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    Altera Corporation PLEJ610

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    Quest Components PLEJ610 1
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    PLEJ610 Datasheets (1)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    PLEJ610 Altera Adapters, Programmers, Development Systems, PROG ADAPTOR FOR J LEAD 600/610 Original PDF

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    Abstract: altera ep900 PL-ASAP PLMJ3000A-44 PLMG7000-192 EP1810 EP600 eprom EP600 programming EP900 PLMJ1213
    Text: Altera Programming Hardware September 2005, ver. 5.3 General Description Data Sheet Altera offers a variety of hardware to program and configure Altera® devices. For conventional device programming, in-system programming, and in-circuit reconfiguration, designers can choose from the hardware



    Abstract: 6000FLEX PLMT7000-44 PLMJ1213 ep910 ieee PLMG5130A PLMT1064 PLMG5192A PLMJ7000-84 PLMG5128A
    Text: 開発ツール セレクタ・ガイド January 1999 アルテラのプログラマブル・ロジック開発ツールの概要 アルテラは業界でもっとも高速でもっともパワフルな、そしてもっ とも柔軟性の高いプログラマブル・ロジック開発用ソフトウェアとプ

    20KFLEX 10KFLEX 6000FLEX 8000MAX® 9000MAX 7000MAX 5000Classic System/6000 19871993VHDLVerilog Quartus1999 PLMG7192-160 6000FLEX PLMT7000-44 PLMJ1213 ep910 ieee PLMG5130A PLMT1064 PLMG5192A PLMJ7000-84 PLMG5128A PDF


    Abstract: PLMJ1213 Altera Programming Hardware plmxxxx ALTERA MAX 5000 programming ALTERA PLMJ1213 PLMR9000-208 programming epm7032 PLMJ7000-68 EP610 "pin compatible"
    Text: Altera Programming Hardware June 1996, ver. 3 General Description Data Sheet Altera offers a variety of hardware to program and configure Altera devices. For conventional device programming, in-system programming, and in-circuit reconfiguration, designers can choose from the hardware

    PLAD3-12 EP610 EP910 EP1810 EPX740 EPX780 PLMG7192-160 PLMJ1213 Altera Programming Hardware plmxxxx ALTERA MAX 5000 programming ALTERA PLMJ1213 PLMR9000-208 programming epm7032 PLMJ7000-68 EP610 "pin compatible" PDF

    EP600 programming

    Abstract: PLMJ7000 altera ep900 PLMG7192-160 BITBLASTER free circuit eprom programmer programming hardware manufacturers BGA and QFP Package epm7064 adapter J-Lead, QFP
    Text: Altera Programming Hardware January 1998, ver. 4 General Description Data Sheet Altera offers a variety of hardware to program and configure Altera devices. For conventional device programming, in-system programming, and in-circuit reconfiguration, designers can choose from the hardware



    Abstract: PLMQ7192/256-160NC PLMQ7000-44 PLMQ7000-100NC PLED610 PLMT7000-44 PLMT3000-100NC PLEJ910 PLMT1064 PLMG9000-280
    Text: Page 1 of 3 PRODUCT DISCONTINUANCE NOTIFICATION PDN0610 Change Description: Altera will be discontinuing select programming adapter ordering codes, as listed in Table 1. Reason for Change: Customer usage of these adapters has declined to the point where manufacturing is no longer

    PDN0610 PLMQ7128/160-160NC PLMQ7192/256-160NC PLMQ7192/7256-160 PLMQ7128/7160-160 PLMQ7000-100 PLMQ7000-100NC PDN0610 PLMQ7192/256-160NC PLMQ7000-44 PLMQ7000-100NC PLED610 PLMT7000-44 PLMT3000-100NC PLEJ910 PLMT1064 PLMG9000-280 PDF


    Abstract: ALTERA MAX 5000 programming ep910 programmer PLMJ7000-68 PLMG9000-280 plmxxxx PLAD3-12 PLMD5032A PLMG5130A PLMG7192-160
    Text: Altera Programming Hardware June 1996, ver. 3 General Description Data Sheet Altera offers a variety of hardware to program and configure Altera devices. For conventional device programming, in-system programming, and in-circuit reconfiguration, designers can choose from the hardware

