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    Text: Application Note: Virtex-II Pro Family of FPGAs R An Ethernet-to-MFRD Traffic Groomer Author: Jack Lo XAPP541 v1.0 April 24, 2006 Summary This application note describes the implementation of a traffic groomer that bridges the system space between a network line port (in this case, Gigabit Ethernet frame traffic) and the Mesh

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    Text: PMC-Sierra, Inc. APPLICATION NOTE ISSUE 1 PM7322 RCMP-800 RCMP Egress Routing Logic in VHDL PM7322 RCMP EGRESS ROUTING LOGIC IN VHDL Issue 1: March, 1997 PMC-Sierra, Inc. 105-8555 Baxter Place Burnaby, BC Canada V5A 4V7 604 415 6000 PMC-Sierra, Inc. APPLICATION NOTE

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    Text: Appl i cat i o n N ot e A 64 MHz RISC Coprocessor Using the A1460 and VHDL Entry Warren Miller Product Planning Manager, Actel Corporation Introduction The Actel A1460 is the only Field Programmable Gate Array FPGA offering high capacity and high performance

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    Text: Digital Design Using Digilent FPGA Boards ─ VHDL / Active-HDL Edition Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Digital Logic 1.3 VHDL 1 1 5 8 2. Basic Logic Gates 2.1 Truth Tables and Logic Equations The Three Basic Gates Four New Gates 2.2 Positive and Negative Logic: De Morgan’s Theorem


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    Abstract: 1BG25 LPQ100 9572xv BC356 LPQ240 block diagram baugh-wooley multiplier 4 BIT ALU design with vhdl code using structural XC3000A actel a1240
    Text: LeonardoSpectrum Synthesis and Technology v1999.1 Copyright Copyright 1991-1999 Exemplar Logic, Inc., A Mentor Graphics Company All Rights Reserved Trademarks Exemplar Logic and its Logo are trademarks of Exemplar Logic, Inc. LeonardoSpectrum™, LeonardoInsight™, FlowTabs™, HdlInventor™, SmartScripts™,

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    Text: MC-ACT-SPI_F Serial Peripheral Interface February 25, 2003 Datasheet v1.2 MemecCore Product Line 3721 Valley Centre Drive San Diego, CA 92130 USA Americas: +1 800-752-3040 Europe: +41 0 32 374 32 00 Asia: +(852) 2410 2720 E-mail: [email protected]

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    Text: LogiCORE IP Ethernet AVB Endpoint v2.2 Getting Started Guide UG491 September 16, 2009 R R Xilinx is providing this product documentation, hereinafter “Information,” to you “AS IS” with no warranty of any kind, express or implied. Xilinx makes no representation that the Information, or any particular implementation thereof, is free from any claims of

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    Text: PCI Express Compiler Errata Sheet January 2007, Compiler Version 2.0.0 This document addresses known errata and documentation issues for the PCI Express Compiler version 2.0.0. Errata are functional defects or errors, which may cause the PCI Express Compiler to deviate from



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    Text: Programmable Logic Design Quick Start Handbook R R Xilinx is disclosing this Document and Intellectual Property hereinafter “the Design” to you for use in the development of designs to operate on, or interface with Xilinx FPGAs. Except as stated herein, none of the Design may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished,


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    Text: 2 PCI64 Virtex Master & Slave Interface March, 1999 Advanced Data Sheet R LogiCORE Facts Core Specifics Xilinx Inc. 2100 Logic Drive San Jose, CA 95124 Phone: +1 408-559-7778 Fax: +1 408-377-3259 E-mail: Techsupport: [email protected] Feedback: [email protected]

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    Text: POS-PHY Level 2 & 3 Compiler MegaCore Functions April 2001 User Guide v0.5.0 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 408 544-7000 A-UG-POS-PHY_COMP-0.5.0 POS-PHY Level 2 & 3 Compiler MegaCore Functions User Guide Altera, ACEX, APEX, APEX 20K, MegaCore, MegaWizard, Mercury, OpenCore, Quartus and Quartus II are trademarks and/or



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Core1553BRT v4.0 Handbook Microsemi Corporate Headquarters 2014 Microsemi Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America Part Number: 50200093-3 Release: January 2014 No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent of

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    Abstract: TUTORIALS xilinx FFT traffic light controller vhdl coding vhdl code for bus invert coding circuit ABEL Design Manual D-10 D-12 P22V10 traffic light control verilog bit-slice
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    Text: Application Note: Virtex-4 FPGAs R XAPP737 v1.0 June 12, 2007 Summary SPI-4.2 to Quad SPI-3 Bridge in Virtex-4 FPGAs Author: Zhe Xia Often in communication systems, data must be moved between different protocols. This application note describes a reference design used to bridge one four-channel Xilinx SPI-4.2

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    Text: PCI32 Virtex Interface V3.0 November 1, 1999 Data Sheet R LogiCORE Facts Core Specifics Xilinx Inc. 2100 Logic Drive San Jose, CA 95124 Phone: +1 408-559-7778 Fax: +1 408-377-3259 E-mail: Techsupport: Feedback: [email protected] URL:

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    Text: Serializing High Speed Parallel Buses to Extend Their Operational Length Introduction 8. The UTOPIA Extender Parallel buses are used in many designs for the purĆ pose of moving data from one point to another. VME, ISA, EISA, VESA, PCI, SBus, and NuBus are some of the more familiar bus architectures.


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    Abstract: vhdl code for spi xilinx OC192 OC48 XAPP525 verilog code for spi4.2 to fifo spi 4.2 master code verilog code for 16 bit ram SPI Verilog HDL vhdl code for DCM
    Text: Application Note: Virtex-II Series R SPI-4.2 to Quad SPI-3 Bridge XAPP525 v2.0 October 15, 2004 Summary This application note describes a reference design used to bridge one 4-channel Xilinx SPI-4.2 (PL4) core (v6.1) to four 1-channel SPI-3 (PL3) Link Layer cores (v3.2). The design is

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    Text: Metamor PLD Programming Using VHDL User’s Guide Version 2.4 Copyright 1992 - 1996, Metamor, Inc. All rights reserved Table of Contents - Metamor User’s Guide 1 - About This Guide Notation Conventions . 1 - 1

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