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    12v transformer

    Abstract: forward TRANSFORMER 15w flyback transformer PB2187 application note 12v 6A transformer efd15 5v 2a transformer flyback transformer efd-25 transformer flyback 5v 2a transformer EFD15 EFD20
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY CONVENTIONAL WOUND MAGNETICS EFD Platforms - EFD15, EFD20 and EFD25 Transformers and Inductors Power: 30W to 180W Three Different Platforms: THT and SMT Low Profile Platforms: 8.4mm to 13.5mm Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    EFD15, EFD20 EFD25 PB2187 36-75v, 225kHz 12v/1 15v/20mA 12v transformer forward TRANSFORMER 15w flyback transformer PB2187 application note 12v 6A transformer efd15 5v 2a transformer flyback transformer efd-25 transformer flyback 5v 2a transformer EFD15 PDF

    EFD15 5v flyback

    Abstract: 12v transformer 12v 6A flyback efd15 5v 2a transformer EFD TRANSFORMER 6 pin pulse transformer
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY CONVENTIONAL WOUND MAGNETICS EFD Platforms - EFD15, EFD20 and EFD25 Transformers and Inductors Power: 30W to 180W Three Different Platforms: THT and SMT Low Profile Platforms: 8.4mm to 13.5mm Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    EFD15, EFD20 EFD25 PB2187 36-75v, 225kHz 12v/1 15v/20mA PA04765538870 EFD15 5v flyback 12v transformer 12v 6A flyback efd15 5v 2a transformer EFD TRANSFORMER 6 pin pulse transformer PDF


    Abstract: PF0606 EFD20 EF12.6 PA1424NL LM5070 12v output pa1558nl 12V 18W flyback EFD15 5v PA1706NL
    Text: POE POWER TRANSFORMERS - IEEE802.3AF COMPLIANT - 1500VRMS ISOLATION, 33-57V INPUT, 200KHZ CM FLYBACK Customer Name Chipset ISL6844 LT1725 LT3803 LT3803 / LTC4267 / LTC4257 Unreleased MIC9130 LM5070/LM5020 LM5071/LM5072 SC4812 TPS2375/UCC3809 Pulse Part #

    IEEE802 1500VRMS 3-57V 200KHZ ISL6844 LT1725 LT3803 LT3803 LTC4267 LTC4257 PA1646 PF0606 EFD20 EF12.6 PA1424NL LM5070 12v output pa1558nl 12V 18W flyback EFD15 5v PA1706NL PDF


    Abstract: PB2134 15efd PA0476 PA1039 15efd data sheet EFD20 PA0691 flyback transformer 8 pin schematics EFD25
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY CONVENTIONAL WOUND MAGNETICS EFD Platforms - EFD15, EFD20 and EFD25 Transformers and Inductors Power: 30W to 180W Three Different Platforms: THT and SMT Low Profile Platforms: 8.4mm to 13.5mm Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    EFD15, EFD20 EFD25 PB2187 18-72v, 500kHz 10v/20mA 650Vdc 500Vrms PA0751 PB2134 15efd PA0476 PA1039 15efd data sheet PA0691 flyback transformer 8 pin schematics EFD25 PDF


    Abstract: PA0751 efd-25 transformer
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY CONVENTIONAL WOUND TRANSFORMERS EFD Platforms - EFD15, EFD20 and EFD25 Transformers and Inductors Power: 30W to 180W Three Different Platforms: THT and SMT Low Profile Platforms: 8.4mm to 13.5mm Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    EFD15, EFD20 EFD25 PB2187 36-75v, 225kHz 12v/1 15v/20mA PB2157 PB2042 EFD20 - TRANSFORMER PA0751 efd-25 transformer PDF

    transformer 3A

    Abstract: 80w flyback PA0751 PA104
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY CONVENTIONAL WOUND MAGNETICS EFD Platforms - EFD15, EFD20 and EFD25 Transformers and Inductors Power: 30W to 180W Three Different Platforms: THT and SMT Low Profile Platforms: 8.4mm to 13.5mm Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    EFD15, EFD20 EFD25 PB2187 36-75v, 225kHz 12v/1 15v/20mA PA047685538870 transformer 3A 80w flyback PA0751 PA104 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY CONVENTIONAL WOUND TRANSFORMERS EFD Platforms - EFD15, EFD20 and EFD25 Transformers and Inductors Power: 30W to 180W Three Different Platforms: THT and SMT Low Profile Platforms: 8.4mm to 13.5mm Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    EFD15, EFD20 EFD25 PB2187NL 36-75v, 225kHz 12v/1 15v/20mA PB2157 PB2042 EFD20 - TRANSFORMER PDF

    12 pin flyback transformer

    Abstract: 12v transformer PA0691 PB2134 flyback transformer 12v dc 10 pin flyback transformer schematics PA1039 PA0751 12v 6A flyback efd-15 transformer
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY CONVENTIONAL WOUND MAGNETICS EFD Platforms - EFD15, EFD20 and EFD25 Transformers and Inductors Power: 30W to 180W Three Different Platforms: THT and SMT Low Profile Platforms: 8.4mm to 13.5mm Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    EFD15, EFD20 EFD25 PB2187 36-75v, 225kHz 12v/1 15v/20mA 650Vdk 12 pin flyback transformer 12v transformer PA0691 PB2134 flyback transformer 12v dc 10 pin flyback transformer schematics PA1039 PA0751 12v 6A flyback efd-15 transformer PDF

    12v 6A transformer

    Abstract: flyback transformer 12v dc 10 pin flyback transformer schematics 12v transformer 12 pin flyback transformer flyback transformer 10 pin flyback transformer 10/12 pin flyback transformer 12V 1A Transformer specification PA0769NL
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY WIRE WOUND TRANSFORMERS EFD Platforms - EFD15, EFD20 and EFD25 Transformers and Inductors Power: 30W to 180W Three Different Platforms: THT and SMT Low Profile Platforms: 8.4mm to 13.5mm Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    EFD15, EFD20 EFD25 PB2187NL 36-75v, 225kHz 12v/1 15v/20mA -12v/1A 12v/3A 12v 6A transformer flyback transformer 12v dc 10 pin flyback transformer schematics 12v transformer 12 pin flyback transformer flyback transformer 10 pin flyback transformer 10/12 pin flyback transformer 12V 1A Transformer specification PA0769NL PDF


    Abstract: VT1115M volterra 124NL VT1115 PA0766NL PA1005.125 FERRITE TRANSFORMER 20khz toroid pa0801nl flyback transformer THT pin connections
    Text: SPM2007 11/07 SWITCHING POWER MAGNETICS USA 858 674 8100 • Germany 49 7032 7806 0 • Singapore 65 6287 8998 • Shanghai 86 21 54643211 / 2 • China 86 755 33966678 • Taiwan 886 3 4641811 SPM2007 (11/07) SWITCHING POWER MAGNETICS TABLE of CONTENTS

    SPM2007 VOLTERRA VT1115M VT1115M volterra 124NL VT1115 PA0766NL PA1005.125 FERRITE TRANSFORMER 20khz toroid pa0801nl flyback transformer THT pin connections PDF