    EP610 EP910 EP1810 PLAD3-12 EPX740 EPX780 PLMJ1213 ALTERA MAX 5000 programming ep910 programmer PLMJ7000-68 PLMG9000-280 plmxxxx PLMD5032A PLMG5130A PLMG7192-160 PDF

    Date Code Formats Altera EPF10K

    Abstract: ep22v10 5962-9061102XA 5962-8854901xa 8686401LA 5962-8686401LA lift controller in vhdl ALTERA PART MARKING EPM7160 EPX780 transistor b2020
    Text: Introduction Contents March 1995 Introduction The PLD Advantages of Altera


    ep910 programmer

    Abstract: PLMJ1213 pled6 programmer EPLD EPM3064A-J PLMJ1213 APU adapter EP600 EP600 programming Altera Programming Hardware EPC1064V
    Text: Altera Programming Hardware July 2001, ver. 5.2 General Description Data Sheet Altera offers a variety of hardware to program and configure Altera® devices. For conventional device programming, in-system programming, and in-circuit reconfiguration, designers can choose from the hardware


    EPM9560 pinout

    Abstract: PLMJ5064 Yamaichi TQFP 244 CQFP 208 IC51-0444-1568 PLMJ5192A PLMG5130A PLMJ7000-84
    Text: About this CD-ROM June 1997 The Altera Digital Library contains all current technical literature for the FLEX 10K, FLEX 8000, FLEX 6000, MAX 9000, MAX 7000, MAX 5000, Classic, and Configuration EPROM device families, MAX+PLUS II development tools, and programming hardware. In addition, updates to

    10-Pin EPM9560 pinout PLMJ5064 Yamaichi TQFP 244 CQFP 208 IC51-0444-1568 PLMJ5192A PLMG5130A PLMJ7000-84 PDF

    altera ep900

    Abstract: PLMJ5192 PLMJ5192A PLMJ5064 Altera Programming Hardware EP610 "pin compatible" PLMD5032 ALTERA SUFFIX CODE BITBLASTER
    Text: Altera Programming Hardware January 1998, ver. 4 General Description Data Sheet Altera offers a variety of hardware to program and configure Altera devices. For conventional device programming, in-system programming, and in-circuit reconfiguration, designers can choose from the hardware


    programming manual EPLD EPS448

    Abstract: Altera EPM5128 EPM7064-12 leap u1 EP-900910 PLE3-12a tcl tv circuit altera eplds EP610 "pin compatible" ALTERA MAX 5000
    Text: Data Book TENTH ANNIVERSARY A Decade of Leadership A u g u s t 1993 Data Book August 1993 A-DB-0793-01 Altera, MAX, and M A X+PLUS are registered trademarks of Altera Corporation. The following, among others, are trademarks of Altera Corporation: AHDL, M AX+PLUS II, PL-ASAP2, PLDS-HPS, PLS-ADV, PLS-ES, PLS-FLEX8, PLS-FLEX8/H P, PLS-FLEX8/SN , PLS-HPS, PLS-STD, PLS-W S/H P,

    OCR Scan
    -DB-0793-01 EP330, EP610, EP610A, EP610T, EP910, EP910A, EP910T, EP1810, EP1810T, programming manual EPLD EPS448 Altera EPM5128 EPM7064-12 leap u1 EP-900910 PLE3-12a tcl tv circuit altera eplds EP610 "pin compatible" ALTERA MAX 5000 PDF

    programming epm7032

    Abstract: Altera EP1800 altera EP600 22V10E EP610 "pin compatible" ALTERA MAX 5000 programming EP224 PLMJ7000-84 ep910 programmer EPX740
    Text: Altera Programming Hardware Data Sheet March 1995, ver. 2 General Description Altera offers a variety of hardware to program and configure Altera devices. The following products are available: • ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Stand-Alone Programmer Logic Programmer card

