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    toyocom 10m

    Abstract: THS-52 THS52 RHG6 Toyo communication
    Text: TOYOCOM U S A W ä w a I NC m THS-52 was designed to automatically detect loop current generated in the network control unit NCU of facsimile, modem and other office automation equipment. It features high detection sensitivity while maintaining withstanding voltage, and small DC input resistance.

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    THS-52 THS-52 09G-03Q toyocom 10m THS52 RHG6 Toyo communication PDF


    Abstract: LFT 3A
    Text: TOSHIBA TSA3101G TOSHIBA AC SWITCH OPTICALLY ISOLATED AC SWITCH TSA3101G • • • • • R.M.S. On-State Current : It RMS = 0 2~3A Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage : V d r m = 400, 600V Isolation Voltage between Input to O utput: 3000VAC(t= lmin.) Thickness of Inner Insulation Material

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    TSA3101G 3000VAC 100/iS TSA3101G TSA3101J OA3101G RHG6 LFT 3A PDF