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    NEON VACTROL Search Results

    NEON VACTROL Datasheets Context Search

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    A 69157 scr

    Abstract: HCPL 1458 TRANSISTOR SMD 431H SMPS 666 VER 2.3 SMPS 666 VER 2.1 acsl 086 s LHi 878 2057 LED dot matrix display 5x7 smd ic A9A 42-M41
    Text: ND3% BASE1 XXXX4641-1306-1-P 1306 TSQ: 3001 CMS: CMS-USM TS host OP: NN COMP: 18-07-11 Hour: 14:59 TS:TS date TS time LEDS & ACCESSORIES Find Datasheets Online LED DESIGN KITS • THROUGH-HOLE LEDS POWER LINE DESIGNER KIT HIGH-INTENSITY LED LAMPS CONT. T- 13⁄4 (5mm)

    74K5145 74K5144 74K5146 74K5147 74K5166 74K5170 71K0256 71K0273 71K0255 71K0272 A 69157 scr HCPL 1458 TRANSISTOR SMD 431H SMPS 666 VER 2.3 SMPS 666 VER 2.1 acsl 086 s LHi 878 2057 LED dot matrix display 5x7 smd ic A9A 42-M41 PDF

    C1383 NPN transistor collector base and emitter

    Abstract: NPN transistor c1383 C1383 transistor C1383 NPN transistor Light-Dependent Resistor specification c1983 transistor pin configuration of C1383 transistor LHI968 lhi878 c1383
    Text: Advanced sensor technologies for today’s breakthrough applications Table of Contents . Table of Contents PerkinElmer Optoelectronics provides Digital Imaging, Sensor and Lighting technologies to speed the development of breakthrough applications for customers in biomedical,

    10-foot C1383 NPN transistor collector base and emitter NPN transistor c1383 C1383 transistor C1383 NPN transistor Light-Dependent Resistor specification c1983 transistor pin configuration of C1383 transistor LHI968 lhi878 c1383 PDF

    automatic dimmer headlight using ldr

    Abstract: smoke DETECTOR CIRCUIT DIAGRAM using LDR room light brightness control depends upon sunlight intensity project for free LDR 03 PHOTO RESISTOR PerkinElmer ldr VT43N2 VT93N2 phototransistor application lux meter VT93N1 AUTOMATIC ROOM LIGHT WITH LDR
    Text: Optoelectronics Lighting Imaging Telecom Sensors Detectors and Sensors Photoconductive Cells and Analog Optoisolators Vactrols Specialty Lighting Digital Imaging Telecom Sensors . . Optoswitches, optical hybrids, custom assemblies, photodiodes, phototransistors, IR

    D-65199 CA-274 automatic dimmer headlight using ldr smoke DETECTOR CIRCUIT DIAGRAM using LDR room light brightness control depends upon sunlight intensity project for free LDR 03 PHOTO RESISTOR PerkinElmer ldr VT43N2 VT93N2 phototransistor application lux meter VT93N1 AUTOMATIC ROOM LIGHT WITH LDR PDF

    vactec vactrol

    Abstract: Vactec LDR
    Text: B'lE D • BOBObCH GOGQ^bM VTL110^ Low Cost Neon Vactrols E b ■ VCT G & G VACTEC PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch mm .47 ( 12 . 0 ) DESCRIPTION The VTL11 0 utilizes a 7 0 VDC breakdown neon lamp. The guaranteed low voltage breakdown of this lamp makes this Vactrol particularly well

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    VTL110^ VTL11 vactec vactrol Vactec LDR PDF


    Abstract: Vactec LDR vactec vactrol neon vactrol VTL110
    Text: BTE » • 3030f c. Cn 0000^4 b HVCT V T L 1 10^ Low Cost Neon Vactrols E G & G VACTEC PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch (mm .4 7 ( 1 2 .0 ) ,4 5 ( 1 1 .4 ) DESCRIPTION The VTL110 utilizes a 7 0 VDC breakdown neon lamp. The guaranteed low voltage breakdown of this lamp makes this Vactrol particularly well

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    VTL11 VTL110 Cto65Â vactrol Vactec LDR vactec vactrol neon vactrol PDF


    Abstract: VTL3B18
    Text: VTL3B48 Low Cost Neon Axial Vactrols PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch mm UL Listed File #E73887 Dual ‘center tap- element version is available tor VTL3B48. DESCRIPTION VTL3B48 features a low "on" resistance and fast turn-on time, with a smaller temperature coefficient of resistance and less light history

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    VTL3B48 E73887 VTL3B48. VTL3B48 VTL3B18. 3030bCH 00013b5 E73887 VTL3B18 PDF