    OCR Scan
    PLAD3-12 EP610 EP910 EP1810 EPX740 EPX780 programming epm7032 Altera EP1800 altera EP600 22V10E EP610 "pin compatible" ALTERA MAX 5000 programming EP224 PLMJ7000-84 ep910 programmer PDF

    TD 265 N 600 KOC

    Abstract: core i5 520 Scans-049 camtex trays sii Product Catalog EPM9560 film hot BT 342 project TIL Display 7160S
    Text: 1996 Data Book Data Book June 1996 A-DB-0696-01 Altera, MAX, M A X+PLUS, FLEX, FLEX 10K, FLEX 8000, FLEX 8000A, MAX 9000, MAX 7000, MAX 7000E, MAX 7000S, FLASHlogic, MAX 5000, Classic, M AX+PLUS II, PL-ASAP2, PLDshell Plus, FastTrack, AHDL, MPLD, Turbo Bit, BitBlaster, PENGN, RIPP 10, PLS-ES, ClockLock, ClockBoost,

    OCR Scan
    -DB-0696-01 7000E, 7000S, EPF10K100, EPF10K70, EPF10K50, EPF10K40, EPF10K30, EPF10K20, EPF10K10, TD 265 N 600 KOC core i5 520 Scans-049 camtex trays sii Product Catalog EPM9560 film hot BT 342 project TIL Display 7160S PDF


    Abstract: ep910 programmer T1064S 132 pin PGA socket
    Text: Altera Programming Hardware Ju n e 1996. ver. 3 General _ . . . UcSlfliptllin Data Sheet A ltera o ffers a v a rie ty o f h a rd w a re to p ro g ra m a n d c o n fig u re A ltera devices. F or c o n v e n tio n a l d e v ic e p ro g ra m m in g , in -sy ste m p ro g ra m m in g ,

    OCR Scan
    EP610 EP910 EP1810 PLAD3-12 J1213 ep910 programmer T1064S 132 pin PGA socket PDF


    Abstract: EP610 ORDERING EP600 programming programming epm7032 ByteBlaster PLMR7256-208 plmxxxx plmt PLMG7192-160 altera flex 6000 208
    Text: Altera Programming Hardware General _ Data Sheet 1998. v e r 4 . . . uescripuon Altera offers a variety of hardware to program and configure Altera devices. For conventional device programming, in-system programming, and in-circuit reconfiguration, designers can choose from the hardware

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: PLMD5032 altera EP1800 PLED610 EPB2001 EPS448 PLEJ5192
    Text: ÆN b ^ s *a \ PLED/J/G/S/Q & PLM D/J/G/S/Q Programming Adapters Data Sheet September 1991, ver. 1 Features General Description Ll P r o g r a m m i n g a d a p t e r s for A lte ra I I’ I,I s —I A d a p t e r s p l u g d ir e c t ly inti) M a s t e r P r o g r a m m i n g U n it M P U )

    OCR Scan
    PLED610 PLEJ610 PLES610 PLED910 PLEJ910 PLEJ1810 J1810W PLEG1810 PLED5016 PLEJ5016 PLMD5032 altera EP1800 EPB2001 EPS448 PLEJ5192 PDF


    Abstract: ep 1810 program EP610 ORDERING 5032DM altera ep320 EPS448LC-25 EPM 5192 PLMD5032 J5192 EPS448
    Text: Ordering EPLDs Figure 1 show s how an EPLD part num ber is constructed. For inform ation on specific package, grade, and speed com binations, refer to individual EPLD data sheets or the Product Selection Guide in this data book, or telephone the Altera M arketing D epartm ent at 408 984-2800.

    OCR Scan
    IL-STD-883-com Classi10/1810T EPM5016 PLMJ1810 PLEG1810 PLED5016 PLEJ5016 PLES5016 PLED5032 PLMD5032 M5962 ep 1810 program EP610 ORDERING 5032DM altera ep320 EPS448LC-25 EPM 5192 PLMD5032 J5192 EPS448 PDF