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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PO40/44A _ OPTOCOUPLEh Optically coupled isolator consisting of an infrared emitting GaAIAs diode and a silicon npn photo­ transistor with accessible base in a SOT90B envelope. Designed for low input current and long life operation.

    OCR Scan
    PO40/44A OT90B PO40/44A P040A, P042A, P043A, P044A satur10' bbS3T31 0D35S50 PDF

    bt 44a

    Abstract: 12945 WE VQE 11 E WE VQE 23 F WE VQE 24 E P041 P043A TI210 331 Optocoupler
    Text: P040/44A _ OPTOCOUPLEh I » Optically coupled isolator consisting of an infrared emitting GaAIAs diode and a silicon npn photo­ transistor with accessible base in a SOT90B envelope. Designed for low input current and long life operation.

    OCR Scan
    P040/44A OT90B P040/44A P040A, P042A, P043A, P044A LL53T31 bt 44a 12945 WE VQE 11 E WE VQE 23 F WE VQE 24 E P041 P043A TI210 331 Optocoupler PDF

    Transistor 3TY

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I I ÛU AL ITY T E C H N O L O G I E S CORP S7E D • 7 4 b b ô 5 1 0 G G4 41 7 212 « f l T Y U N u a t» CNG36 GaAIAs OPTOCOUPLERS O ptically coupled isolators consisting o f an infrared emitting GaAIAs diode and a silicon npn phototransistor w ith accessible base in a SOT90B envelope, designed fo r low input current and long life

    OCR Scan
    CNG36 OT90B OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 MSA048-2 Transistor 3TY PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CNG35 CNG36 JV GaAIAs OPTOCOUPLERS Optically coupled isolators consisting of an infrared emitting GaAIAs diode and a silicon npn photo­ transistor w ith accessible base in a SOT90B envelope, designed for low input current and long life operation. The application o f an IR emitting diode, based on a special GaAIAs intrinsic process results in a

    OCR Scan
    CNG35 CNG36 OT90B E90700 003S234 CNG36. CIMG36. 003SSTS PDF

    HD H101

    Abstract: CNG36 CNG35 SOT-90B SOT90B
    Text: CNG35 CNG36 T O GaAIAs OPTOCOUPLERS O ptica lly coupled isolators consisting o f an infrared em itting GaAIAs diode and a silicon npn photo­ transistor w ith accessible base in a SOT90B envelope, designed fo r low input current and long life operation. The application o f an IR em ittin g diode, based on a special GaAIAs intrinsic process results in a

    OCR Scan
    CNG35 CNG36 OT90B E90700 CNG36. 7Z24Q93 CNG35. HD H101 CNG36 CNG35 SOT-90B SOT90B PDF

    bt 44a

    Abstract: Transistor 2TY npn photo transistor P042A
    Text: P040/44A ÛUALITY TECHNOLOGIES CORP S7E D • 74bbflSl GDD4b74 AMT ■t3TY T O A OPTOCOUPLEh I ■ r Optically coupled isolator consisting of an infrared emitting GaAIAs diode and a silicon npn photo­ transistor with accessible base in a SOT90B envelope. Designed for low input current and long life

    OCR Scan
    P040/44A 74bbflSl GDD4b74 OT90B P040/44A P040A, P042A, P043A, P044A 74bbfl51 bt 44a Transistor 2TY npn photo transistor P042A PDF

    314 optocoupler

    Abstract: 14CNP SOT-90B 453 optocoupler sot90b optocoupler 312 317 optocoupler transistor b73
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 7 Optocoupler 2UALITY T E C H N O L O G I E S OF4114 CORP 57E D 74t.bfiSl G D O H b b b 773 » A T Y FEATURES • High current transfer ratio and low saturation voltage, making the device suitable for use with

    OCR Scan
    OF4114 OT90B CNY17-3, 14CNP. MSB051 OF4114 OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 314 optocoupler 14CNP SOT-90B 453 optocoupler sot90b optocoupler 312 317 optocoupler transistor b73 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SL5500 SL5501 SL5511 y v OPTOCOUPLERS Optically coupled isolators consisting o f an infrared emitting GaAs diode and a silicon npn photo­ transistor with accessible base. Plastic envelopes. Suitable fo r T TL integrated circuits. Features • High output/input DC current transfer ratio