    Abstract: 3b49 MQ-5 VTL3B39 VTL3B19 vactrol VTL3B49/Vactec
    Text: VTL3B39, 3B49 Low Cost Neon Axial Vactrols PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch mm UL Listed File #E73B87 Dual ’center tap' element version is available tor VTL3B39 and VTL3B49. DESCRIPTION V T L 3 B 4 9 features a very low "on" resistance with a smaller temperature coefficient of resis­

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    VTL3B39, E73B87 VTL3B39 VTL3B49. VTL3B49 VTL3B19. DissipB49 00013b7 3b49 MQ-5 VTL3B19 vactrol VTL3B49/Vactec PDF


    Abstract: VTL3B39 VTL3B49 K2130
    Text: VTL3B39, 3B49 Low Cost Neon Axial Vactrols PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch mm UL Listed File #E73B87 Dual ’center tap' element version is available tor VTL3B39 and VTL3B49. DESCRIPTION V T L 3 B 4 9 features a very low "on" resistance with a smaller temperature coefficient of resis­

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    VTL3B39, E73B87 VTL3B39 VTL3B49. VTL3B49 VTL3B19. VTL3B49 00013b7 VTL3B19 K2130 PDF


    Abstract: VTL1A3 Vactec vactec vactrol Vactec photocell Photoresistor VTL1B5 vactec vactrol vtl1a3 neon vactrol VTL1A4
    Text: Powered by VÂCTEC P i HERMETIC SEALED VACTROL 99 G\ VACTEC m Electronic-Library Bulletin VTL-1 M A X IM U M RATINGS lOOmW — derate 2mW/*C above 25°C case temperature Thesa Vactrols combine incandescent Case temperature 4 or neon lamps with a photoresistor

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V T L 3 B 1 9, 3 B 2 9 Low Cost Neon Axial Vactrols PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch mm UL Listed File #E73887 DESCRIPTION VTL3B29 has a comparable "on” resistance to the VTL3B19, but with a much smaller tempera­ ture coefficient of resistance and less light his­

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    E73887 VTL3B29 VTL3B19, VTL3B19. VTL3B19 VTL3B19) VTL3B29) D0D13b3 PDF

    axial vactrols

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VTL3B18 Low Cost Neon Axial Vactrols PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch mm THE CONTOUR OF THE POTTING EPOXY IS NOT CONTROLLED. UL Listed File #E73887 DESCRIPTION T h is low cost, axial Vactrol features very fast speed of response and a large "on" resistance to "off1resistance dyn am ic range, along with a

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    VTL3B18 E73887 axial vactrols PDF


    Abstract: vactrol VTL3B48 MQ-5
    Text: V TL 3B 48 Low Cost Neon Axial Vactrols PACKAGE DIM EN SIO NS inch mm UL Listed File #E738B7 Dual ‘ center tap- element version is available lor VTL3B48. DESCRIPTION V T L 3 B 4 8 features a low "on" resistance and fast turn-on tim e, with a smaller temperature

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    VTL3B48 E738B7 VTL3B48. VTL3B48 VTL3B18. 3030b0T VTL3B18 vactrol MQ-5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VTL3B 39, 3B49 Low Cost Neon Axial Vactrols PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch mm UL Listed File #E73887 Dual ’center tap' element version is available tor VTL3B39 and VTL3B49. DESCRIPTION V T L 3 B 4 9 features a very low "on" resistance V T L 3 B 3 9 offers a modest "on" resistance, su­

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    E73887 VTL3B39 VTL3B49. VTL3B391100 VTL3B49) VTL3B49 PDF


    Abstract: 27110 VTL3B19 VTL3B29 vactrol
    Text: V T L 3 B 1 9, 3 B 2 9 Low Cost Neon Axial Vactrols PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch mm UL Listed File #E73887 DESCRIPTION V T L 3 B 2 9 has a comparable "on” resistance to the V T L 3 B 1 9 , but with a much sm aller tem pera­ ture coefficient of resistance and less light his­

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    E73887 VTL3B19 VTL3B29 VTL3B19, VTL3B19. VTL3B19 VTL3B29 303DbCn 0D013L3 3B29 27110 vactrol PDF


    Abstract: resistance 1k ohm E73887 27110 3B29 VTL3B19 20MA120
    Text: V T L 3 B 1 9, 3 B 2 9 Low Cost Neon Axial Vactrols PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch mm UL Listed File #E73887 DESCRIPTION V T L 3 B 2 9 has a comparable "on” resistance to the V T L 3 B 1 9 , but with a much sm aller tem pera­ ture coefficient of resistance and less light his­

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    E73887 VTL3B19 VTL3B29 VTL3B19, VTL3B19. VTL3B19 VTL3B29 303DbCn 0D013L3 resistance 1k ohm E73887 27110 3B29 20MA120 PDF


