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    Texas Instruments LM26CIM5X-TPA/NOPB

    Thermostats Accurate Factory Pre set Thermostat A 926-LM26CIM5-TPANOPB
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    Mouser Electronics LM26CIM5X-TPA/NOPB 7,777
    • 1 $1
    • 10 $0.816
    • 100 $0.756
    • 1000 $0.601
    • 10000 $0.425
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    Micro Commercial Components SMAJ26CA-TP

    ESD Protection Diodes / TVS Diodes 26V 400 Watts
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics SMAJ26CA-TP 6,113
    • 1 $0.22
    • 10 $0.146
    • 100 $0.06
    • 1000 $0.06
    • 10000 $0.058
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    Visual Communications Company LPC_026_CTP

    LED Light Pipes Round Lightpipe LPC026CTP
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    Mouser Electronics LPC_026_CTP 4,895
    • 1 $1.08
    • 10 $0.695
    • 100 $0.535
    • 1000 $0.387
    • 10000 $0.333
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    Littelfuse Inc TPSMB26CA-VR

    ESD Protection Diodes / TVS Diodes 600W 26V AEC-Q101 5% Bi-Directional
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    Mouser Electronics TPSMB26CA-VR 3,609
    • 1 $0.38
    • 10 $0.334
    • 100 $0.261
    • 1000 $0.195
    • 10000 $0.144
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    Littelfuse Inc TPSMD26CA

    ESD Protection Diodes / TVS Diodes 3kW 26V AEC-Q101 5% Bi-Directional
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics TPSMD26CA 2,818
    • 1 $0.99
    • 10 $0.809
    • 100 $0.629
    • 1000 $0.434
    • 10000 $0.367
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    TP 26C Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE An Date:- 9 Jul, 2004 Data Sheet Issue:- 1 IXYS Company Fast Recovery Diode Type M1609NC200 to M1609NC260 Old Type No.: SM16-26CXC915 Absolute Maximum Ratings VOLTAGE RATINGS MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS VRRM Repetitive peak reverse voltage, note 1 2000-2600

    M1609NC200 M1609NC260 SM16-26CXC915 M1609NC260 PDF


    Abstract: M1609NC200
    Text: WESTCODE An Date:- 9 Jul, 2004 Data Sheet Issue:- 1 IXYS Company Fast Recovery Diode Type M1609NC200 to M1609NC260 Old Type No.: SM16-26CXC915 Absolute Maximum Ratings VOLTAGE RATINGS MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS VRRM Repetitive peak reverse voltage, note 1 2000-2600

    M1609NC200 M1609NC260 SM16-26CXC915 M1609NC260 M1609NC PDF


    Abstract: 7637-2 pulse 5 hall current sensor 3A ISO7637-1 ISO7637 TLE4925C marking code BPP ISO76371 E6747
    Text: Data Sheet Supplement Version 3.0 valid for 8” product Dynamic Differential Hall Effect Sensor TLE4926C-HT E6747 For all parameters not specified in this document the TLE4925C data sheet is valid. PG-SSO-3-9 Type Marking TLE4926C-HT E6747 26C8A Ordering Code

    TLE4926C-HT E6747 TLE4925C 26C8A SP000269345 E6747 ISO-7637-1 7637-2 pulse 5 hall current sensor 3A ISO7637-1 ISO7637 marking code BPP ISO76371 PDF

    DIODE 22B4

    Abstract: BA4602 ba41-00316a AR5212 MAP17-232 Q506 nvidia 7100 AR5211 27b1 diode geforce4
    Text: X10 DRAW Model Name PBA Name PCB Code Dev. Step Revision APPROVAL AQUILA MAIN BA92-01774A BA41-#####A SR 1.0 CHECK : : : : : CPU :P4-BANIAS Chip Set :MCH-M ODEM Remarks :TEMP AQUILA 7 Schematic Diagrams and PCB Silkscreen 7-1 MAIN BOARD 7-1-1 Schematic Diagrams

