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    TPQA05 Search Results

    TPQA05 Datasheets (2)

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    TPQA05 Allegro MicroSystems Quad Transistor Array Scan PDF

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    Abstract: TPQ6700 tpq2369 2n2222 transistor pin b c e 2N3904 WPSA05 a1005-0a TPQ2907A TPQ6002
    Text: ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS INC , 33E 0504330 0005713 mmÊm• 4 SLGR 'T -m v z ^ QUAD TRANSISTOR ARRAYS S eries T P Q quad transistor arrays are general-purpose silicon transistor arrays consisting of four independent devices. All of these devices are furnished in a 14-pin dual in-line plastic

    OCR Scan
    14-pin TPQ2222 TPQ2222A TPQ2369 TPQ6427 TPQ3904 TPQA06 TPQA05 TPQ2907 TPQ2907A TPQ6700 2n2222 transistor pin b c e 2N3904 WPSA05 a1005-0a TPQ6002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS INC 8 5 1 4 0 1 9 S P R A GU E. T3 D • 05G433Ô GGD3ÔD7 3 ■ ALGR S E M I C O N D S / ICS 93 D 0 3 8 0 7 3 SE R IE S TPQ QUAD TRANSISTOR ARRAYS SERIES TPQ QUAD TRANSISTOR ARRAYS O P R A G U E SERIES TPQ quad transistor arrays ^ are general-purpose silicon tran sisto r arrays

    OCR Scan
    05G433Ã 14-pin TPQ7051 TPQ6700 TPQ6600A TPQ6600 TPQ6502 2N3904 2N3906 tpq2907 PDF

    bc 7-25 pnp

    Abstract: transistor bc 7-25 transistor 724 731 zener diode transistor B 722 transistor Bc 2n2222 transistor BC 176 MPS6521 transistor 2N5952 TP2222A transistor
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS INDEX AND CROSS REFERENCE Industry Number Type Allegro Number s Allegro Package 1 Pinning 2 3 Ratings (Page) 1N914 Diode TMPD914 TO-236AB A NC K 7-29 1N4148 Diode TMPD4148 TO-236AB A NC K 7-29 1N4150 Diode TM PD4150 TO-236AB A NC K

    OCR Scan
    1N914 1N4148 1N4150 1N4565 1N4565A 1N4566 1N4566A 1N4570 1N4570A 1N4571 bc 7-25 pnp transistor bc 7-25 transistor 724 731 zener diode transistor B 722 transistor Bc 2n2222 transistor BC 176 MPS6521 transistor 2N5952 TP2222A transistor PDF

    2n2222 2n5401 2n5551

    Abstract: TPQ6700 TPQA05 TPQ6502 TPQ5400 2N2907 NPN Transistor TPQ2907A TPQ3724 TPQ2221 TPQ2222
    Text: SERIES TPQ QUAD TRANSISTOR ARRAYS SERIES TPQ QUAD TRANSISTOR ARRAYS S PRAGUE SERIES TPQ quad transistor arrays are general-purpose silicon transistor arrays consisting of four independent devices. Shown are iO NPN types, 15 PNP types, and 12 NPN/PNP complementary pairs.

    OCR Scan
    14-pin 2N2222 2N2907 TPQ6600 2N2483 2N3738 TPQ6600A 2N3799 TPQ6700 2N3904 2n2222 2n5401 2n5551 TPQA05 TPQ6502 TPQ5400 2N2907 NPN Transistor TPQ2907A TPQ3724 TPQ2221 TPQ2222 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S P R A G U E /S E N IC O N D GROUP 85 14 0 1 9 SPRAGUE. - ^ D • S E M I C O N D S / ICS fiS13Û S 0 D 0C I3flD 7^ 93D 03807 3 SERIES TPQ QUAD TRANSISTOR ARRAYS SERIES TPQ QUAD TRANSISTOR ARRAYS O PRAGUE SERIES TPQ quad transistor arrays ^ are general-purpose silicon transistor arrays

    OCR Scan
    fiS13Ã 14-pin 0-050A TPQ2221 TPQ2221A 2N3799 TPQ6600A TPQ6700 TPQ7051 TPQ7052 PDF


    Abstract: 2n2907 pnp bipolar transistor TZ552 2N4258 TZ554 transistor TZ-82 TZ-81 sprague catalog transistor 2N4258 2N2907 PNP Transistor to 92
    Text: if: iS% V? /p If f BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS • BIPOLARTRANSISTORS S P R A G U E THE M A R K O F RE LIA B ILIT Y SERIES TPP M EDIUM PO W ER DARLINGTON A R R A YS • S pr ague Series T P P devices are m e d i u m- p o we r Darlington arrays, These devices provide c o mpl ement s to Series T P Q quad transistor

    OCR Scan
    TPP1000 TPP2000 TZ554 TZ581 TZ582 2n2907 pnp bipolar transistor TZ552 2N4258 TZ554 transistor TZ-82 TZ-81 sprague catalog transistor 2N4258 2N2907 PNP Transistor to 92 PDF

    thyristor TAG 8506

    Abstract: nais inverter vf 7f operation manual 922AA1Y-A4P optek A400 817 Sprague 513D sprague 926c Sprague 195P Rapa relay 12vdc triac tag 8948 Mascot 719
    Text: TABLE OF CONTENTS Catalog Number 11Q New For 1989! • Over 7,900 New Products • 13 New M anufacturers PRODUCT INDICES tiamp*,'fminei forskSockets ' Solder Equipment endTtfob ] vriHp\< lint Equipment, Panel Meters, Aejulpmant, i A P R E M IE R C o m p an y

    OCR Scan
    11PM104 thyristor TAG 8506 nais inverter vf 7f operation manual 922AA1Y-A4P optek A400 817 Sprague 513D sprague 926c Sprague 195P Rapa relay 12vdc triac tag 8948 Mascot 719 PDF

    transistor 2N 3904

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SERIES TPQ QUAD TRANSISTOR ARRAYS S eries T P Q quad transistor arrays are general-purpose silicon transistor arrays consisting of four independent devices. All of these devices are furnished in a 14-pin dual in-line plastic package. Th e molded package is identical to that used with most

    OCR Scan
    14-pin TPQA05 TPQ2222A TPQ6427 TPQA06 TPQ2907 TPQ5401 TPQA56 TPQ2907A TPQ3906 transistor 2N 3904 PDF