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    Rochester Electronics LLC UPD63760GJ-8EN-A

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    DigiKey UPD63760GJ-8EN-A Bulk 14
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    • 100 $22.69
    • 1000 $22.69
    • 10000 $22.69
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    Renesas Electronics Corporation UPD63760GJ-8EN-A

    CD playback LSI with built-in decoding function
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    Rochester Electronics UPD63760GJ-8EN-A 559 1
    • 1 $21.82
    • 10 $21.82
    • 100 $20.51
    • 1000 $18.55
    • 10000 $18.55
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    NEC Electronics Group UPD6376CX

    Electronic Component
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    ComSIT USA UPD6376CX 13
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    PD6376 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: uPC2002 2sd1557 uPA67C uPB582 upc1237 uPC317 2P4M PIN DIAGRAM 2SC4328 uPC157
    Text: C&C for Human Potential Microcomputer 1 SEMICONDUCTOR SELECTION GUIDE GUIDE BOOK IC Memory 2 Semi-Custom IC 3 Particular Purpose IC 4 General Purpose Linear IC 5 Transistor / Diode / Thyristor 6 Microwave Device / Consumer Use High Frequency Device 7 Optical Device 8

    PD7500 X10679EJAV0SG00 MF-1134) 1995P uPC2581 uPC2002 2sd1557 uPA67C uPB582 upc1237 uPC317 2P4M PIN DIAGRAM 2SC4328 uPC157 PDF


    Abstract: SM5813 PC4558 PD6372 PD6376 SM5807 NEC 882 p s1279 npc SM5813
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: PD6376GS PD6376 SM5813 PC4558 PD6372 SM5807 298BLR-010N npc SM5813
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPD6376 AUDIO 2-CHANNEL 16-BIT D/A CONVERTER The µPD6376 is an audio 2-channel 16-bit D/A converter. The µPD6376 has low sound quality deterioration by employing the resistor string configuration and 0-point offset, and low power consumption by using the CMOS process. It operates on a single 5-V power supply, and it is pincompatible with the µPD6372 when Pin 1 is low level or open.

    PD6376 16-BIT PD6376 PD6372 PD6376GS uPD6376 PD6376GS SM5813 PC4558 SM5807 298BLR-010N npc SM5813 PDF


    Abstract: SM5813 PC4558 PD6372 PD6376 SM5807 npc SM5813
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPD6376 AUDIO 2-CHANNEL 16-BIT D/A CONVERTER The µPD6376 is an audio 2-channel 16-bit D/A converter. The µPD6376 has low sound quality deterioration by employing the resistor string configuration and 0-point offset, and low power consumption by using the CMOS process. It operates on a single 5-V power supply, and it is pincompatible with the µPD6372 when Pin 1 is low level or open.

    PD6376 16-BIT PD6376 PD6372 PD6376GS 16ecial: IC-2531 SM5813 PC4558 SM5807 npc SM5813 PDF

    sc5 s dc 6v relay

    Abstract: P48D-70-600 UPD66010 UPD7752 AC03E uPD7520 uPA1601 UPD70208H uPD72020 uPD16503
    Text: SEMICONDUCTORS SELECTION GUIDE Microcomputer 1 IC Memory 2 Semi-Custom IC 3 Particular Purpose IC 4 General Purpose Linear IC 5 Transistor/Diode/Thyristor 6 Microwave Device/ Consumer-Use High Frequency Device 7 Optical Device 8 Packages 9 Index 10 October 1997

    Corpora1-504-2860 X10679EJEV0SG00 sc5 s dc 6v relay P48D-70-600 UPD66010 UPD7752 AC03E uPD7520 uPA1601 UPD70208H uPD72020 uPD16503 PDF