    BA92-01774A BA41-# 400MHZ 512MBYTE 66MHZ MAP31 68ohm 3000mA 012ohm DIODE 22B4 BA4602 ba41-00316a AR5212 MAP17-232 Q506 nvidia 7100 AR5211 27b1 diode geforce4 PDF


    Abstract: schematic diagram tv samsung AR5212 XC502 C568 ar5312 ZD5022 CT502 7S06 SOT23 d526 y
    Text: 7 Schematic Diagrams and PCB Silkscreen 7-1 MAIN BOARD 7-1-1 Schematic Diagrams X30 7-1 This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. 7 Schematic Diagrams and PCB Silkscreen 7-1-1 a Main Board Schematic Sheet 2 of 42(Operation Block Diagram)

    DiagraA-062 A17-01-B-002 A02-02-A-001 A04-01-A-047 A09-01-A-089 LTST-C150GKT, SLS-PGYE301-TM, OT-25) 12513WR-04A0, CIM10J121NES XC503 schematic diagram tv samsung AR5212 XC502 C568 ar5312 ZD5022 CT502 7S06 SOT23 d526 y PDF


    Abstract: ar5312 CT450 TP880 A0744 Q506 J955 2007-000162 AR5212 C699
    Text: 7 Schematic Diagrams and PCB Silkscreen 7-1 MAIN BOARD 7-1-1 Schematic Diagrams X15 7-1 This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. 7 Schematic Diagrams and PCB Silkscreen 7-1-1 a Main Board Schematic Sheet 2 of 40(Operation Block Diagram)

    A04-44-A-060 A04-44-A-061 A09-01-A-085 KX15-50KLDL KX14-50K2-58E-1 39B4 ar5312 CT450 TP880 A0744 Q506 J955 2007-000162 AR5212 C699 PDF


    Abstract: ar5312 diode 39b2 AR5112 AR5213 AR5211 st c739 FD507 U508-3 AR533 Ct516
    Text: 7 Schematic Diagrams and PCB Silkscreen 7-1 MAIN BOARD 7-1-1 Schematic Diagrams X05 7-1 This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. 7 Schematic Diagrams and PCB Silkscreen 7-1-1 a Main Board Schematic Sheet 2 of 40(Operation Block Diagram)

    ISL6225VCC AR5212 ar5312 diode 39b2 AR5112 AR5213 AR5211 st c739 FD507 U508-3 AR533 Ct516 PDF

    30b1 diode

    Abstract: ntc 10d-7 DIODE G7.9 27B2 diode 45x1 diode M30 c300 811324 q515 11F4 smd diode f4 4d
    Text: This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. 5 Schematic Diagrams and PCB Silkscreen 5-1 MAIN BOARD 5-1-1 Schematic Diagrams M30 5-1 5 Schematic Diagrams and PCB Silkscreen This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization.

    100nF, 1/16W 30b1 diode ntc 10d-7 DIODE G7.9 27B2 diode 45x1 diode M30 c300 811324 q515 11F4 smd diode f4 4d PDF

    SES N 2402

    Abstract: ERO foil capacitor 400V cs360
    Text: A n a s su m p tio n can be m a d e in th at the o u tp u t c u rre n t re m a in s c o n sta n t d u rin g o n e sw itc h in g cycle. T his is d u e to th e fact th a t th e c o rn er freq u e n cy of th e o u tp u t filter is m u ch lo w er th a n th a t of th e reso n a n t tank. To sim p lify th e

    OCR Scan
    CS-360 CS-360 150kH SES N 2402 ERO foil capacitor 400V cs360 PDF


    Abstract: qml-38535 26C31 CQCC1-N20 GDFP2-F16 GDIP1-T16 SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 2D TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 2d marking code 1g1 smd diode s40
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED Add vendor CAGE 01295. Make change to V|sj and P q as specified under paragraph 1.3. Make change to V o n 'CC- *OZ- •SC- skew, tp n z , and tpi 7 tests as specified in table I. Changes in accordance with N.O.R. 5962-R109-95.

