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    TRANSISTORS ND RR Search Results

    TRANSISTORS ND RR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CA3082 Rochester Electronics LLC CA3082 - Small Signal Bipolar Transistor Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    CA3081F Rochester Electronics LLC CA3081 - Small Signal Bipolar Transistor Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TRANSISTORS ND RR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: D182B bd182 BD181 bd 183
    Text: - Power Transistors T - 2 3 - L 3 BD181, BD182, BD183 File Number HARRIS S E MI CO ND S E C T O R 27E D EB 430S271 700 DDSOllS b^BIHAS High-Power Silicon N-P-N Transistors Broadly A pp lica ble Devices For C om m ercial Use Features: • Maximum safe-area-of-operation curves

    OCR Scan
    BD181, BD182, BD183 430S271 BD182. 92CS-I9440 BD181 BD183. BD183 D182B bd182 bd 183 PDF

    transistor mu10

    Abstract: 0A81 thyristor 300 volt ujt as a relaxation oscillator motorola ujt Unit junction transistor UJT MU10 MU20 ujt trigger circuit Unijunction
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTÔ BSE I> b3b72SS QQÖ1213 3 • 7-3 7 -Ä / MU10 MU20 PN Unijunction Transistors Silicon Annular Unijunction Transistors . . . d e s ig n e d fo r e c o n o m ic a l, ge n era l p u rp o s e u s e in pu lse , tim in g , o s c illa to r a nd

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    b3b72SS T-37-Ã transistor mu10 0A81 thyristor 300 volt ujt as a relaxation oscillator motorola ujt Unit junction transistor UJT MU10 MU20 ujt trigger circuit Unijunction PDF


    Abstract: MPS911
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line MMBR911LT1 MPS911 NPN Silicon High-Frequency Transistors Designed for low noise, wide dynamic range fron t-e nd amplifiers and low-noise VCO's. Available in a surface-mountable plastic package, as well as the popular TO-226AA TO-92 package. This Motorola series of small-signal

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    O-226AA A/500 MMBR911LT1 MPS911 b3b7E54 B755 PDF

    transistor K2500

    Abstract: k2500 transistor k320 k2500 K2501 K2502 K2500 Transistor component CS2002 GENESIS 4000M K2000
    Text: CHERRY SE MI CO ND UC TOR CORP l=iE D • 5 Qb ?SS b OGOlbSl 3 SBMifimvrmTrrTrm LINEAR SEM I CU STO M AR RÀŸS SEMICUSTOM CONCEPT G EN ESIS linear semicustom ICs are uncommitted arrays of transistors and diffused resistors fabricated on a single m onolithic silicon chip. Wafers are held in Inventory with

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TYPES 2N4416, 2N4416A N-CHANNEL SILICON JUNCTION FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS B U L L E T IN NO . D L -S 6 81 0 6 4 9 , J A N U A R Y 1968 FOR VHF AM PLIFIER A ND M IX E R APPLICATIONS High Power G a in . . . 10 dB M in at 400 M Hz Low Noise F igure. . . 4 dB M a x af 400 M Hz

    OCR Scan
    2N4416, 2N4416A 400-M 7S222 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BF450 BF451 HF SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS P N P tra n s is to rs in a p las tic p a c k ag e in te n d e d f o r H F a nd IF a p p lic a tio n s in ra d io receivers, e s p e cially fo r m ix e r stages in A M receivers an d IF stages in A M / F M receivers w it h nega tiv e e a rth .

    OCR Scan
    BF450 BF451 BF451 PDF


    Abstract: 2N4853 2N4851 unijunction transistor transistor 2n4852
    Text: M O T O R O L A 2 N 4 8 5 1 thru 2 S IL IC O N A N N U L A R * U N IJ U N C T IO N T R A N S IS T O R S IN I 4 8 5 3 PN UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTORS . . . d es ig n ed fo r pulse a nd tinning c irc u its , sen sin g c irc u its , and th y ris to r trig g e r circu its .

