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    Abstract: LA7687 mn155402 tmp80c49p csb600P 80c49 um93403 MB74LS04 50MHz Colpitts VCO tc9148
    Text: P17E10.pdf 97.05.30 R CERAMIC RESONATOR CERALOCK APPLICATION MANUAL Contents 1 Principles of CERALOCKR 1. Equivalent Circuit Constants 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

    P17E10 CSA20 00MXZ040 CSA25 CSA30 CSA32 CSA33 CSB455E LA7687 mn155402 tmp80c49p csb600P 80c49 um93403 MB74LS04 50MHz Colpitts VCO tc9148 PDF


    Abstract: 4275a5 PD80C49H p21213 P0350
    Text: N E C % fW ELECTRONICS I NC Tñ bM27SaS 0 0 1 3 5 3 b ¿ 2 6427525 N E C ELECTRO N ICS . D escription . The fiPD80C39H, f PD80C49H, and /jPD49H are singlechip, 8 -bit microcomputers containing an 8 -bit CPU, ROM (80C49H and 49H , RAM, I/O ports, and control cir­

    OCR Scan
    bM27SaS 40-Pin uPD80C39H uPD80C49H uPD49H 80C49H 4275a5 PD80C49H p21213 P0350 PDF


    Abstract: pd82c43 uPD8048 D82C43 PD82C43C nec 2401 UPD82C43 PD80C49 ud82c43c 82C43
    Text: NEC NEC Electronics Inc. MPD82C43 CMOS INPUT/OUTPUT EXPANDER FOR jl<PD8048/C48 FAMILY Description Pin Configuration The nPD82C43 input/output expander is directly compatible with the nPD8048/C48 family of single-chip microcomputers. Using CMOS technology, the

    OCR Scan
    uPD82C43 uPD8048 uPD80C48 nPD82C43 nPD8048/C48 PD82C43 /jPD82C43 /jPD8048/C48 iPD82C43s PD8048 D82C43 PD82C43C nec 2401 PD80C49 ud82c43c 82C43 PDF


    Abstract: 8259 programmable interval timer microprocessors interface 8259 8255 Programmable Interrupt Controller microprocessor 8286 7508HG microprocessors interface 8255 8259 Programmable Peripheral Interface 78C11G 7508G
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC 72C D B T-V9-0/ bM27SSS QQOt.442 5 • NEC SURFACE MOUNT DEVICES _ Microcom puters 'T- s-x-ol Microprocessors Slngle-Chlp, 4-Bit Microcomputers C M O S Microprocessor Chips Miniflat Package Part No. Process ROM //PD7501G CMOS 7502G CMOS

    OCR Scan
    bM27SSS uPD70008AG uPD70108G uPD70116G 8/16-bit 16/16-blt //PD7501G 7502G 7503G 7506G 80c42g 8259 programmable interval timer microprocessors interface 8259 8255 Programmable Interrupt Controller microprocessor 8286 7508HG microprocessors interface 8255 8259 Programmable Peripheral Interface 78C11G 7508G PDF

    intel 8049H

    Abstract: PD49H LA 4262 tca235
    Text: jW /X V * n r / V mPD 80C 39H / 49H , MPD49H HIGH-SPEED, 8-BIT, SINGLE-CHIP c m o s m ic r o c o m p u t e r s NEC Electronics Inc. Pin Configurations Description The nPD80C39H, PD80C49H, and ^PD49H are single­ chip, 8 -bit m icrocomputers containing an 8 -bit CPU,

    OCR Scan
    uPD80C39H uPD80C49H uPD49H nPD80C39H, MPD80C49H, PD49H 80C49H 40-Pin fiPD49H intel 8049H LA 4262 tca235 PDF


    Abstract: intel 8049H 80C49 8049H A603G intel 4269 PD80C49 B0851 d49h
    Text: NEC hP D 8 0 C 3 9 H /4 9 H , ¿¿PD49H H IG H -S P E E D , 8-B IT , S IN G L E -C H IP C M O S M IC R O C O M P U T E R S NEC Electronics Inc. Pin C onfigurations D escription The nPD80C39H, PD80C49H, and ^PD49H are single­ chip, 8 -bit microcomputers containing an 8 -bit CPU,

    OCR Scan
    uPD80C39H uPD80C49H uPD49H 80C49H PD49H 40-Pin intel 8049H 80C49 8049H A603G intel 4269 PD80C49 B0851 d49h PDF


    Abstract: 80C49H 8049H intel 8049H PD80C49
    Text: NEC hP D 8 0 C 3 9 H /4 9 H , ¿¿PD49H H IG H -S P E E D , 8-B IT , S IN G L E -C H IP C M O S M IC R O C O M P U T E R S NEC Electronics Inc. Pin C onfigurations D escription The nPD80C39H, PD80C49H, and ^PD49H are single­ chip, 8 -bit m icrocomputers containing an 8 -bit CPU,

    OCR Scan
    uPD80C39H uPD80C49H uPD49H 80C49H PD49H 40-Pin PD80C39H/49H, fiPD49H b0951 8049H intel 8049H PD80C49 PDF


    Abstract: PD7801G PD650C UPD650C D8748 PD8749HD UPD8048HC d7810 64x8 PD7503G
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC STC D • b427525 OOOblDM 7 ■ • 4 -B it S in g le -C h ip M ic ro c o m p u te rs i Type No. /{PD650C / PD651C /(COM43C Series Process Supply Voltage (V Instruction Time (¡is) CMOS +5 10 /(PD652CPD7502G Í(PD7503G 2 0 -1 0

    OCR Scan
    b427525 COM43C uPD650C uPD651C uPD652C uPD7502G uPD7503G uPD7506C COM7500 uPD7507SC D8748D PD7801G PD650C D8748 PD8749HD UPD8048HC d7810 64x8 PD7503G PDF


    Abstract: UPD7503G PD7800G 8049C 224X4 MPD7802G mPD8253 PD7811G upd652c UPD650
    Text: N E C E L E C T R O N I C S INC STC D • b427525 000bl04 7 ■ • 4-Bit Sing le-C hip M icro co m p u ters i Type No. Process Supply Voltage V Instruction Time (¡is) ROM x8 2k CMOS +5 10 1k 64x4 1k /{PD650C /(COM43C Series /(PD651CPD652CPD7502G

    OCR Scan
    b427525 000bl04 uPD650C COM43C uPD651C uPD652C uPD7502G uPD7503G uPD7506C COM7500 PD7800G 8049C 224X4 MPD7802G mPD8253 PD7811G UPD650 PDF


    Abstract: PD80C49C PD7801G UPD650C 64x8 PD650 uCOM84 MPD7801G UPD80C48C PD7800G
    Text: • 4-Bit Single-Chip M icrocom puters Process Supply Voltage V Instruction Time ROM x8 RAM I/O CMOS +5 10 2k 1k 9 6 x4 6 4 x4 4 bit X 8 3 bit 42-pin DIP /(PD652C 1k 3 2 x4 4 bit X 5 1 bit 28-pin DIP /íPD7502G ííPD7503G 2k •4k 128x4 224 x 4 4 bit X 5

    OCR Scan
    COM43C uPD650C uPD651C uPD652C uPD7502G uPD7503G uPD7506C COM7500 uPD7507SC /iPD7507C PD650C PD80C49C PD7801G 64x8 PD650 uCOM84 MPD7801G UPD80C48C PD7800G PDF