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    Abstract: 2039 transistor SC-46 220kf 2049B
    Text: TRANSISTOR CASE OUTLINES Case Outline 2003A unit: mm Case Outline 2042A T0126M L Case Outline 2039 Case Outline 2049B (unit: mm) T0220M F Case Outline 2048A {unit: mm) 0,44 2.0 0.» ob \ -»C *4.0— B: Base Cr Collector E: Emitter JEDEC : TO-92 EIAJ : SC-43

    OCR Scan
    T0126M SC-43 2049B T0220M SC-51 O-220KF O-220AB SC-46 0---2049B 2042A 2039 transistor SC-46 220kf 2049B PDF

    transistor d 1825 7c

    Abstract: BU406
    Text: SANYO SEMI CON DUCTOR CORP IB E D I BU406. 407 Tn?07b D00S4flti T ' 3 3 - / / NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 2010A C R T Horizontal Output Applications 1. Structure: Silicon NPN epitaxial planar transistor 2. Package: JEDEC: TO-220AB 3. Use: CRT display horizontal deflection output

    OCR Scan
    D00S4flti BU406. O-220AB BU406 BU407 1S-126A IS-20MA transistor d 1825 7c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: sanyo s e m ic o n d u c t o r corp ~ 1 2 E D | 7 cH 7 Q 7 L i OOOSOb'J r ' 3 3 - I S NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2022 Color TV Horizontal Deflection Output Applications with Damper Diode 1222C Features: • High Breakdown Voltage and High Reliability.

    OCR Scan
    1222C 1S-126A IS-20MA IS-313 IS-313A PDF

    transistor T K 2056

    Abstract: K 2056 transistor transistor K 2056
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR 12E CORP D | 7 T ci 7 D 7 t 1 0 0 0 S S 0 0 g 32S C 4256 SS2SC4271 Silicon Transistor Silicon Transistor ' High Voltage Switching Applications Very High-Oefinrtion CR T Display Applications JEDEC: T 022 0 package JEDEC: T0126 package High breakdown voltage

    OCR Scan
    SS2SC4271 T0126 300mA, 100mA) SS2SC4272 1S-126A IS-20MA transistor T K 2056 K 2056 transistor transistor K 2056 PDF


    Abstract: 2042A 5033K
    Text: SANYO SEMI CONDUCTOR CORP ÍSE D I 7 cH 7 a 7 b UDOSQflL, T' 33' 3 2SD1401 NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2022 Color TV Horizontal Deflection Output Applications 1268B Features: • High breakdown voltage and high reliability • High switching speed

    OCR Scan
    2SD1401 1268B 1S-126A IS-20MA IS-313 IS-313A 2SD1401 2042A 5033K PDF


    Abstract: 2sc497 2SA1849 2SA1752 2SC482 2SC3781 2SA1751 2sc4566
    Text: SA0YO T r a n s i s t o r s for V e r y Hi gh-Def i ni t ion C R T D i s p l a y V i d e o O u t p u t Use Our transistors for CRT display use are fabricated using our original process technology. They are designed to meet the characteristic requirements for CRT use.

    OCR Scan
    O-126 T0-126ML T0-220 T0220ML) T0-220 T0-220ML MT930119TR 40320 2sc497 2SA1849 2SA1752 2SC482 2SC3781 2SA1751 2sc4566 PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR T0220 2SC3597
    Text: Horizontal deflection output composite transistor Absolute maximum ratings _ . I Package . Application T IT Vcbo Vcbo nn (V) HPA72R* T03PBL °"!fk (wilh high-speed damper diode) HPA100R T03PBL “ H PA.M T03PBL * “ “ “ Ä T Vceo Vceo lc >c Electrical characteristics (T, = 25 deg. C)

