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    Abstract: preselector
    Text: SMR Band Preselector SMR Band Preselector Features • • • • Passband 806 - 825 MHz Low Transmit Insertion Loss < 1.20 dB Typical Return Loss: 20 dB Compact Size 4.75 x 2.3 x 2.8 inch Description M/A-COM’s SMR Band Preselector is ideally suited for all Basestation applications. The filter possesses low insertion loss and



    Abstract: schema elettrico auto DISPLAY DE 16 SEGMENTOS display led 4 digitos comptage DISPLAY 16 segmentos statica cpt4 display lcd 7 segmenti Display 7 segmentos
    Text: 87 620 ppp Présélecteur multifonctions Multifunctions preselector Multifunktions-vorwahlzähler Preselector multifunción Contatore multifunzione Multifunctionele voorselecto NTR 810 A 12 - 2005 Page 6 Multifunctions preselector Page 44 Multifunktionsvorwahlzähler


    Crouzet cpt4

    Abstract: relais schema bistable Bedienungsanleitung ntr CPT4 CROUZET cpt4 MAA115 Bedienungsanleitung compteur impulsion lcd
    Text: 87 620 ppp Présélecteur multifonctions Multifunctions preselector NTR 810 A 12 - 2005 Présélecteur multifonctions Page 4 Multifunctions preselector Page 44 Die deutsche, italienische, niederländische und spanische Version der Bedienungsanleitung finden Sie auf der



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Agilent M9360A PXI Attenuator/ Preselector Data Sheet 100 kHz to 26.5 GHz Challenge the Boundaries of Test Agilent Modular Products OVERVIEW I n tr o du c ti o n A p p l i c ati o ns With attributes that provide enough performance to satisfy even the most demanding spectrum analysis applications,

    M9360A M9360A 5990-6057EN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Agilent 11960A EMC Preselector Product Overview Agilent 8590EM EMC Analyzers Agilent 8590E Spectrum Analyzers Reduce RF overload from broadband and out-of-band signals Reduce RF Overloading and Its Effects Performing conducted emissions measurements on today’s products usually involves testing switchingmode power supplies. Even though switchers are

    1960A 8590EM 8590E 1960A 1947A 1955A 1956A 11968C 11967D PDF

    adret 7100a

    Abstract: HP8568A adret 100HZ FA4489 Comstron 4 channel rf module 4 channel rf receiver preselector

    FA4489 FA4489 adret 7100a HP8568A adret 100HZ Comstron 4 channel rf module 4 channel rf receiver preselector PDF


    Abstract: pps 3000 power SDDS MSDD-6000-PPS MSDD-3000-NAV MSDD-3000
    Text: High Performance RF Tuners and Digitizers RF Tuners MT-3001XLP 2-3000MHz Xtremely Low Power RF Tuner 1.25W 3.00” x 5.53” x 0.52” 2-30MHz HF bypass, 30-3000MHz tuning, tracking and fixed preselectors, 12dB NF, -10dBm IP3, 70dB spurious rejection, 70MHz IF OUT, 1.25/10/25MHz IF

    MT-3001XLP 2-3000MHz 2-30MHz 30-3000MHz -10dBm 70MHz 25/10/25MHz MT-3001 30-3000MHz, MSDD-3000-PPS pps 3000 power SDDS MSDD-6000-PPS MSDD-3000-NAV MSDD-3000 PDF

    433 transmitter pcb layout

    Abstract: 433 315 MHz RF Transmitter ASK transmitter 433mhz sc3901 AS3901-001 315/433MHZ ASK 433 315 MHz RF Receiver 433 mhz transmitter TX 433 RF TRANSMITTER 433MHz saw Based Transmitter Schematic
    Text: $1  YDOXDWLRQ %RDUG IRU WKH $6 $6. 6. ,60 %DQG  0+] 7UDQVPLWWHU $SSOLFDWLRQ 1RWH 5HY % 6HSWHPEHU  Evaluation Board for the AS3901-001 ASK/FSK ISM Band 315/433 MHz Transmitter AN 3901-001 6ˆ†‡…vhÃHvx…‚ÃT’†‡r€rÃD‡r…h‡v‚hyÃ6B

    AS3901-001 AS3901 433/315MHz 433 transmitter pcb layout 433 315 MHz RF Transmitter ASK transmitter 433mhz sc3901 315/433MHZ ASK 433 315 MHz RF Receiver 433 mhz transmitter TX 433 RF TRANSMITTER 433MHz saw Based Transmitter Schematic PDF

    walkie-talkie transceiver diagram

    Abstract: walkie-talkie walkie-talkie transceiver FRS transceiver walkie-talkie transceiver 900Mhz walkie-talkie diagram SA58646 walkie-talkie transceiver 27 mhz RF mixer 433 Mhz SA58646BD
    Text: NXP UHF to 900-MHz transceiver SA58646 Single-chip analog transceiver for UHF to 900 MHz Housed in a small LQFP package 10 x 10 mm , this highly integrated BiCMOS transceiver provides complete Rx/Tx functionality in basestations and handsets. It is ideally suited for use in