    Abstract: vactrol vtl3b49 vactrol vactec vactrol neon lamp 220 volt VTL3A11 vtl3b48 VTL3A11/vactec vactrol VTL3A21 neon vactrol
    Text: VACTEC AXIAL VACTROLS Bulletin VTL 3-A U .L . L I S T E D FIL E IE738B7 T h e se low cost V A C T R O L S p rovide a broad range of Input la m p s, both photoconductors neon are and available incandescent. as output Various elem ents. Together, they p rovide a broad range o f tra n sfe r ch a r­

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    IE738B7 VTL3A44 vactrol vtl3b49 vactrol vactec vactrol neon lamp 220 volt VTL3A11 vtl3b48 VTL3A11/vactec vactrol VTL3A21 neon vactrol PDF

    Vactec photocell

    Abstract: VTL9A10 VTL9A9
    Text: □Bi Fl Q > fi VACTEC vactec GENERAL PURPOSE VACTROLS Bulletin VTL 9 D IM EN SIO N D R A W IN G S V T L 9 Series B o tto m V ie w M A XIM U M RATINGS M a x im u m case d is s ip a tio n 5 4 0 0 m W — derate 1 0 m W / *C ab o ve 35*C — case M a x im u m cell p o w e r

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    3D30b0q QQQD701 Vactec photocell VTL9A10 VTL9A9 PDF


    Abstract: Vactec cds cell vactrol VTL9B8 VTL9B6 50C24 VT6005 VTL9A11 VTL9A9 photoconductive cell cdse
    Text: This n o p> B» Copyrighted VACTEC GENERAL PURPOSE VACTROLS Bulletin VTL 9 DIMENSION D RAW IN GS V T L9 Series Bottom V iew MAXIMUM RATINGS By Maximum case dissipation 5 400 mW — derate 10 mW/ *C above 35*C — case Maximum cell power 200 mW — derate 4 mW/'C

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    vactec vactrol

    Abstract: VTL1B6 neon vactrol
    Text: FI VACTEC HERMETIC SEALED VACTROL. C l Ch VACTEC Bulletin V TL-1 1— 3 P H O TO CE LL 2 — 4 LIQ H T S O U R C E M A X I M U M R A T IN G S lO Om W — derate 2mW/*C above 25°C case tem perature Case tem perature 4 — 55*C to -f- 70*C operating and storage

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: VTL9A9 Vactec cds cell vactrol vectrol 50C24 Single photocell Vactec VTL9B8 VTL9A1
    Text: Powered n CO p> by o B» Bulletin VTL 9 DIMENSION D RAW IN GS V T L9 Series Bottom V iew Maximum case dissipation 5 400 mW — derate 10 mW/ *C above 35*C — case Maximum cell power 200 mW — derate 4 mW/'C above 25*C — case, Isolation voltage 500V Thermal resistance—

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    Abstract: vactec vactrol vtl1a3 VTL1A3 vactec vactrol vtl1b5 Photoresistor neon lamp 220 volt VTL1A4 VTL186 lem HA
    Text: ¡3 “ is Material FI HERMETIC SEALED VACTROL 2° C l VACTEC Copyrighted VACTEC P i Bulletin VTL-1 By Its Respective M A X IM U M RATINGS lOOmW — derate 2mW/’ C above 25°C case temperature — 55*C to -f- 70“C operating and storage Case temperature 4

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    thyristor TAG 8506

    Abstract: nais inverter vf 7f operation manual 922AA1Y-A4P optek A400 817 Sprague 513D sprague 926c Sprague 195P Rapa relay 12vdc triac tag 8948 Mascot 719
    Text: TABLE OF CONTENTS Catalog Number 11Q New For 1989! • Over 7,900 New Products • 13 New M anufacturers PRODUCT INDICES tiamp*,'fminei forskSockets ' Solder Equipment endTtfob ] vriHp\< lint Equipment, Panel Meters, Aejulpmant, i A P R E M IE R C o m p an y

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    11PM104 thyristor TAG 8506 nais inverter vf 7f operation manual 922AA1Y-A4P optek A400 817 Sprague 513D sprague 926c Sprague 195P Rapa relay 12vdc triac tag 8948 Mascot 719 PDF


    Abstract: A5 GNE mosfet Hall sensor 44e 402 2N8491 FTG 1087 S TRIAC BCR 10km FEB3T smd transistor marking 352a sharp EIA 577 sharp color tv schematic diagram MP-130 M mh-ce 10268
    Text: Table of Contents N E W A R K E L E C T R O N IC S “Where serving you begins even before you call” Newark Electronics is a UNIQUE broadline distributor of electronic components, dedicated to provid­ ing complete service, fast delivery and in-depth inventory. Our main

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