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    THYRISTOR YS 150 103 Search Results

    THYRISTOR YS 150 103 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CR8PM-12B-A8#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR3PM-12G-C#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    5P4J-Z-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR3PM-12G-AT#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    5P4J-ZK-E2-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    THYRISTOR YS 150 103 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE An Date:- 18 Oct, 2004 Data Sheet Issue:- 2 IXYS Company Phase Control Thyristor Types N0606YS200 to N0606YS250 Old Type No.: N282SH20-22 Absolute Maximum Ratings VOLTAGE RATINGS MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS VDRM Repetitive peak off-state voltage, note 1

    N0606YS200 N0606YS250 N282SH20-22 N0606YS250 PDF


    Abstract: N0606YS250 N282SH N0606YS200 Thyristor 606 Thyristor ys 103 Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors Westcode thyristor
    Text: WESTCODE An Date:- 18 Oct, 2004 Data Sheet Issue:- 2 IXYS Company Phase Control Thyristor Types N0606YS200 to N0606YS250 Old Type No.: N282SH20-22 Absolute Maximum Ratings VOLTAGE RATINGS MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS VDRM Repetitive peak off-state voltage, note 1

    N0606YS200 N0606YS250 N282SH20-22 N0606YS250 N0606YS N282SH Thyristor 606 Thyristor ys 103 Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors Westcode thyristor PDF


    Abstract: KLUBER WOLFRACOAT C Thyristor BT 102 water cooled thyristor assembly kluber wolfracoat thyristor ys 150 017 NT102 295kW Thyristor ys 150 103 RC snubber thyristor design
    Text: Technical Information Technische Erläuterungen Für schnelle Thyristoren wird hierzu empfohlen: - C, = 10.47 nF - R, entsprechend 7, = Fl, . C, = 1,0 . .2.0 ps - D, schnelle Diode Der Entladewiderstand R, darf niemals fehlen, weil sich sonst einige Daten der Thyristoren verschlechtern können, z.B. die kritische Spannungssteilheit dv/dt ,. Falls die Beschaltung den Verlauf des Steuerstroms nachteilig beeinflußt, so ist dies bei der Bemessung des


    relais reed celduc

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Pro d i u e G t c u d celduc MADE IN FRANCE relais 1964-2014 YEARS REED RELAYS AND SWITCHES SOLID STATE RELAYS MAGNETIC SENSORS Dear customers, dear readers, At celduc® we are very proud to be celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2014!

    GUIDUK2014 relais reed celduc PDF


    Abstract: D41A3100
    Text: Pro d i u e G t c u d celduc MADE IN FRANCE relais 1964-2014 YEARS REED RELAYS AND SWITCHES SOLID STATE RELAYS MAGNETIC SENSORS Dear customers, dear readers, At celduc® we are very proud to be celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2014!

    GUIDUK2014 d41a3 D41A3100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O T O R O L A SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCR264-4 thru MCR264-10 Thyristors Silicon Controlled Rectifiers SCRs 40 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS . . . designed for back-to-back SCR output devices for solid state relays or applications requiring high surge operation.

    OCR Scan
    MCR264-4 MCR264-10 MCR264-6 MCR264-8 MCR264-4 PDF

    semikron SKFT 150

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3bE D : SEMIKRON INC • a i 3 bb?l Q Q Q 2 3 5G S M S E K G -ras-^ Vdrm V rrm Tv| = 125 °C Itrms (maximum values for continuous operation) 350 A 350 A Itav (sin. 180; Tease = 76°C; 50 Hz) 150 A 150 A V US 800 15 20 SKFT 150/08 DS SKFT 150/08 DT SKFH 150/08 DS

    OCR Scan
    SKFT150 fll3bb71 semikron SKFT 150 PDF

    triode rn 1016

    Abstract: 2N1778A thyristor st 103
    Text: Discrete Semiconductors C10 Series: 2N1770A-2N2619A Semitronics Phase Control SCR 4.7 Amps 125-600 Volts Description Silicon Controlled Rectifiers SCR are reverse blocking triode thyristor semiconductor devices designed for power switching and phase control

    OCR Scan
    2N1770A-2N2619A MIL-PRF-19500/168 2N1770A triode rn 1016 2N1778A thyristor st 103 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si GEC P L E S S E Y j a n u a r y i 996 SEMICONDUC TOR S DS4279-2.1 TF915.B FAST SWITCHING THYRISTOR APPLICATIONS • High Power Inverters And Choppers. ■ UPS. ■ Railway Traction. ■ Induction Heating. ■ AC Motor Drives. ■ Cycloconverters. KEY PARAMETERS

