FJBLPOD66525-02 POD66525 ML66525 Ultra-66K/E502 E502 PathFinder-U66K wcn1 ML66525 NQPACK100SD POD66525 ml60852 M106K PDF