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    Abstract: 4497A 24 pin MAX165 MAX166 MX7575 MX7575JCWN MX7575JP MX7575KCWN MX7575KN MX7575KP
    Text: 19-0876; Rev 1; 5/96 CMOS, ¡ j P - C o m p a t i b l e , 5 i s/ 10(i s, 8- Bi t ADCs The M X7575/M X7576 are easily interfaced to all p o p u ­ lar 8-bit |iPs through standard CS and RD control s ig ­ nals. T hese s ig n a ls control conversion start and data

    OCR Scan
    5yis/10yis, MX7575/MX7576 5ns/10ns) MX7575 50kHz 386mV/ OT-143 11221b 4497A 4497A 24 pin MAX165 MAX166 MX7575JCWN MX7575JP MX7575KCWN MX7575KN MX7575KP PDF


    Abstract: LD-H7924 74C94 c3262
    Text: 19-0935: R ev 0; 1/93 J V \Æ X \J V \ 4 D ig it U p /D o w n C o u n te r/D e c o d e r/D riv e r _ Features The MM74C945 and MM74C947 are synchronous 4 digit up/down counters with latches, 7-segment decoders, and all segment and backplane driver, and

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    MM74C945 MM74C947 QG1B21Û 74c947 LD-H7924 74C94 c3262 PDF


    Abstract: MX7534-MC6809 MX7534 MX7534JCWP MX7534JN MX7534JP MX7534KCWP MX7534KN MX7534KP MX7535
    Text: 19-1116; Rev 1; 11/96 Microprocessor-Compatible, 14-Bit DACs Description _ F e a t u r e s The M X7534/M X 7535 are h ig h -p e rfo rm a n c e , CMOS, m onolithic, 14-bit dig ita l-to -a n alo g converters DACs . Wafer-level, laser-trimmed, thin-film resistors and tem pera­

    OCR Scan
    14-Bit MX7534/MX7535 MX7534 MX7535 additio38 mc6502 MX7534-MC6809 MX7534JCWP MX7534JN MX7534JP MX7534KCWP MX7534KN MX7534KP PDF


    Abstract: AD7828 MAX154 MAX158 MX7824 MX7824KN MX7824LN MX7828 cq40c cq 0765
    Text: jv \ / ixajv \ 19-0255; Rev 2 ; 4/94 CMOS, H i g h - S p e e d , 8- Bi t ADCs with Multiplexer All four converters include a built-in track/hold, elim inat­ ing the need for an external track/hold with m any input signals. The analog input range is OV to +5V, although

    OCR Scan
    MAX154/MAX158 MX7824/MX7828 MAX154 MX7824 MAX158 MX7828 20-PIN 32/E2 1-658A AD7824 AD7828 MX7824KN MX7824LN cq40c cq 0765 PDF

    LA 7576

    Abstract: cq 0765 rt
    Text: 19-0876; Rev 1; 5/96 CMOS, ¡ j P - C o m p a t i b l e , 5 is/10(is, 8-B it ADCs Description The M X7575/M X7576 are easily interfaced to all p o p u ­ lar 8-bit |iPs through standard CS and RD control s ig ­ nals. T hese s ig n a ls control conversion start and data

    OCR Scan
    is/10 MX7575) MX7576) MX7575/MX7576 X7575/M X7576 MX7575 LA 7576 cq 0765 rt PDF


    Abstract: Simple Circuit Diagram For Digital Weighing Scales
    Text: J V \Æ A \J V \ L o w P ow er, 3% D ig it A / D C o n v e rte r Versatility and a ccu ra cy are inherent features o f this converter. The dua l-slo p e conversion te ch niqu e au to ­ m atically rejects interference signals co m m o n in in d u s­ trial environm ents. The true d iffe re n tia l in p u t and

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    ICL7126 20-PIN 32/E2 1-658A S67bb51 ICL7126CPL Simple Circuit Diagram For Digital Weighing Scales PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JV\Æ XAJV\ 19-4729; Rev 2; 8/95 I m p r o v e d , 16 - C h a n n e l / D u a l 8 - C h a n n e l , CMOS A n a lo g M u ltip le x e rs _ F e a t u r e s 4 Pin-Compatible Plug-In Upgrade for Industry Standard DG406/DG407 ♦ Guaranteed Matching Between Channels, 8£i Max

    OCR Scan
    16-Channel/Dual DG406 DG407 20Vdual 20-PIN 32/E2 1-658A S67bb51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: /l/l/JX I/l/l 19-4330; Rev 1; 7/95 6 6 0 n s ¡iP -C o m p atib le , 8 -B it A D C w ith T ra c k /H o ld F e a tu re s The MX7821 high-speed, m icroprocessor-com patible jxP , 8-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is a plug-in u pgrade for the industry-standard 7820. The MX7821