    OCR Scan
    HPA72R* T03PBL HPA100R 2SC4256 2SC4257 2SC3675 2SC3676 2SC4450 2SC3953 TRANSISTOR T0220 2SC3597 PDF

    transistor 2SB1142

    Abstract: sanyo transistor tt series 2SB612K 2SB1143 2SA1750 2sc3788
    Text: SA0YO M IC A LE SS T 0-126M L T R A N SIST O R S F e a t u r e s ♦ Reduced cost and man-hour because of no insulator required for mounting ♦ Plastic-covered heat sink facilitating high-density mounting ♦ Increased collector dissipation when a transistor alone is operated

    OCR Scan
    0-126M T0-126ML) T0-126ML O-126 MT950123TR transistor 2SB1142 sanyo transistor tt series 2SB612K 2SB1143 2SA1750 2sc3788 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 12E » I 7 CH 7 0 7 L , 0004311 7 T ' 53-11 2SC3173 NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 201OA C R T Display Horizontal Deflection Output Applications 1309B Features: ’ High switching speed • Especially suited for use in high-definition CRT display Vcc=6 to 12V

    OCR Scan
    H707L, 2SC3173 201OA 1309B IS-20MA IS-313 IS-313A 2SC3173 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB559 transistor af 126 JIS G 3201
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 1EE D I 7 cH 7 G 7 b □ □ □ 3CIÛ2 S T - 3i-n 2SB559 PNP/ npn Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 2009A Low Frequency Power Amp, Medium Speed Switching Applications 2SD439 372E Features . Large allowable collector dissipation and wide ASO.

    OCR Scan
    2SB559 2SD439 0DGB752 transistor af 126 JIS G 3201 PDF


    Abstract: transistor 2SC930 2SC930NP 2SC2839 2SC930SPA 2SC930 D
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP l^ifir|~^?cn 7 0 7 b % 2SC930 D004141 r-s/'/5r T “ 3 2 03 3 í - | 7 NPN. Epitaxial Planar Silico n Transistor 200 3 A AM Converter, FM RF • IF Amp Applications 545E The 2SC930 has two types of packges SPA and NP. Use • FM RF amp, mixer, OSC, converter, and IF amplifier.

    OCR Scan
    2SC930 2SC930SPA 2SC930NP 0DGB752 transistor 2SC930 2SC930NP 2SC2839 2SC930 D PDF


    Abstract: 2SC3858 2SC3898 2sa1494 2SC3859 2SA1491 2SA1492 2SA1493 2SA1495 2SC3856
    Text: - m fT Vc e V (MHz) ton tf (Ms) m tstg (m s ) (m s ) ft Cob (max) (pF) tt ( 1 3 = 2 5 * 0 Cre (max) (pF) il [*EPfätypfiI3 Œ g □ y-fv 14 ;lJj Ê ft m # mm mm m % M £ -12 -0.5 0.3* 0. 2* 0.9* 2SC3855 (MT100) BCE 2SA1491 -12 -0.5 0.6* 0.2* 0.9* 2SC3856

    OCR Scan
    2SC3855 MT100) 2SA1491 2SC3856 2SA1492 2SC3857 MT200) 2SA1493 2SC3858 2sc3855 2SC3858 2SC3898 2sa1494 2SC3859 2SA1491 2SA1492 2SA1493 2SA1495 2SC3856 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number: E N 2069A 2SB1140 PN P Epitaxial P lanar Silicon Transistor S M IY O i 20V/5A Switching Applications A p p licatio n s • Strobes, power supplies, relay drivers, lamp drivers: F e a tu re s . Adoption of FBET, MBIT processes. . Low saturation voltage.