    Abstract: NEC uPD
    Text: P R E L IM IN A R Y DATA SHEET NEC M O S INTEGRATED C IR C U IT ELECTRON DEVICE //PD6376 16 BIT D/A CONVERTER The /PD6376 is a 16-bit D /A converter fo r digital audio equipm ent. Resistance strings systpm and built-in 0-p o in t offset circuit realizes high sound q uality. This CM OS LSI operates on + 5 V

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    //PD6376 /LiPD6376 16-bit PD6376CX NEC uPD PDF

    4558 lowpass filter CIRCUIT DIAGRAM

    Abstract: uc4558 4558 lowpass filter
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿PD6376 AUDIO 2-CHANNEL 16-BIT D/A CONVERTER The ¡1 PD6376 is an audio 2-channel 16-bit D/A converter. The /PD6376 has low sound quality deterioration by em ploying the resistor string configuration and O-point offset,

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    uPD6376 16-BIT PD6376 /xPD6376 PD6372 PD6376GS 4558 lowpass filter CIRCUIT DIAGRAM uc4558 4558 lowpass filter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD6376 AUDIO 2-CHANNEL 16-BIT D/A CONVERTER T h e ¿¡PD6376 is an a u d io 2 -c h a n n e l 1 6 -bit D /A co n ve rte r. T h e ¿¡PD6376 has lo w s o u n d q u a lity d e te rio ra tio n by e m p lo y in g the re s is to r s trin g c o n fig u ra tio n and 0 -p o in t offset,

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    PD6376 16-BIT PD6376 PD6372 6376G IR30-00-1 VP-15-00-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD6379, 6379A, 6379L, 6379AL 2-CHANNEL 16-BIT D/A CONVERTER FOR AUDIO APPLICATION The ¿¡PD6379 and 6379A are 2-channel 16-bit D/A converters for digital audio signal dem odulation. These D/A converters em ploy the resistor string conversion method w hich has been tested by existing model ¿¡PD6376 but they

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    PD6379, 6379L, 6379AL 16-BIT PD6379 PD6376 PD6376. PD6379L PDF


    Abstract: nec d6376 PD6376
    Text: »427525 üOMcîb2D 33T « N E C E M O S IN T E G R A T E D C IR C U IT uP D6376 ELECTRON DEVICE 16 B IT D/A C O N V E R T E R The PD6376 ¡s a 16-bit D/A converter for digital audio equipment. Resistance strings system and built-in O-point offset circuit^rea

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    D6376 uPD6376 16-bit /iPD6372. HPD627 HPDS27 b42752S P16GM50-300B-1 D6376 nec d6376 PD6376 PDF

    nec d 882 p

    Abstract: pd6376 d6376 NEC 882 p PD6372 th02 HPD6376GS PC4572 SM5807 uPD6376
    Text: P R E L IM IN A R Y DATA S H E E T SEC / ELECTRON DEVICE M O S INTEGRATED C IR C U IT / _ u / _ P D _ _ _ _ 6376 16 B IT D/A C O N V E R T E R The /PD6376 is a 16-bit D/A converter for digital audio equipment. Resistance strings systpm and built-in O-point offset circuit realizes high sound quality. This C M O S L S I operates on +5 V

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    uPD6376 16-bit /PD6372. PD6376 nec d 882 p pd6376 d6376 NEC 882 p PD6372 th02 HPD6376GS PC4572 SM5807 PDF


    Abstract: opti 929 82C924 Digital Sound Processor circuit diagram Yamaha YAC512 YAC512 "direct replacement" 82C92 82092 yamaha dac opti chipset
    Text: OPTi Confidential 82C925 OPTiFM Plug-and-Play Audio Controller 1.0 Overview The OPTi 82C925 is a highly integrated digital audio control­ ler for PC sound applications. The 82C925 is a replacement for the OPTi 82C924 audio controller that combines all of the

    OCR Scan
    82C925 MPU-401 16-Bit opti 929 82C924 Digital Sound Processor circuit diagram Yamaha YAC512 YAC512 "direct replacement" 82C92 82092 yamaha dac opti chipset PDF