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    MPSA425 Search Results

    MPSA425 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: ZTX558 ZTX758 BF493 ZTX4555 BF392 BF393 MPSA92 ZTX658 ZTX757
    Text: TABLE 13 : NPN/PNP HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSISTORS The transistors shown in this table are designed for driving numerical indicator tubes, neon lamps and other applications requiring high voltage capability. Type Max V CE sat at hFE at V cbo V CEO V V mA V mA NPN

    OCR Scan
    ZTX658 ZTX758 ZTX458 ZTX558 ZTX6575 ZTX757 MPSA425 MPSA92 BF393 BF493 ZTX558 ZTX758 BF493 ZTX4555 BF392 MPSA92 ZTX757 PDF