    OCR Scan
    2SB1140 4017KI/D176TA 10/iA cH707 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Continued from previous page Absolute maximum ratings Type No. Package type Electrical characteristics Ta = 25 "C VCB(sat) max @ 1C •IB Applications VCBO (V) VCEO to (V) (A) PC (W ) (2 ) VCE(sat) fr @ Vce hre @ V C E lC max (mV) 1C (A) (mA) te hFE XSF

    OCR Scan
    2SC4727 2SC4728 2SC4729 2SD1235 T0220 2SDI236L 2SD1237L 2SA1469 2SB1267 PDF


    Abstract: 2041A 2SB1144 2SD1684B
    Text: Ordering n u m b e r:E N 2041A 2SB1144/2SD1684 NO.2041A PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors Low-Frequency Power Amp, Medium-Speed Switching Applications F e a tu re s • Adoption of FBET and MBIT processes. • High breakdown voltage • Low saturation voltage.

    OCR Scan
    EN2041A 2SB1144/2SD1684 2SB1144 2SD1684 2041A 2SB1144 2SD1684B PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1662 2SD1663 2SD1664 2SD1665AM 2SD1665M 2SD1666 2SD1667 2SD1668 2SD1669
    Text: - 260 - Ta=25<C , *EPfàTc=25‘ C m 2SD1662 2SD1663 2SD1664 2SD1665AM 2SD1665M 2SD1666 2SD1667 s tt j s s fô T O—A n —A D —A 3$ rn « Œ VCBO «CEO (V) (V) PSW 100 PSW 1500 100 Pc Pc* (A) (W) (W) »CBO unax; UA) 100 15 5 n m « ÌC(DC) , V'CB (V)

    OCR Scan
    2SD1662 2SD1663 2SD1664 2SD1665AM 2SD1665M 2SD1666 2SD1667 2SD1692 2SB1150 O-126) SC-62 2SD1666 2SD1667 2SD1668 2SD1669 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4631LS 2SC4632LS 2SC4633LS 2SC4634LS 2SC4635LS 2SC4636LS 2SC4637LS 2SC4710LS T0-126ML
    Text: SAflYO T r a n s i s t o r s f o r V e r y H i g h - D e f in i t i o n C R T D i s p l a y H o r i z o n t a l D e f l e c t i o n O u t p u t U s e 3 afci D y n a m i cs F ' o c s t j i s U s e ( N o p i c t u r e e v e r o u t of f o c u s w i t h b e t t e r f o c u s c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s )

    OCR Scan
    T0-220FI T0-220. diffus-126 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) O-220FIÂ SC-67KS0T-189} 2SC4630LS 2SC4631LS 2SC4632LS 2SC4633LS 2SC4634LS 2SC4635LS 2SC4636LS 2SC4637LS 2SC4710LS T0-126ML PDF

    mpc 1237

    Abstract: transistor 2sd 511 transistor d325 TRANSISTOR C875 c537 transistor 2SD325 2SC693 2SC536D 2SC693E 2SB511
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 1BE D I TTTTDTh Q G 0 H 0 ci3 T-'is-Op 2SD325 N P N / pnp Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistors 201OA Low Frequency Power Amp Applications 2SB511 398F 5 Watts AF Power amplifier output use. There are complementary pair. :2SB511

    OCR Scan
    2sb511 Product81 0DGB752 mpc 1237 transistor 2sd 511 transistor d325 TRANSISTOR C875 c537 transistor 2SD325 2SC693 2SC536D 2SC693E 2SB511 PDF


    Abstract: ic sj 2038 TRANSISTOR ML5 sj 2038 12006A sj 2025 marking ML5 ic sj 2025 TO-220AA marking 2009a
    Text: 2SC2621 NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2009A Color TV Chroma Output Applications E675A Absolute Maxi m u m Ratings at T a = 2 5 C Collector to Base Voltage CBO Collector to Emitter Voltage VCEO Emitter to Base Voltage VEBO Collector Current

    OCR Scan
    2SC2621 200VtIE 0021J 2SC2621 ic sj 2038 TRANSISTOR ML5 sj 2038 12006A sj 2025 marking ML5 ic sj 2025 TO-220AA marking 2009a PDF