    OCR Scan
    DS4279-2 TF915. 0000A TF915 TF91512B TF91510B 37bflSEE PDF

    thyristor st 103

    Abstract: SH30J13A L13A SH30J TOSHIBA THYRISTOR SH30F SH30F13A
    Text: SH3 KD,F,G,H,J,L 13A HIGH-SPEED THYRISTOR SILICON DIFFUSED TYPE HIGH SPEED (FORKLIFT, ELECTRIC-CAR, CHOPPER, INVERTER) APPLICATIONS. Unit in m m FEATURES: . Repetitive Peak Off-State Repetitive Peak Reverse . Average On-State . Turn-Off . Gate =200 ^ 800v

    OCR Scan
    15/is 00A//iS 00V//is G-236. SH30D13A SH30F13A SH30G13A SH30H13A SH30J13A SH30L13A thyristor st 103 L13A SH30J TOSHIBA THYRISTOR SH30F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T ra n s ie n t V o lta ge S u p p re s s io n TV S D io d e s + 1N5629 + Series 1N5865A C 3 Y 3 0 M Control overpower ri k 1T 31.8 min. ¡1{5 .33 max. -» 7.5 9.0 25.4 min. l _I Smisibla PnxtèectSon MAXIMUM RATINGS When no problems exist, Oydom TVS • Peak pulse power (Ppk): 1500 watts

    OCR Scan
    1N5629 1N5865A 10X1000 X10-1 1N56SEFJE5 500pcs) 1000pcs) 1N5629 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5206 2N682 2N683 2N688 2N692 2N685 2n666 b DD001B 2n666
    Text: M4E D MIL SPECS □ □ □ D 1 2 S G D 3 3 S7 7 b «MILS | The documentation and process | | conversion measures necessary to | | comply with this revision shallbe | | completed by 30 November 1993 | i_I INCH-POUND |

    OCR Scan
    1L-S-19500/108E MIL-S-19500/108D 2N682, 2N683, 2N685 2N692, 2N5206, D 4206 TRANSISTOR 2N5206 2N682 2N683 2N688 2N692 2n666 b DD001B 2n666 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si GEC PLESSEY JANUARY 1996 SEMI CO NDUC TOR S DS4267-2.3 DK13.FQ/W FAST SWITCHING THYRISTOR KEY PARAMETERS 800V DRM 130A T RMS 1600A - TSM dVdt 200V/|is 500A/(is d l/d t t_ 7-10|iS APPLICATIONS • High Power Inverters And Choppers. ■ UPS. ■ AC Motor Drives.

    OCR Scan
    DS4267-2 08FQK. 08FWK. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 Ê . GEC P L E S S E Y o c t o b e r i 995 SEMI CO NDUC TOR S DS4268-2.2 DK24.FC FAST SWITCHING THYRISTOR KEY PARAMETERS 2000V DRM 260A ^T RMS 4000A ^TSM 200V/|iS dVdt 500A/J1S dl/dt 50)iS t. APPLICATIONS • High Power Inverters And Choppers. ■ UPS.

    OCR Scan
    DS4268-2 00A/J1S 20kHz. DK2418FC DK24 PDF

    thyristor tt 250

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: @ M ITEL TA329.Q Asymmetric Thyristor S E M IC O N D U C T O R Supersedes January 1997 version, DS4680 - 2.0 DS4680 - 2.1 APPLICATIONS • High Frequency Applications. ■ High Power Choppers And Inverters. KEY PARAMETERS 1400V DRM 370A ^T RMS 2000A ^TSM

    OCR Scan
    DS4680 TA329. 400Hz 40kHz. thyristor tt 250 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITEL DK24.FC Fast Switching Thyristor SEMICONDUCTOR Supersedes O ctober 1995 version, DS4268 - 2.2 DS4268 - 2.3 APPLICATIONS • High P ow er Inverters And Choppers. ■ UPS. ■ A C Motor Drives. ■ Induction Heating. ■ C ycloconverters. March 1998

    OCR Scan
    DS4268 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P^pJGEC PLESSEY OCTOBER 1995 SEM IC OND UCT OR S DS4270-2.2 DK27.FQ/W FAST SWITCHING THYRISTOR KEY PARAMETERS 800V w DRM 290A ^T RMS 5000A ^TSM 200V/|is dVdt 500A/|iS dl/dt t. 7-10|iS APPLICATIONS • High Power Inverters And Choppers. ■ UPS. ■ AC Motor Drives.