    OCR Scan
    SL5500 SL5501 SL5511 bbS3T31 00355b? SOT-90B PDF

    optocoupler 357

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SL5504 J V O PTO C O U PLER Optically coupled isolator consisting of an infrared emitting GaAs diode and a high voltage silicon npn phototransistor w ith accessible base. Plastic envelope. Suitable for TTL integrated circuits Features • High output/input DC current transfer ratio

    OCR Scan
    SL5504 bbS3T31 QD35S64 optocoupler 357 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT26 *1 OPTOCOUPLER A Optocoupler in a Dl L plastic envelope. The M CT26 comprises an infrared GaAs diode and a npn silicon phototransistor. UL — Covered under U L component recognition F IL E E 90700 V D E — Approved according to V D E 0883/6.80 Reference voltage V D E 0 1 10b Tab 4 : A C 380 V/DC 450 V — isolation group C

    OCR Scan
    MCT26 804/VDE 86/HD195 0D35S2A 3S530 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H11B1 H11B2 H11B3 O P T O C O U P L E R S Optically coupled isolators consisting o f an infrared emitting GaAs diode and an npn silicon photoDarlington transistor. Features • Very high output/input DC current transfer ratio • Isolation voltage o f 2 kV RMS and 2.82 kV DC

    OCR Scan
    H11B1 H11B2 H11B3 0110b bbS3T31 D03SSD4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4N38 4N38A J V ^ /^ E \ O PTO CO U PLERS Optically coupled isolators consisting o f an infrared emitting GaAs diode and an npn silicon photo­ transistor. They are suitable fo r use w ith TTL integrated circuits. Features • High maximum output voltage • Fast switching and low saturation voltage

    OCR Scan
    4N38A E90700 0110b bbS3T31 0Q35b41 0035b42 PDF


    Abstract: "sot-90B" sot90b LF 428 4N38 4N38A IEC134 OPTOCOUPLER dc SOT-90B
    Text: 4N38 4N38A » OPTOCOUPLERS 1— \ O ptically coupled isolators consisting o f an infrared em itting G aAs diode and an npn silicon photo­ transistor. They are suitable fo r use w ith T T L integrated circuits. Features • High maximum o u tp u t voltage

    OCR Scan
    4N38A E90700 0110b 0035b4E L1102 "sot-90B" sot90b LF 428 4N38 4N38A IEC134 OPTOCOUPLER dc SOT-90B PDF


    Abstract: MCA265 MCA230 MCA255 OPTOCOUPLER dc 231 transistor opto isolators
    Text: MCA230 MCA231 MCA255 OPTOCOUPLERS O ptically coupled isolators consisting o f an infrared em itting GaAs diode and an npn silicon photo-D arlington transistor. Features o f these products: • • • • High o u tp u t/in p u t DC current transfer ratio

    OCR Scan
    MCA230 MCA231 MCA255 MCA255) E90700 0110b 804/VDE 86/HD LLS3T31 003551b MCA231 MCA265 MCA230 MCA255 OPTOCOUPLER dc 231 transistor opto isolators PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SL5500 SL5501 SL5511 , ÛUALITY TECHNOLOGIES CORP 57E D • 74bbô51 0GD4bûT 270 «fiTY OPTOCOUPLERS Optically coupled isolators consisting of an infrared emitting GaAs diode and a silicon npn phototransistor with accessible base. Plastic envelopes. Suitable for T T L integrated circuits.

    OCR Scan
    SL5500 SL5501 SL5511 OT212. MSA048-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 7- H t - r j Optocouplers ÛUA L IT Y T E C H N O L O G I E S CNY17-1 to 4/CNY17F-1 to 4 CORP S7E D 74bbasi OOQMblM • Fast switching STANDARD REFERENCE • Low saturation voltage UL note 1 • High maximum output voltage

    OCR Scan
    CNY17-1 4/CNY17F-1 74bbasi 0110b 57804/VDE 86/HD OT212. SA048-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • bh53131 005CH15 h M N ANER PHILIPS/DISCRETE CNX35 CNX36 CNX39 S5E D T - 4 1 -0 3 OPTOCOUPLERS Optically coupled isolators consisting of an infrared emitting GaAs diode and a silicon npn photo transistor with accessible base. Plastic envelopes. Suitable for TTL integrated circuits.

