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    TEK744A Search Results

    TEK744A Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: DB21 passive sonar receiver ad8307 note 150pf 6kv AD606 AD640 ad8307 power meter decibel meter AD8307AN
    Text: a FEATURES Complete Multistage Logarithmic Amplifier 92 dB Dynamic Range: –75 dBm to +17 dBm to –90 dBm Using Matching Network Single Supply of 2.7 V Min at 7.5 mA Typical DC-500 MHz Operation, ؎1 dB Linearity Slope of 25 mV/dB, Intercept of –84 dBm

    DC-500 AD8307 logarithm11) DB21 passive sonar receiver ad8307 note 150pf 6kv AD606 AD640 ad8307 power meter decibel meter AD8307AN PDF

    ad8307 power meter

    Abstract: ad8307 note AD8307 AD606 decibel meter AD820 AD8307AN AD8307AR P6139A "Logarithmic if amplifier"
    Text: Low Cost DC-500 MHz, 92 dB Logarithmic Amplifier AD8307 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES APPLICATIONS Conversion of signal level to decibel form Transmitter antenna power measurement Receiver signal strength indication RSSI Low cost radar and sonar signal processing

    DC-500 AD8307 900MHz AD8307AN AD8307ANZ1 AD8307AR AD8307AR-REEL AD8307AR-REEL7 AD8307ARZ1 ad8307 power meter ad8307 note AD8307 AD606 decibel meter AD820 AD8307AN AD8307AR P6139A "Logarithmic if amplifier" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Low Cost, DC to 500 MHz, 92 dB Logarithmic Amplifier AD8307 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES APPLICATIONS Conversion of signal level to decibel form Transmitter antenna power measurement Receiver signal strength indication RSSI Low cost radar and sonar signal processing

    AD8307 900MHz Comp307AR AD8307AR-REEL AD8307AR-REEL7 AD8307ARZ1 AD8307ARZ-REEL1 AD8307ARZ-RL71 D01082-0-7/08 AD8307 PDF

    ad8307 note

    Abstract: 12 volts,15 amps Regulated Power Supply Schematic Diagram HP8112A RSSI 604 "Logarithmic if amplifier" a6ek AD8307AR
    Text: BACK a FEATURES Complete Multistage Logarithmic Amplifier 92 dB Dynamic Range: –75 dBm to +17 dBm To –90 dBm Using Matching Network Single Supply of 2.7 V Min at 7.5 mA Typical DC-500 MHz Operation, ؎1 dB Linearity Slope of 25 mV/dB, Intercept of –84 dBm

    DC-500 AD8307 ad8307 note 12 volts,15 amps Regulated Power Supply Schematic Diagram HP8112A RSSI 604 "Logarithmic if amplifier" a6ek AD8307AR PDF

    ad8307 power meter

    Abstract: decibel meter ad8307 ad8307 note AD8307AN TEK744A 1497 global transformer ad8307arz cmos sine generator SFE10.7MS2G-A
    Text: Low Cost, DC to 500 MHz, 92 dB Logarithmic Amplifier AD8307 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES APPLICATIONS Conversion of signal level to decibel form Transmitter antenna power measurement Receiver signal strength indication RSSI Low cost radar and sonar signal processing

    AD8307 900MHz AD8307AN AD8307ANZ1 AD8307AR AD8307AR-REEL AD8307AR-REEL7 AD8307ARZ1 AD8307ARZ-REEL1 ad8307 power meter decibel meter ad8307 ad8307 note AD8307AN TEK744A 1497 global transformer ad8307arz cmos sine generator SFE10.7MS2G-A PDF

    ad8307 power meter

    Abstract: ad8307 AD640 ad8307 note AD606 decibel meter AD820 AD8307AN AD8307AR AD8307AR-REEL
    Text: Low Cost DC–500 MHz, 92 dB Logarithmic Amplifier AD8307 FEATURES Complete Multistage Logarithmic Amplifier 92 dB Dynamic Range: –75 dBm to +17 dBm to –90 dBm Using Matching Network Single Supply of 2.7 V Min at 7.5 mA Typ DC to 500 MHz Operation, ؎1 dB Linearity

    AD8307 C01082 ad8307 power meter ad8307 AD640 ad8307 note AD606 decibel meter AD820 AD8307AN AD8307AR AD8307AR-REEL PDF

    ad8307 note

    Abstract: AD8307 transresistance amp lm 833 for high pass filter ad8307 power meter decibel meter AD820 AD8307AN AD8307AR P6139A 500Mhz 10x
    Text: a FEATURES Complete Multistage Logarithmic Amplifier 92 dB Dynamic Range: –75 dBm to +17 dBm To –90 dBm Using Matching Network Single Supply of 2.7 V Min at 7.5 mA Typical DC-500 MHz Operation, ؎1 dB Linearity Slope of 25 mV/dB, Intercept of –84 dBm

    DC-500 AD8307 ad8307 note transresistance amp lm 833 for high pass filter ad8307 power meter decibel meter AD820 AD8307AN AD8307AR P6139A 500Mhz 10x PDF


    Abstract: LTHF AD8307 ad8307 power meter "Logarithmic if amplifier"
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES Low Cost DC-500 MHz, 92 dB Logarithmic Amplifier AD8307 FEATURES Complete Multistage Logarithmic Amplifier 92 dB Dynamic Range: -75 dBm to +17 dBm To -90 dBm Using Matching Network Single Supply of 2.7 V Min at 7.5 mA Typical DC-500 MHz Operation, ±1 dB Linearity

    OCR Scan
    DC-500 AD8307) AD6307 LTHF AD8307 ad8307 power meter "Logarithmic if amplifier" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES FEATURES C om plete M ultistage Logarithmic A m plifier 92 dB Dynamic Range: -7 5 dBm to +17 dBm To -9 0 dBm Using M atching N etw ork Single Supply of 2.7 V Min a t 7.5 mA Typical DC-500 M H z Operation, ±1 dB Linearity Slope of 25 m V /d B , Intercept of -8 4 dBm

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    DC-500 AD8307 PDF