    OCR Scan
    2N4851/D 2N4852 2N4853 2N4851 unijunction transistor transistor 2n4852 PDF

    BC 160

    Abstract: transistor bc icbo nA npn BC141 BC161 BC Transistors
    Text: BC 160 BC 161 SILICON PLANAR NPN GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTORS T he BC 160 and B C 161 a re s ilic o n p la n a r e p ita x ia l PNP tra n s is to rs in T O -3 9 m étal case. T h e y are p a rtic u la rly d e s ig n e d fo r a u d io a m p lifie rs a nd s w itc h in g a p p lic a tio n s

    OCR Scan
    BC161 BC141. BC 160 transistor bc icbo nA npn BC141 BC Transistors PDF

    motorola 269-5

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line Microwave Pulse Power Transistors MRF1090MA D e sig n e d fo r C la ss B a nd C co m m o n b ase a m p lifie r a p p lic a tio n s in sh ort p ulse T A C A N , IFF, and D M E tra n sm itte rs. • G u a ra n te e d P e rfo rm a n ce @ 1 090 M H z, 50 Vdc

    OCR Scan
    MRF1090MA motorola 269-5 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1532 2SB767 2SB862 2SD1117 2SD1157 2SD847 T367
    Text: M O LD TYPE BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS R atings a nd S p e c if ic a t io n s S i G en eral use tra n sisto rs • C a n be a v a ila b le to g en eral a p p lica tio n s • D e sig n e d fo r c o m p le m e n ta ry use D e v ic u ty p e V cao V o lt s V ceo V o lt s

    OCR Scan
    2SD847 2SB767 2SD1117 T0-220AB 2SL58Ã 2SB1532 O-220F17 2SB862 1D200A-020 2SD1157 T367 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line NPN Silicon High-Frequency Transistors BFR93ALT1 D e sig n e d p rim a rily fo r use in h ig h -g a in , lo w -n o is e , s m a ll-s ig n a l U H F and m ic ro w a ve a m p lifie rs c o n s tru c te d w ith th ick a nd th in -film circ u its u sing s u rfa ce

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line NPN Silicon High-Frequency Transistors BFR92ALT1 D e sig n e d p rim a rily fo r use in h ig h -g a in , lo w -n o is e , s m a ll-s ig n a l U H F and m ic ro w a ve a m p lifie rs c o n s tru c te d w ith th ick a nd Ih in —film circ u its u sing s u rfa ce

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: NPN 200 VOLTS 20 Amps POWER TRANSISTOR JL21193 MJL21194 transistor MJL21194 MJL21193MJL21194
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA PNP M JL21193* NPN M JL21194* Silicon Power Transistors T h e M J L 2 1 1 9 3 a n d M J L 2 1 1 9 4 u tiliz e P e rfo ra te d E m itte r te c h n o lo g y a n d a re sp e c ific a lly d e s ig n e d fo r high p o w e r a u d io o utp ut, d is k h ea d p o s itio n e rs a nd lin e a r

    OCR Scan
    JL21193* JL21194* MJL21193 JL21194 MJL21103 MJL21194 NPN 200 VOLTS 20 Amps POWER TRANSISTOR JL21193 transistor MJL21194 MJL21193MJL21194 PDF


    Abstract: pq3906
    Text: MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating C o lle cto r-E m itte r V o ltage Symbol Value Unit v CEO - 40 Vdc Vdc Vdc C ollector-Base Voltage v CBO _40 Em itter-Base V o ltage v EBO - 5.0 C o lle ctor C u rrent — C ontinuous 200 'c T otal Device D issipation Cai T a = 25°C

    OCR Scan
    MPQ3906* O-116 PQ3906 1N916" MPQ3906 pq3906 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R a tin g Sym bol V alue U n it C o U e c to r-E m itte r V olta g e VCEO 20 Vdc C o lle c to r-B a s e V olta g e VC80 30 Vdc E m itte r-B a s e V olta g e VEBO 3 0 Vdc C o lle ctor C u rre n t - C o n tin u o u s 'C 100 mAdc To tal D e v ic e D i s s i p a t i o n @ T a = 2 5 ° C

    OCR Scan
    BF959 BF959 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Supertex inc. DN3135 New Product N-Channel Depletion-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information Order Num ber / Package BV dsx / ^DS ON Id ss B V dgx (max) (min) TO-243AA* Die* 350V 35ß 180mA DN3135N8 DN3135NW * S am e as S O T-89. P roducts shipped on 2 000 piece c a rrie r ta p e reels.

