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    QSFCT139 Search Results

    QSFCT139 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: QS3383 239T
    Text: QSFCT139T, 239T Q High Speed CMOS High Speed CMOS Dual Bus Binary Exchange 1-of-4 Switches Decoders QS54/74FCT139T QS3383 QS54/74FCT239T QS32383 FEATURES/BENEFITS • • • • QSFCT139D with 4.0 ns propagation delay IOL = 48 mA COM, 32 mA MIL TTL-compatible input and output levels

    QSFCT139T, QS54/74FCT139T QS3383 QS54/74FCT239T QS32383 QSFCT139D QSFCT239T QSFCT139T QS32383 QS3383 239T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QS54/74FCT139T Q QUALITY SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. High-Speed CMOS Dual Binary 1-of-4 Decoders QS54/74FCT139T FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • • • • • • • • The QSFCT139T is a high-speed CMOS TTLcompatible high-speed binary decoder. The QSFCT139T has negative active outputs. The high

    QS54/74FCT139T QSFCT139T AN-001) QSFCT139D MDSL-00004-04 AN-139A PDF

    diode A1A

    Abstract: 239T QS32383 QS3383
    Text: QSFCT139T, 239T Q High Speed CMOS High Speed CMOS Dual Bus Binary Exchange 1-of-4 Switches Decoders QS54/74FCT139T QS3383 QS54/74FCT239T QS32383 FEATURES/BENEFITS • • • • QSFCT139D with 4.0 ns propagation delay IOL = 48 mA COM, 32 mA MIL TTL-compatible input and output levels

    QSFCT139T, QS54/74FCT139T QS3383 QS54/74FCT239T QS32383 QSFCT139D QSFCT239T QSFCT139T diode A1A 239T QS32383 QS3383 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QSFCT139T, 239T Q High Speed CMOS Dual Binary 1-of-4 Decoders qss4/74fcti39t qs54/74fct239t FEATURES/BENEFITS • QSFCT139D with 4.0 ns propagation delay • I o l = 48 mA COM, 32 mA MIL • TTL-compatible input and output levels • Mil product compliant with MIL-STD 883, Class B

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT139T, qss4/74 fcti39 qs54/74fct239 QSFCT139D QSFCT239T TheQSFCT139T andQSFCT239T QSFCT139T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QSFCT139T, 239T Q High Speed CMOS Dual Binary 1-of-4 Decoders Q S54/74FCT139T Q S54/74FCT239T FEATURES/BENEFITS QSFCT139D with 4.0 ns prop, delay lol=48 mA COM, 32 mA MIL TTL-compatible input and output levels • Mil product compliant with MIL-STD 883, Class B

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT139T, S54/74FCT139T S54/74FCT239T QSFCT139D QSFCT239T T139T T239T SFCT139T SFCT239T MDSL-00004-01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: High-Speed CMOS Dual Binary 1 -of-4 Decoders ô Q u a l it y S e m ic o n d u c t o r , I n c . qs54/74fcti 39t FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • QSFCT139D with 4.0ns propagation delay • Industrial temperature -40°C to 85°C • lOL = 48mA IND, 32mA MIL

    OCR Scan
    qs54/74fcti QSFCT139D QSFCT139T DSL-00004-04 139D PDF


    Abstract: 239T 500F2
    Text: QSFCT139T, 239T Q QS54/74FCT139T QS54/74FCT239T High Speed CMOS Dual Binary 1-of-4 Decoders FEATURES/BENEFITS QSFCT139D with 4.0 ns propagation delay I o l = 48 mA COM, 32 mA MIL TTL-compatible input and output levels Mil product compliant with MIL-STD 883, Class B

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT139T, QS54/74FCT139T QS54A74FCT239T QSFCT139D QSFCT239T QSFCT139T 500f2 C03AC 239T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q SFCT139T, Q 239T High Speed CMOS Dual Binary 1-of-4 Decoders Q S 54 /74 F C T 1 3 9T Q S 54 /74 F C T 2 3 9T FE A TU R E S /B E N E FIT S QSFCT139D with 4.0 ns prop, delay lol=48 mA COM, 32 mA MIL TTL-compatible input and output levels Mil product compliant with MIL-STD883, Class B