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    660ns 20-Pin 100kHz X7821 MX7821 32REF 567bb51 QG1B21Û MX7821kn PDF

    qc 0765 rt

    Abstract: DG406CW
    Text: JV\Æ XAJV\ 19-4729; Rev 2; 8/95 I m p r o v e d , 16 - C h a n n e l / D u a l 8 - C h a n n e l , CMOS A n a lo g M u ltip le x e rs _ F e a t u r e s 4 Pin-Compatible Plug-In Upgrade for Industry Standard DG406/DG407

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    DG406/DG407 DG406 DG407 QG1B21Ã qc 0765 rt DG406CW PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: j v \ / ix a jv \ 19-0255; Rev 2 ; 4/94 CMOS, H i g h - S p e e d , 8- Bi t ADCs with Multiplexer All four converters include a built-in track/hold, elim inat­ ing the need for an external track/hold with m any input signals. The analog input range is OV to +5V, although

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    AX154/M AX158 X7824/M X7828 AX154 X7824 MX7828 AX154/MAX158 QG1B21Û PDF


    Abstract: 50hz oscillator board for inverter ICL7129ACPL MAX7129 3.5 digits lcd display low bat lcd Voltmeter max7129 ICL7129A digital voltmeter with 8051 5 DIGIT SINGLE CHIP DIGITAL MULTIMETER 74CXX
    Text: J V \Æ A \J V \ 4 -1 /2 D ig it Single-Chip A /D Converter w ith LCD Driver The MAX7129 has a fu llscale a ccu ra cy of 0.0005%, resolution o f 10fjV, zero reading d rift o f 0.5/uV/°C, an in p u t bias o f 10pA max, and a rollo ve r e rro r of less than 1 count. M axim has reduced the noise of

    OCR Scan
    ICL7129A/MAX7129 ICL7129A/ MAX7129 0000V L7129A/MAX7129 20-PIN 32/E2 1-658A S67bb51 VIM-503-DP 50hz oscillator board for inverter ICL7129ACPL 3.5 digits lcd display low bat lcd Voltmeter max7129 ICL7129A digital voltmeter with 8051 5 DIGIT SINGLE CHIP DIGITAL MULTIMETER 74CXX PDF


    Abstract: MAX7645 MX7545 MX7545A MX7545AKCWP MX7545ALCWP MX7545ALN mx7545akewp
    Text: ykiyjxiyki 19-0878: Rev 1; 8/96 CMOS 12-Bit Buffered M ultiplying DACs T he M X7545A and M AX7645, 12-bit C M O S multiplying digital-to-analog converters D AC with internal data latches, are improved versions of the industry stand­ ard MX7545. T h e MX7545A features a 100ns max write

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit MX7545A MAX7645, MX7545. 100ns 150ns MAX7645) 16-bit i2048 MAX7645 MX7545 MX7545AKCWP MX7545ALCWP MX7545ALN mx7545akewp PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 9-1116; R e v 1; 11/96 Microprocessor-Compatible, 14-Bit DACs _ F e a t u r e s The M X7534/M X 7535 are h ig h -p e rfo rm a n c e , CMOS, m onolithic, 14-bit dig ita l-to -a n alo g converters DACs . Wafer-level, laser-trimmed, thin-film resistors and tem pera­

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    14-Bit X7534/M MX7534 MX7535 MX7534/MX7535 unipola200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J V \Æ A \J V \ Lo w P ow er, 3% D ig it A /D C o n v e rte r Versatility and a ccu ra cy are inherent features o f this converter. The dua l-slo p e conversion te ch niqu e au to ­ m atically rejects interference signals co m m o n in in d u s­ trial environm ents. The true d iffe re n tia l in p u t and

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    L7126 ICL7126 reje29 567bb51 QG1B21Û PDF


    Abstract: 250KL maxim ICL7136 ICL7137CJL SM 5271 ICL7137cpl
    Text: Low Power, 3 1 A D igit A /D Converter G eneral Description V e rs a tility and a c c u ra c y are in h e re n t fe a tu re s o f this converter. T he dual-slope conversion te ch niqu e a u tom a tica lly rejects interference signals co m m o n in in d u stria l environm ents. T he tru e diffe re n tia l in p u t and

    OCR Scan
    ICL7137 200/iA, 20-PIN 32/E2 1-658A S67bb51 tu37 250KL maxim ICL7136 ICL7137CJL SM 5271 ICL7137cpl PDF