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    VBWV2 Search Results

    VBWV2 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: graphic lcd interface with pic16f877 PIC16c877 16c877 PIC16F877 picture CFL DC 12V RS485A PIC16F877 i2c connection PIC16F877 i2c RS485B
    Text: PRELIMINARY VBWV2 is part of the VIEW BY WIRE range and is designed to drive displays with on board controllers from a low cost serial interface. TM ß 80mm à C18 1 C19 CN2 C7 1 DATACRAFT VBWV2 ISS1 DEC 2001 C3 RXD B L1 C5 C4 REG1 12V only Supply. C1 C2 C6

    16C877 RS485 SP14N001-ZZA Vbwv2 graphic lcd interface with pic16f877 PIC16c877 16c877 PIC16F877 picture CFL DC 12V RS485A PIC16F877 i2c connection PIC16F877 i2c RS485B PDF