    OCR Scan
    bh53131 005CH15 CNX35 CNX36 CNX39 CNX35U, CNX36U CNX39U. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H 11B 255 _ » A O P T O C O U P L E R Optically coupled isolator consisting o f an infrared emitting GaAs diode and an npn silicon photoDarlington transistor. features • High maximum output voltage e Very high output/input DC current transfer ratio

    OCR Scan
    0110b 00355CH DD3SS11 PDF

    CBC 184 transistor

    Abstract: CNX35U Transistor 2TY CBC 184 c transistor
    Text: CNX35U CNX36U PM VO O I I Û U A L IT Y T E C H N O L O G I E S CORP S7E D 7 4 b b 6 5 1 G G G 4 53 4 EfiS • ■ 3T Y — % OPTOCOUPLERS Optically coupled isolators consisting o f an infrared emitting GaAs diode and a silicon npn phototransistor w ith accessible base. Plastic envelopes. Suitable fo r TTL integrated circuits.

    OCR Scan
    CNX35U CNX36U E90700 0110b 74bbfl51 OT212. 74bbflSl 0DD4fl03 CBC 184 transistor CNX35U Transistor 2TY CBC 184 c transistor PDF


    Abstract: optocouplers 4n35 OPTOCOUPLER dc 4N35 4n35 optocoupler 4N36 SOT90B isolator IC 4N35 optocoupler 4N37
    Text: 4N35 4N36 4N37 T O OPTOCOUPLERS Optically coupled isolators consisting o f an infrared emitting GaAs diode and a npn silicon photo­ transistor. They are suitable fo r use w ith TTL integrated circuits. Features • Fast switching speeds • Low saturation voltage

    OCR Scan
    E90700 0110b 57804/VDE 7Z94427A S3T31 003Sb3b SOT-90B optocouplers 4n35 OPTOCOUPLER dc 4N35 4n35 optocoupler 4N36 SOT90B isolator IC 4N35 optocoupler 4N37 PDF


    Abstract: transistor 115 25e diode h5e CNX48U SOT-90B 4t85 CNX48 U
    Text: I 1 N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE SSE D • bbS3T31 GOSOTÖB 1 ■ CNX48 OPTOCOUPLER Opto-isalator comprising an infrared emitting GaAs diode and a silicon npn Darlington phototransistor with accessible base. Plastic 6-lead dual-in line DI L envelope. Features

    OCR Scan
    bbS3T31 CNX48 CNX48U. 7Z88208 CNX48 transistor 115 25e diode h5e CNX48U SOT-90B 4t85 CNX48 U PDF

    212 optocoupler

    Abstract: Optocoupler le 25 CNX48U
    Text: CNX48U OPTOCOUPLER W /& O pto-isolator comprising an infrared em itting GaAs diode and a silicon npn Darlington phototransistor w ith accessible base. Plastic 6-lead dual-in line D IL envelope. Features • V ery high o u tp u t/in p u t DC current transfer ratio

    OCR Scan
    CNX48U E90700 0110b 804/VDE 86/HD 7Z88208 G035442 212 optocoupler Optocoupler le 25 CNX48U PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4N29 4N30 4N31 4N32 4N33 OPTOCOUPLER Opto-isolator comprising an infrared emitting GaAs diode and a silicon npn Darlington phototransistor w ith accessible base. Plastic 6-lead dual-in-line DIL envelope. Features • Very high output/input DC current transfer ratio

    OCR Scan
    E90700 AC/450 57804/VDE 86/HD 7Z88310 003Sb30 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [[ N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 25E D bb53T31 0021025 0 • CNX71 T - 4 - I - ^ 3 H IG H -V O L T A G E O P T O C O U P L E R The CNX71 is an optocoupler consisting of an infrared emitting GaAs diode and a silicon npn phototransistor in a dual-in-line DIL plastic envelope. The base is not connected.

    OCR Scan
    bb53T31 CNX71 CNX71 E90700 AC/450 DQ31Q3M T-41-83 PDF