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    SNF20910 Search Results

    SNF20910 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: SNF60910 SNF61011
    Text: a pow erhouse: MOSFETS N C H A N N E L POW ER M O SFETS PACKAGE DEVICE TYPE BVds S VOLTS T 0 204 TO-3 I •d AMPS r DS(ON) @ 0.5 'D OHMS Qg nc CIS pf FV W ATTS SNF61011A 1000 12.0 1.1 155 4500 30C SNF61011 1000 9.5 1.1 70 2950 300 SNF61013 1000 8.5 1.3 70

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    SNF61011A SNF61011 SNF61013 SNF61020 SNF60910 SNF60911 SNF60913 SNF60920 SNF60808 SNF60809 stf460 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPECIALS FROM STC ULTRA-LOW RESISTANCE N CHANNELTO-254 FET DEVICES STC wants to call to your attention, its special lineup of ultra-low RDS on TO-254 packaged power FET devices. For full part number specification sheets, please contact your local sales representative or STC.

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    CHANNELTO-254 O-254 SNF2X7X18 SNF201002 SNF202007 STFM360 SNF205023 SNF206036 SNF20910 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOSFETS N CHANNEL POWER MOSFETS PACKAGE TO-254 DEVICE TYPE BVq55 RDS ON @ 0.5 'D OHMS VOLTS • d AMPS STFM360 400 28.0 0.2 STFM440 500 8.0 STFM450 500 STFM460 Qg nc C|SS pf* Pd WATTS 210 4100 175 0.85 55 950 125 13.0 0.4 120 2400 125 500 21.0 0.27 190 4100

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    BVq55 STFM360 STFM440 STFM450 STFM460 O-254 SNF20504 SNF205023 SNF20607 SNF20606 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A POW ERHOUSE SPECIALS FROM STC U LTR A-LO W R ES IS TA N C E N C H A N N E LTO -25 4 F E T D EVICE STC w ants to call to your attention, its special lineup of ultra-low R DS or T D-,:5‘ packaged pow er FET devices. For full part num ber specification sheets, pie-asicontact your local sales representative or STC.

    OCR Scan
    O-254 SNF201002 SNF202007 STFM360 SNF205023 SNF206036 SNF20910 SNF21011 O-254 PDF