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    SP8831 Search Results

    SP8831 Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    SP8831 GEC Plessey Semiconductors 3.5GHz /16 FIXED MODULUS DIVIDER Original PDF
    SP8831 Zarlink Semiconductor 3.5GHz divide 16 Fixed Modulus Divider Original PDF

    SP8831 Datasheets Context Search

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    GEC Plessey Semiconductors

    Abstract: GEC Plessey dg SP8831 gec plessey PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS 1995
    Text: DS3157 - 2.1 SP8831 3.5GHz ÷ 16 FIXED MODULUS DIVIDER The SP8831 is one of a range of very high speed low power prescalers for professional and military applications. The device features a complementary output stage with on chip current source for the emitter

    DS3157 SP8831 SP8831 -150dBc/Hz 10kHz) 375mW GEC Plessey Semiconductors GEC Plessey dg gec plessey PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS 1995 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS3157 - 2.1 SP8831 3.5GHz ÷ 16 FIXED MODULUS DIVIDER The SP8831 is one of a range of very high speed low power prescalers for professional and military applications. The device features a complementary output stage with on chip current source for the emitter

    DS3157 SP8831 SP8831 -150dBc/Hz 10kHz) 375mW PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS3157 - 2.1 SP8831 3.5GHz ÷ 16 FIXED MODULUS DIVIDER The SP8831 is one of a range of very high speed low power prescalers for professional and military applications. The device features a complementary output stage with on chip current source for the emitter

    DS3157 SP8831 SP8831 -150dBc/Hz 10kHz) 375mW PDF

    GEC Plessey Semiconductors

    Abstract: SP8831
    Text: DS3157 - 2.1 SP8831 3.5GHz ÷ 16 FIXED MODULUS DIVIDER The SP8831 is one of a range of very high speed low power prescalers for professional and military applications. The device features a complementary output stage with on chip current source for the emitter

    DS3157 SP8831 SP8831 -150dBc/Hz 10kHz) 375mW GEC Plessey Semiconductors PDF

    GEC Plessey Semiconductors

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Obsolescence Notice This product is obsolete. This information is available for your convenience only. For more information on Zarlink’s obsolete products and replacement product lists, please visit DS3157 - 2.1

    DS3157 SP8831 SP8831 -150dBc/Hz 10kHz) GEC Plessey Semiconductors PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SiG E C P L E S S E Y s e m i c o n d u c t o r s SP8831 3.5GHz - 1 6 FIXED MODULUS DIVIDER The SP8831 is one of a range of very high speed low power prescalers for professional and military applications. The device features a complementary output stage with on chip current source for the emitter

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    SP8831 SP8831 -150dBc/Hz 10kHz) 375mW 650MHz fi522 0E9S200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S i GEC P L E S S E Y s r M I c o N [ i ADVANCE INFORMATION t: I o K s D.SJ1572A SP8831 3.5GHz -:-16 FIXED MODULUS DIVIDER The SP8831 is one of a range of very high speed low power prescalers for professional and military applications. The device features a complementary output stage with on chip

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    SJ1572A SP8831 SP8831 -150dB 10kHz) 375mW 37bfiS22 DQ21334 SP8S31 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P S ffll GEC P L E S S E Y JKt inMinniiw—u m ADVANCE INFORMATION D.SJ3157Z.0 SP8831 3.5GHz -r-16 FIXED MODULUS DIVIDER The SP8831 is one of a range of very high speed low power prescalers for professional and military applications. The device features a complementary output stage with on chip

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    SJ3157Z SP8831 -r-16 SP8831 -150dBc/Hz 10kHz) 375mW 65GHz 35GHz 650MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PHfflGEC PLESSEY ADVANCE INFORMATION D.S.3158 2.0 SP8833 3.5GHz : 16 FIXED MODULUS DIVIDER The SP8831 is one of a range of very high speed low power prescalers for professional and military applications. The device features a complementary output stage with on chip

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    SP8833 SP8831 50dBc/Hz 10kHz) 375mW 65GHz 650MHz SPSS33 PDF


    Abstract: SP8630B SP8690A
    Text: Product index Logarithmic/Limiting Amplifier Type No. Description SL3522 Monolithic 6 stage amplifier successive detection Bandwidth Dynamic Range Page 600MHz 70dB 83 Logarithmic Amplifiers Supply Voltage Supply Current Bandwidth Noise Figure Gain Page Successive detection

    OCR Scan
    SL3522 600MHz 80MHz 8L1615 5L2524A# 300MHz SL2524B/C# 1000MHz SL521A/B/C# SP8735B SP8630B SP8690A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si GEC PLESSEY ADVANCE INFORMATION S E MI C O N DU C T O R S SP8801 3.3GHz -16 FIXED MODULUS DIVIDER The SP8801 is one of a range of very high speed low power prescalers for professional and military applications. The device features a complementary output stage with on chip

    OCR Scan
    SP8801 SP8801 -150dBc/Hz) 375mW 37bfiS52 37b6522 TTET20D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PBStiG EC P L E S S E Y ^ • F _ ■ I■ C■ I■ O■ Ri wS S I M I iOl i N■ [> ADVANCE INFORMATION ■ ¡■ » ■ ■ ■ » ■ « « ■ ■ ■ M l— -D&31SI2.0 SP8833

    OCR Scan
    31SI2 SP8833 -j-16 SP8831 -150dBc/Hz 10kHz) 65GHz 37bflS22 /77T7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product List Alpha numeric - T ype N um be r D e s c rip tio n KESRX01 4$QMHz ASK Receiver KESTX01 460M Hz ASK Transmitter '• r.-.y.-v.-.v.-.v / v Page *4S i 252 .* KE STX02 350M H z A S K Transmitter SL2524 1.3GHz Dual wideband logarithmic amplifier 15

    OCR Scan
    KESRX01 KESTX01 STX02 SL2524 SL3522 SL6140 SP8401 782A/B SP8801 SP8802 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product index Logarithmic/Limiting Amplifier • "'i'DandwIdDt T y p e No, D escription SL3522 Monolithic 6 stage amplifier successive detection . mmmmmmm Png* Dynam ic t o n g . 600MHz 70dB Logarithmic Amplifiers T yp e No D escrip tion Supply Voltage

    OCR Scan
    SL3522 600MHz SL2S24A# SL2524B/C# 1000MHz SL6140 0-400MHZ, ZN414 ZN416 P8803A PDF