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    TXO712025LJ Search Results

    TXO712025LJ Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: TXO712025LJ Temperature-Compensated Crystal 2520 VTX71 VTX712025LJH VTX7120 TXO71 26.000mhz VTX-71
    Text: Temperature-Compensated Crystal Oscillator Temperature-Compensated Crystal Oscillator TXO71,VTX71 series TXO71,VTX71 series ϮApplications Crystal Oscillator Pb RoHS 4'' CellularΕPHSΕMobile Communication SX-2520 ●Applications ϮFeatures ●Features Cellular‧PHS‧GPS‧Communication

    TXO71 VTX71 SX-2520 000pcs VTX712025 TXO712025LJ Temperature-Compensated Crystal 2520 VTX712025LJH VTX7120 26.000mhz VTX-71 PDF


    Abstract: TCXO 8
    Text: O S C I L L ATO R TXO71 TEMPERATURE-COMPENSATED CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR TYPICAL APPLICATIONS FEATURES TYPICAL SPECIFICATIONS SMD Cellular telephones, PHS, GPS equipment and other communication equipment The 71 series is leadless surface-mounting type Volume 0.063 cc with features of compactness

    TXO71 TXO712025LJ 10-6/year 10k/10pF TXO71 TCXO 8 PDF