    OCR Scan
    DN3135 O-243AA* 180mA DN3135N8 DN3135NW 150mA, 150mA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Supertex inc. VN2460 New Product N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information Order Num ber / Package BVDSS / ^DS ON ^D(ON) b v dgs (max) (min) TO-92 TO-243AA* 600V 20ß 0.25A VN2460N3 VN2460N8 * S a m e as S O T -89 P ro du ct S u p plied on 2 000 p ie ce c a rrie r ta p e reels.

    OCR Scan
    VN2460 O-243AA* VN2460N3 VN2460N8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: " P - 3 3 BDY90, BDY91, BDY92 HA RR IS S E M I C O N D S E C T O R — I I File Num ber SbE D High-Speed Silicon N-P-N Planar Transistors 1289 M 3 D 2 27 1 D G M G 7 1 0 21b • H A S TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS Devices for Switching and Amplifier Circuits in Industrial and Commercial

    OCR Scan
    BDY90, BDY91, BDY92 92CS-27516 O-204AA RCA-BDY90, BDY92 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O T O R O LA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Common Cathode Silicon Dual S w itching Diodes M l M A151W KT1 M l M A I 52W KT1 Motorola Pref*rr*d D evices These Common Cathode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Dual Diodes are designed for use in ultra high speed switching applications. These devices are housed in

    OCR Scan
    M1MA151/2WKT1 inch/3000 M1MA151/2WKT3 Inch/10 A151W SC-59 M1MA151WKT1 M1MA152W 151WK 152WK PDF


    Abstract: tip122 data tip12
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by TI P120/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Plastic M edium -Pow er Com plem entary Silicon Transistors . . . d e sig ned for g e n e ra l-p u rp o s e am p lifie r and lo w -s p e e d sw itch ing applications. • • High DC C u rre n t G ain —

    OCR Scan
    P120/D 21A-06 O-220AB tip15 tip122 data tip12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T -3 3 -f3 Power Transistors 2N3771, 2N3772 H A RR IS S E M I C O N D S E CT OR File Number 27E D 974 4 3 0 2 2 7 1 O O n f l S G a • HAS H ig h -C u rren t Pow er Transistors Broadly A pplicable Devices for Industrial and Commercial Use Features: ■ H ig h c o lle c to r d is s ip a tio n : P c~ 1 5 0 W ( Tc—2 5 ° C

    OCR Scan
    2N3771, 2N3772 2N3771 2N3772. /or2N3771. 2N3772 for2N3772. for2N3771. PDF


    Abstract: ca3082 Common collector configuration
    Text: HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R CA3081, CA3082 General Purpose High Current N-P-N Transistor Arrays March 1993 Features Description • CA3081 - C o m m o n E m itter A rray CA30B1 and CA3082 consist of seven high current to 100mA silicon n-p-n transistors on a common monolithic substrate. The

    OCR Scan
    CA3081, CA3082 CA30B1 CA3082 100mA) CA3081 CA30B2 Common collector configuration PDF

    150 ohms resistor

    Abstract: fic motherboard pa2007 PA-2007 pa 2007 lem HA BC807-25 BC817-25 FW82443BX LT111
    Text: en di ng P at en t ICs for Communications P 3.3 Vaux Presence Detection Power Managem ent for PITA-2 Application Note 11.99 DS 2 3.3 Vaux Presence Detection Application Note Patent Pending Revision History: Current Version: 11.99 Previous Version: Page in previous

    D1107-A 150 ohms resistor fic motherboard pa2007 PA-2007 pa 2007 lem HA BC807-25 BC817-25 FW82443BX LT111 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5320 HARRIS 2N5322 2N5320 2N5323 Lem LT 300 - t
    Text: Power Transistors File Number 325 HA RR IS S E M I C O N D 2N5320, 2N5321, 2N5322, 2N5323 S E CT OR S7E D • 43Ü2S71 OOnflbS T Complementary N-P-N & P-N-P Silicon Power Transistors - 3 3 - Ö 7 , General-Purpose Types for Small-Signal, Medium-Power Applications

    OCR Scan
    2N5320, 2N5321, 2N5322, 2N5323 2NS322 2NS320 2N5323 2N5321 KS-IM07RI 2NS320, 2N5320 2N5320 HARRIS 2N5322 2N5320 Lem LT 300 - t PDF