    900-MHz SA58646 002aac229 SA58646 walkie-talkie transceiver diagram walkie-talkie walkie-talkie transceiver FRS transceiver walkie-talkie transceiver 900Mhz walkie-talkie diagram walkie-talkie transceiver 27 mhz RF mixer 433 Mhz SA58646BD PDF

    TCA 700 v

    Abstract: TCA 700 TCA 440 W1A 95 transistor W1A 455 khz if transformer coil 455 khz if transformer W1A 95 3 pin transistor 1st IF 45 MHz, 2nd IF 455 455 khz filter
    Text: Technical Data TCA 440 / T Edition 12/95 AM - Receiver Circuit Description Features This is an efficient bipolar monolithic circuit to apply in battery - powered or mains - operated radio receivers up to 30 MHz. It contains controlled RF stage, mixer, separated oscillator and regulated

    440voltages TCA 700 v TCA 700 TCA 440 W1A 95 transistor W1A 455 khz if transformer coil 455 khz if transformer W1A 95 3 pin transistor 1st IF 45 MHz, 2nd IF 455 455 khz filter PDF


    Abstract: AN5043 AS5043 AS5046 BMN-35H SSOP16 SSOP-16
    Text: AS5046 PROGRAMMABLE 12-bit 360° MAGNETIC ANGLE ENCODER WITH ABSOLUTE 2-WIRE SERIAL AND ANALOG INTERFACES 1 General Description 2 The AS5046 is a contactless magnetic angle encoder for accurate measurement up to 360°. It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall

    AS5046 12-bit AS5046 10-bit AN5043-10 AN5043 AS5043 BMN-35H SSOP16 SSOP-16 PDF


    Abstract: active double balanced mixer dual gate fet passive mixer passive mixer downconverter AN1020 NE25139T1U73
    Text: California Eastern Laboratories APPLICATION NOTE AN1020 Active Mixer Design Using the NE25139 Dual Gate MESFET Active mixers have some advantages over passive double balanced mixers. The most obvious advantage is that they provide gain instead of loss. This reduces the gain requirements on the low noise amplifier and the IF stage in a receiver.

    AN1020 NE25139 NE25139 active double balanced mixer dual gate fet passive mixer passive mixer downconverter AN1020 NE25139T1U73 PDF


    Abstract: C210 C211 SSOP-28
    Text: SmartRF â CC900 CC900 Single Chip High Performance RF Transceiver Applications • UHF wireless data transmitters and receivers • Wireless alarm and security systems • 868 and 915 MHz ISM/SRD band systems • Keyless entry with acknowledgement • •

    CC900 CC900 C210 C211 SSOP-28 PDF

    RFID loop antenna 134 KHz

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CC1020 CC1020 Low-Power RF Transceiver for Narrowband Systems Applications • Narrowband low power UHF wireless data transmitters and receivers with channel spacing as low as 12.5 and 25 kHz • 402 / 424 / 426 / 429 / 433 / 447 / 449 / 469 / 868 and 915 MHz ISM/SRD

    CC1020 CC1020 RFID loop antenna 134 KHz PDF


    Abstract: CFR47 SMAFF-868 RF Modules Tx Rx Pair 433 Mhz ASK SW-456 STD-T67
    Text: CC1020 CC1020 Low-Power RF Transceiver for Narrowband Systems Applications • Narrowband low power UHF wireless data transmitters and receivers with channel spacing as low as 12.5 and 25 kHz • 402 / 424 / 426 / 429 / 433 / 447 / 449 / 469 / 868 / 915 / 960 MHz ISM/SRD

    CC1020 CC1020 CFR47 SMAFF-868 RF Modules Tx Rx Pair 433 Mhz ASK SW-456 STD-T67 PDF

    RF M4 Receiver - 315MHz

    Abstract: MICRF213 9.81563 MICRF213AYQS am receiver 315MHz antenna matching calculation rf traNsmitter receiver 315mhz helical 10E-02 39NH 5 ,0402 micrf
    Text: MICRF213 3.3V, QwikRadio 315MHz Receiver General Description Features The MICRF213 is a general purpose, 3.3V QwikRadio Receiver that operates at 315MHz with typical sensitivity of -110dBm. The MICRF213 functions as a super-heterodyne receiver for OOK and ASK modulation up to 7.2kbps.