    OCR Scan
    DS4270-2 20kHz. 37bfl522 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3ü GEC P L E S S E Y j a n u a r y i 996 SEM ICO ND UCTO RS DS4278-2.1 TF913.C FAST SWITCHING THYRISTOR KEY PARAMETERS v DRM 2000V 1300A ^T RMS 17000A ^TSM 300V/|_ls dV/dt 500A/(is dl/dt 50jis APPLICATIONS • High Power Inverters And Choppers. ■ UPS.

    OCR Scan
    DS4278-2 TF913. 7000A 50jis TF913 PDF

    Thyristor ys 150 103 ah

    Abstract: ys 180 103 dc
    Text: POWEREX INC m ju n 15E D E n • 72^21 00G3b21 2 CM530413 CM530813 a Powerex, Inc., Hlllts Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 412 925-7272 Powerex Europe, S.A., 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107,72003 Le Mans, France (43) 72.75.15 Dual SCR POW-R-BLOKJMModules

    OCR Scan
    00G3b21 CM530413 CM530813 Amperes/400-800 BP107 CM530413, MAX/10 Thyristor ys 150 103 ah ys 180 103 dc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DK27.FQ/W M ITEL Fast Switching Thyristor SEMICONDUCTOR Supersedes O ctober 1995 version, DS4270 - 2.2 DS4270 - 2.3 APPLICATIONS • High Power Inverters And Choppers. ■ UPS. KEY PARAMETERS 800V DRM 290A ^T RMS 5000A ^TSM dVdt 200V/(is dl/dt 500A/|is

    OCR Scan
    DS4270 20kHz. 08FQK. DK2708FWK PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITEL DK24.FC Fast Switching Thyristor SEMICONDUCTOR Supersedes O ctober 1995 version, DS4268 - 2.2 DS4268 - 2.3 KEY PARAMETERS 2000V DRM 260A ^T RMS 4000A ^TSM dVdt 200V/|iS d l/d t 500A/(iS t. 50|iS APPLICATIONS • High Pow er Inverters And C hoppers.

    OCR Scan
    DS4268 PDF


    Abstract: speed control of dc motor using ujt scr c107m TRANSISTOR equivalent UJT pin diagram 2N2646 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram TY6008 triac ot 239 class d 1000w amplifier inverter welder 4 schematic thyristor zo 402
    Text: Theory and Applications Chapters 1 thru 9 Selector Guide Data Sheets Outline Dimensions and Leadform Options Index and Cross Reference E (g ) M OTOROLA THYRISTOR DATA Prepared by Technical Information Center This second edition of the Thyristor Data Manual has been revised extensively to reflect

    OCR Scan
    Semi260 TY510 TY6004 TY6008 TY6010 TY8008 TY8010 2N6394 MCR218-8 UJT-2N2646 PIN DIAGRAM DETAILS speed control of dc motor using ujt scr c107m TRANSISTOR equivalent UJT pin diagram 2N2646 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram TY6008 triac ot 239 class d 1000w amplifier inverter welder 4 schematic thyristor zo 402 PDF


    Abstract: BYY32 ac176 AEY26 BAV77 bby20 BD545B BAV27 transistor KT 209 M AF367
    Text: Semiconductors Semiconducteurs Halbleiter YEARLY EDITION - EDITION AN N UELLE - jX H R LIC H E AU SG A BE SIXTH EDITION SIXIEME EDITION SECHSTE AUSGABE 1978 Compiled by: Association Internationale PRO ELECTRON, Bd. de Waterloo, 103, B 1000 BRUSSELS Published by: JE. E KLUWER, B 2100 DEURNE-ANTWERP

    OCR Scan
    Edition-1978) Ausgabe-1978) BS3934 SO-26 OT-114 NS371 APY12 BYY32 ac176 AEY26 BAV77 bby20 BD545B BAV27 transistor KT 209 M AF367 PDF

    IPM module lg

    Abstract: diode gi 9300 irf 5110 ScansUX7 D183 D184 D185 HALF WAVE 45 E 57 20-C1V D187 D188
    Text: International m§Rectifier s e r ie s irk.L 56 , .L7i, .l9i FAST RECOVERY DIODES ADD-A-pak Power Modules 55A 70A 90A Features • F a s t re c o v e ry tim e c h a ra c te ris tic s ■ E le c tric a lly iso lated b a s e p la te ■ S ta n d a rd J E D E C p a c k a g e

    OCR Scan
    30ohms. 65ohms IPM module lg diode gi 9300 irf 5110 ScansUX7 D183 D184 D185 HALF WAVE 45 E 57 20-C1V D187 D188 PDF