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT139T, QS54/74FCT139T QS54/74FCT239T QSFCT139D MIL-STD883, QSFCT239T QSFCT139T 239T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QSFCT139T, ö 239T High Speed CMOS Dual Binary 1-of-4 Decoders Q S 54 /74 F C T 1 3 9T Q S 54 /7 4 F C T 2 3 9 T F E A TU R E S /B E N E FIT S QSFCT139D with 4.0 ns prop, delay loU=48 mA COM, 32 mA MIL TTL-compatible input and output levels Mil product compliant with MIL-STD 683, Class B

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT139T, QSFCT139D QSFCT239T QSFCT139T 500ft 02b9 PDF


    Abstract: diode A1A 239D diode a1b
    Text: QSFCT139T, 239T Ö High Speed CMOS Dual Binary 1-of-4 Decoders qss4/74fcti39t qs54/74fct239t FEATURES/BENEFITS • QSFCT139D with 4.0 ns propagation delay • I ol = 48 mA COM, 32 mA MIL • TTL-compatible input and output levels • Mil product compliant with MIL-STD 883, Class B

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT139T, ren39T qs54/74fct239t QSFCT139D QSFCT239T QSFCT139T 500SI 239T diode A1A 239D diode a1b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ÛUALITY SEM ICON DU CTOR INC bSE D • ?maböG3 0001140 403 « Ö S I QSFCT139T, 239T Q High Speed CMOS Dual Binary 1-of-4 Decoders Q S54/74FCT139T Q S54/74FCT239T FEATURES/BENEFITS QSFCT139D with 4.0 ns prop, delay lol=48 mA COM, 32 mA MIL TTL-compalible input and output levels

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT139T, S54/74FCT139T S54/74FCT239T QSFCT139D SFCT239T T139T T239T QSFCT139T QSFCT239T MDSL-00004-01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q Q uality S emiconductor , I nc . High-Speed CMOS Dual Binary 1 -of-4 Decoders qs 54/74fctis 9t FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • • • • • • • • The QSFCT139T is a high-speed CMOS TTLcom patible high-speed binary decoder. The QSFCT139T has negative active outputs. The high

    OCR Scan
    54/74fctis QSFCT139T AN-001) QSFCT139D MDSL-00004-04 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QUALITY Q High Speed CMOS Dual Binary 1-of-4 Decoders Q S 5 4 /7 4 F C T 1 3 9 Q S 5 4 /7 4 F C T 2 3 9 F E A T U R E S /B E N E F IT S • QSFCT139D with 4.0 ns prop, delay • lol-48 mA COM, 32 mA MIL • TTL-compatible input and output levels • Mil product compliant with MIL-STD 883, Class B

    OCR Scan
    QS54/74FCT139 QS54/74FCT239 QSFCT139D lol-48 QSFCT239 QSFCT139 QSFCT139, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QUALITY Q High Speed CMOS Dual Binary 1-of-4 Decoders Q S 5 4 /7 4 F C T 1 3 9 Q S 5 4 /7 4 F C T 2 3 9 FEATURES/BENEFITS • QSFCT139D with 4.0 ns prop, delay • I0M 8 mA COM, 32 mA MIL • TTL-compatible input and output levels • Mil product compliant with MIL-STD 883, Class B

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT139D QSFCT239 QSFCT139 500ft QSFCT139, QSFCT239 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QSFCT139T, 239T ô High Speed CMOS Dual Binary 1-of-4 Decoders Q S 54 /74 F C T 1 3 9T Q S 54 /74 F C T 2 3 9T F E A TU R E S /B E N E FIT S QSFCT139D with 4.0 ns prop, delay lol=48 mA COM, 32 mA MIL TTL-compatible input and output levels • Mil product compliant with MIL-STD 883, Class B

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QSFCT139T, 239T Q High Speed CMOS Dual Binary 1-of-4 Decoders QS54/74FCT139T QS54/74FCT239T FEATURES/BENEFITS QSFCT139D with 4.0 ns propagation delay I o l = 48 mA COM, 32 mA MIL TTL-compatible input and output levels Mil product compliant with MIL-STD 883, Class B

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT139T, QS54/74FCT139T QS54/74FCT239T QSFCT139D QSFCT239T TheQSFCT139T andQSFCT239T QSFCT139T MDSL-00004-02 PDF