    Abstract: 2SC3789 transistor c3789 2SA1479 2SC3705
    Text: Ordering number:EN 2093 2 S A 1 4 7 9 / 2 S C 5 7 8 9 PNP/NPN E p i t a x i a l P l a n a r Type Silicon Transistors H i g h - D e f i n i t i on CRT D i s p l a y v i d e o Ou t p u t A p p l i c a t i o n s Applications . High-definition CRT display . Color TV chroma output, high breakdown voltage drivers

    OCR Scan
    2SA1479/2SC3789 O-126 2SA1479 C3789 2SC3789 transistor c3789 2SC3705 PDF

    vertical IC tv crt

    Abstract: 2SC4566 2SA1751 2SC3790 2SA1352 2SA1380 2SA1381 2SA1875 2SC3416 2SC3502
    Text: Continued fra.71 D.-ewouS oage Absolute maximum ratings Electrical characteristics Ta = 25 Package V tfiu VcEO (V ' (V) Vcao • (V) ; le (A) Pc (W) T, (C ) ICBO max @ Vcb f0 ,¡«Cl Ic b o max Vcb h fE @ Vce - lc tlFE Ci . *T Vce ■ lc Vce Ic tr Vce 2SC4827

    OCR Scan
    2SC4827 2SC4884 2SA1875* 2SC4976* 2SC4567 T0220 2SB1037 2SD1459 vertical IC tv crt 2SC4566 2SA1751 2SC3790 2SA1352 2SA1380 2SA1381 2SA1875 2SC3416 2SC3502 PDF

    IRF 850 mosfet

    Abstract: Mini size of Discrete semiconductor elements 2SJ335 cp 035 sanyo CP 022 ND fa214 8ROM 2SK2637 marking 85m ok 2SJ382
    Text: Medium Output Power MOSFETs l N ew P a d o - g e : T S S O P 8 *0ne size sm aller than S0P8. Best su ited fo r higher performance and effic ie n c y of battery-pow ered equipment and av ailab le fo r h igh-density surface mount. S O P S ^Reduced surface mount area by 502 and thickness by 30Z over the SC-63(TP).package.

    OCR Scan
    SC-63 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) O-220FIÂ SC-67KS0T-189} T0-220MF lsDwATT220> IRF 850 mosfet Mini size of Discrete semiconductor elements 2SJ335 cp 035 sanyo CP 022 ND fa214 8ROM 2SK2637 marking 85m ok 2SJ382 PDF

    HK 749

    Abstract: 2sa174 2SA1749 2SC4564 2sc456 2SA749
    Text: O rdering num ber: EN 3643 SA i YO i 2SA1749/2SC4564 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors Ultrahigh-Definition CRT Display Video Output Applications Features •HighfT [fr=400MHz typ ] • High breakdown voltage [Vceo—200V (min)] • High current

    OCR Scan
    A1749/2SC4564 400MHz 2SA1749 2SC4564 2SA1749 QD205SÃ 2SA1749/2SC4564 -SA17 49/2SC HK 749 2sa174 2sc456 2SA749 PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR d313 D313 amplifier SD313 Sanyo D313 D313 VOLTAGE REGULATOR D313 power amplifier D313 for amplifier power supply with regulator D313 2SC1175 transistor
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 12E D | 7Ti7D7ti 0004007 T - 33- 2SD313, 3 1 4 • 2012 201 oA 2SB507, 508 NPN/pnp Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistors Low Frequency Power Amp Applications 396E .2SB507,2SB508 and 2SD313,2SD314 are complementary pairs respectively.

    OCR Scan
    T-33-^ 2SB507, 2SB507 2SB508 2SD313 2SD314 2SB508, 2SD314, TRANSISTOR B507 TRANSISTOR d313 D313 amplifier SD313 Sanyo D313 D313 VOLTAGE REGULATOR D313 power amplifier D313 for amplifier power supply with regulator D313 2SC1175 transistor PDF