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    Abstract: p06vg A7P5 68C681 oettle VCPU31 VCPU33 MC68EC030 Reichle am3 socket pinout
    Text: ,QGXVWULDO &RPSXWHUV Memminger Str. 14 D 86159 Augsburg Tel.: +49 821 5034 0 Fax: +49 821 5034 119 VCPU30 Version 1.x CMOS Multiprocessor CPU Module with the MC 68030 Processor Manual C February 1993 by or Industrial Computers GmbH, Germany VCPU30 CMOS Multiprocessor CPU Module

    D86159 VCPU30 VCPU30 F00000 E00000 D00000 C00000 p06vg A7P5 68C681 oettle VCPU31 VCPU33 MC68EC030 Reichle am3 socket pinout PDF


    Abstract: Reichler oettle P6108A 74ACT245 VMI012 VMI014 Z8536 c10c3 822BC
    Text: or Industrial Computers Memminger Str.14 D-86159 Augsburg Tel.: +49 821 5034-0 Fax: +49 821 5034-119 VMIO 14 V 1.x TTL Input / Output Piggy Back Module Hardware Manual C 18 April 1996 by or Industrial Computers Product Note: VMI014, VI.x Board Revision History

    OCR Scan
    D-86159 VMI014, VMI014 33R/10kx8 10kx7 10kx8 24bc02 Reichler oettle P6108A 74ACT245 VMI012 Z8536 c10c3 822BC PDF