    OCR Scan
    5962-R109-95. TG047DÃ G0342b2 003M2 qml-38535 26C31 CQCC1-N20 GDFP2-F16 GDIP1-T16 SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 2D TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 2d marking code 1g1 smd diode s40 PDF


    Abstract: hps082-2811 AD380 AD380JH AD380KH AD380LH AD380SH AD565 capacitor high voltage 100khz
    Text: ANALO G L 4 D E V IC E S Wideband, Fast-Settling FET-lnput Op Amp AD380 FEATURES High O u tp u t C urrent: 50m A @ ± 1 0 V Fast S e ttlin g to 0.1%: 130ns High S lew Rate: 330V/ j.s High G ain-B andw idth Product: 300MHz High U n ity Gain B and w idth : 40MHz

    OCR Scan
    130ns 300MHz 40MHz AD380K, AD380 AD380 30V/ji 12-bit AD7545 hps082 hps082-2811 AD380JH AD380KH AD380LH AD380SH AD565 capacitor high voltage 100khz PDF


    Abstract: sn75580 beckman panaplex display beckman display decoder BCD-7 segments panaplex BCD 7 seg BCD-7 segments decoder capacitor 10D SN7558
    Text: TYPE SN75584A HIGH-VOLTAGE 7-S EG M EN T LA TCH /D ECOD ER/CATH OD E D R IV E R D ISPLAY C IR CU ITS D 2627, MAY Output Current Adjustable From 0.1 m A to 4 mA DPI J T DM OS Outputs for High Breakdown Voltage Segment Outputs . . . 100 V Min Decimal Point O u tp u t. . . 100 V Min

    OCR Scan
    SN75584A D2627, SN75584A. d2627 sn75580 beckman panaplex display beckman display decoder BCD-7 segments panaplex BCD 7 seg BCD-7 segments decoder capacitor 10D SN7558 PDF


    Abstract: SN75584 decoder BCD-7 segments 7 segment display R 056 cc BCD 7 seg SN7558
    Text: TYPE SN75584A HIGH-VOLTAGE 7 -SE G M E N T LATCH/DECODER/CATHODE D R IV E R DISPLAY CIRCUITS D2627, M AY O u tp u t C urrent Adjustable From 0.1 m A to 4 m A :olumns Each of is which ler, for put may a worst ppose a display is 4 pF. were on 1981 D U A L -IN L IN E P A C K A G E TO P V IE W

    OCR Scan
    SN75584A D2627, D2627 SN75584 decoder BCD-7 segments 7 segment display R 056 cc BCD 7 seg SN7558 PDF

    jrm a55

    Abstract: tip 0ff 0401 ANALOG irf 5630 ko 224 4K tantalum capacitors jrm a45 irf 7408 bt 4840 pinout diagram A9F7 29 INCH crt tv FBT pinout chassis 3111 253 3266 2e jrm A45
    Text: PR E FA C E T he IBM P erson al C o m p u te r T ech n ical R eferen ce M anual is designed to pro v id e h ard w are design an d in terfa ce in fo rm atio n . T h is p u b licatio n also provides B asic In p u t O u tp u t S y stem B IO S in fo rm atio n as w ell as p ro g ram m ing su p p o rt m a tter.

    OCR Scan
    64/256K RS232C-A jrm a55 tip 0ff 0401 ANALOG irf 5630 ko 224 4K tantalum capacitors jrm a45 irf 7408 bt 4840 pinout diagram A9F7 29 INCH crt tv FBT pinout chassis 3111 253 3266 2e jrm A45 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC26C31 Product Preview Quad E IA -4 2 2 -A Line Driver îw t f ïï CMOS ' 3 The M C 26C 31 is a q uad d iffe re n tia l line d rive r d esig n ed for d ig ita l d ata transm ission o ver bala n ced lines. The M C26C31 m eets all the requirem ents of

    OCR Scan
    MC26C31 C26C31 MC26C31 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O TO R O LA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C26C32 Product Preview Quad E IA -4 2 2 -A Line R eceiver P S U F F IX CMOS P L A S T IC D IP C A S E 6 48 The M C 26C 32 is a quad differential line receiver designed for digital data transm ission over balanced lines. The M C 26C 32 m eets all the requirem ents of