    MICRF213 315MHz MICRF213 -110dBm. MICRF213. 18kHz 44kHz, M9999-052307-A RF M4 Receiver - 315MHz 9.81563 MICRF213AYQS am receiver 315MHz antenna matching calculation rf traNsmitter receiver 315mhz helical 10E-02 39NH 5 ,0402 micrf PDF

    converter from 36 MHz to 470-862 MHz

    Abstract: QFN-32 footprint texas instruments frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz 020C CC1020 CC1021 CFR47 SMAFF-868 monopole fm antenna 1201CC
    Text: CC1021 CC1021 Single Chip Low Power RF Transceiver for Narrowband Systems Applications • Low power UHF wireless data transmitters and receivers with channel spacings of 50 kHz or higher • 433, 868 and 915 MHz ISM/SRD band systems • AMR ñ Automatic Meter Reading

    CC1021 1201CC converter from 36 MHz to 470-862 MHz QFN-32 footprint texas instruments frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz 020C CC1020 CC1021 CFR47 SMAFF-868 monopole fm antenna 1201CC PDF

    6522 diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m m i The controlled C -V characteristics o f this hyperabrupt tuning diode series _ mm D facilitate their use in straight line frequency vs voltage applications through the U H F band. They are used in phase locked loops, in matched sets for •< i> preselectors, in V C X O 's, TC X O 's and in other tuning diode applications.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: DB8982 DB8983PW B8985 Decibel db898 Decibel Products uhf
    Text: DB8982PW. DB8983PW TOWER TOP Rx AMPLIFIERS DB8985PW 406-470 MHz with 806-824 MHz Decibel’s tower top receiver amplifiers improve the sensitivity of base station receivers and extend the “talk back” range from low powered transmitters operating in the 406-470 and 806-824 MHz.

    OCR Scan
    DB8982PW. DB8983PW DB8985PW rejecti6-470, B8985PW DB8982PW DB8982 B8985 Decibel db898 Decibel Products uhf PDF


    Abstract: DB8945 DB980 DB874H Decibel Products DB225 antenna ASP-2015 DB884H ASP-712 db205 antenna ASP-685
    Text: INDEX db TransTelecom ASP-2011 Antennas. 9 Cables, Connectors, Acc.125 12038 Sway Brace K its .19, 25 ASP-2015 Antennas. 30 ASP-2894 Antennas. 100

    OCR Scan
    ACD-2702 ACD-2727 DB432 DB436 DB437 DB438 DB471N DB492 DB493 DB495 DB4058W DB8945 DB980 DB874H Decibel Products DB225 antenna ASP-2015 DB884H ASP-712 db205 antenna ASP-685 PDF


    Abstract: DB8980P DB4192 GASFET DB4259 DB8980-A Decibel db898 DB8980S-P DB89 DB8986-P
    Text: DÌ8980-P, DB8981-P TOWER TOP Rx AMPLIFIERS DB8986-P 806-902 MHz Decibel’s tower top receiver amplifiers improve the sensitivity of base station receivers and extend the “talk back” range for low powered transmitters. • Benefits - High gain, low noise amplifiers placed at the

    OCR Scan
    8980-P, DB8981-P DB8986-P DB8980-P DB8980P DB4192 GASFET DB4259 DB8980-A Decibel db898 DB8980S-P DB89 PDF

    Decibel Products DB225 antenna

    Abstract: DB834H70R-F DB4379 DB4058W ASP-712 DB4345CSL-C DB563 db205 antenna DB810K-Y ASP-635
    Text: H E ID I M r r U I ^ A l l M T I f l l l C I l l l l v d TYPICAL DESIGNS FOR MOBILE ANTENNA SYSTEMS An antenna system includes all of the equipment used from the radio transmit­ ter and the receiver to the tip of the antenna, and its design usually requires

    OCR Scan
    to138-174 DB225 DB230 DB536 ASP-700 DB538 ASP-701 DB540K ASP-705 DB201 Decibel Products DB225 antenna DB834H70R-F DB4379 DB4058W ASP-712 DB4345CSL-C DB563 db205 antenna DB810K-Y ASP-635 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D S8 9 9 0 -2 1B TOWER TOP Rx RECEIVE SYSTEMS DB8990-22B 896-901 MHz Decibel’s tower top receivers improve the sensitivity of base station receivers and extend the “ talk back” range for low powered transmitters operating in the 896-901 MHz bands. •

    OCR Scan
    DB8990-22B DB8925-24B 24-way X6152 PDF

    MSI super Q diodes

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MSI ELECTRONICS INC 3SE D E3 SbSbMbb 00003^0 1 E M S I UHF/VHF ABRUPT TUNING DIODES SUPER Q @ electronics m e SER IES 1N 5 6 8 1A -1 N 5 695 A 1N 5 6 9 8A -1 N 5 710 A . . . . with capacitance tuning ratios usable over most of their operating bias voltage range • and readily matched in groups, the diodes featured here

    OCR Scan