    OCR Scan
    C26C32 26LS32. MC26C32 26C32 PDF


    Abstract: 26LS32 ic internal diagram SOG PACKAGE
    Text: MOTOROLA • SEMICONDUCTOR h h h h b h TECHNICAL DATA M C26C32 Product Preview Quad EIA-422-A Line R eceiver CMOS T h e M C 26C 32 is a q uad d ifferential line re ceive r designed fo r digital data transm issio n o ve r bala n ced lines. T h e M C 26C 32 m eets all the requirem ents of

    OCR Scan
    C26C32 EIA-422-A IA-422-A 26LS32. MC26C32 26c32 26LS32 ic internal diagram SOG PACKAGE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HS-26CT31MS H A R R IS SEMICONDUCTOR Radiation Hardened Quad Differential Line Driver Decem ber 1992 Pinouts Features HS1-26CT31MSR 16 PIN CERAMIC DUAL-IN-LINE CASE OUTLINE D2, CONFIGURATION 3 TOP VIEW • 1.2 Micron Radiation Hardened CMOS - Total Dose Up to 300K RAD SI

    OCR Scan
    HS-26CT31MS HS1-26CT31MSR RS-422 2140nm x3290nm) HS-26C32MS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5 -7 Precaution of Assembly for Mini Flat Coupler 5 -7 -1 ) Soldering A vo id th e rise o f device te m p e ra tu re as m u ch as p ossible by th e fo llo w in g c o n d itio n s . a) S old e ring lead d ire c tly by so ld e r header) 26CTC M a x ., 1 0 second M ax.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HS-26CT31RH Semiconductor R a d ia tio n H a rd e n e d March 1995 Q u a d D ifferential L in e D river Pinouts Features • 1.2 Micron Radiation Hardened CMOS HS1-26CT31RH 16 LEAD CERAMIC SIDEBRAZE DIP CASE OUTLINE D2, CONFIGURATION C TOP VIEW - Total Dose Up to 300K RAD Si

    OCR Scan
    HS-26CT31RH HS1-26CT31RH RS-422 038mm) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f f î H A R R HS-26C32MS I S S E M I C O N D U C T O R Radiation Hardened Quad Differential Line Receiver December 1992 Features Pinouts • 1.2 Micron Radiation Hardened CMOS - Total Dosellp to 300K RAD Si - Dose Rate Upset > 1x10 RADs (Siys (20nS Pulse)

    OCR Scan
    HS-26C32MS HS1-26C32MSR RS-422 3290nm) 10sA/cm2 PDF


    Abstract: AM26C31C AM26C31CDBLE AM26C31I AM26C31IDBLE AM26C31M AM26LS31
    Text: AM26C31C, AM26C31I, AM26C31M QUADRUPLE DIFFERENTIAL LINE DRIVERS SLLS103G - DECEMBER 1990 - REVISED SEPTEMBER 1998 AM26C31C, AM26C311. . . D, DBt, OR N PACKAGE AM26C31M . . . J OR W PACKAGE TOP VIEW Meet or Exceed the Requirements of TIA/EIA-422-B and ITU Recommendation

    OCR Scan
    AM26C31C, AM26C31I, AM26C31M SLLS103G TIA/EIA-422-B AM26LS31 AM26C311, AM26C311 AM26C31C AM26C31CDBLE AM26C31I AM26C31IDBLE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    TC74VCXR162543FT 16-BIT TC74VCXR162543FT TSSOP56-P-0061-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T^HIBA ÜC/ÜP 54E D • T O T T E D D05DÜÔG SES « T 0 S 3 TMP47C446A/946A TOSHIBA C M O S 4 -B IT M IC R O C O N TR O L LE R | TMP47C446AF The 47C446A has LCD driver, 8 -b it A/D converter, and w a tch d og tim e r based on th e TLCS-47 CMOS series.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C446A/946A TMP47C446AF 47C446A TLCS-47 QFP64 TMP47C946AG instruction-341 C446A/946A PDF