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    VFI10 Search Results

    VFI10 Result Highlights (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    D13007VFI10V Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcontrollers with Embedded 512KB Flash Microcomputer (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HD64F3039VFI10V Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcontrollers with Embedded 512KB Flash Microcomputer (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    VFI10 Datasheets Context Search

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    n37 transistor

    Abstract: EL2075 EL4083 n38 transistor n34 transistor VFI15 VFI13 EL2082 EL4083CN EL4083CS
    Text: EL4083 CT ODU ENT E PR PLACEM r at T E L E O R S e B D C nte /tsc O NDE port MME ical Sup O C E n t h NO R oData r Tec oSheet r ww ct u conta -INTERSIL 1-888 December 1995, Rev. B FN7157 Current Mode Four Quadrant Multiplier Features The EL4083 makes use of an Elantec

    EL4083 FN7157 EL4083 n37 transistor EL2075 n38 transistor n34 transistor VFI15 VFI13 EL2082 EL4083CN EL4083CS PDF

    current conveyors

    Abstract: 100 N31 transistor 2e17 n37 transistor 100 n37 three pin
    Text: EL4083C EL4083C Current Mode Four Quadrant Multiplier Features General Description  Novel current mode design Virtual ground current summing inputs Differential ground referenced current outputs  High speed both inputs 200 MHz bandwidth 12 ns 1% settling time

    EL4083C 4083C current conveyors 100 N31 transistor 2e17 n37 transistor 100 n37 three pin PDF

    n37 transistor

    Abstract: N38 transistor NPN N43 fi-14 current conveyors EL4083 EL4083C EL4083CN N39 transistor QCX0002
    Text: EL4083C EL4083C Current Mode Four Quadrant Multiplier Features General Description  Novel current mode design Virtual ground current summing inputs Differential ground referenced current outputs  High speed both inputs 200 MHz bandwidth 12 ns 1% settling time

    EL4083C 4083C n37 transistor N38 transistor NPN N43 fi-14 current conveyors EL4083 EL4083C EL4083CN N39 transistor QCX0002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0003b2fi HSt HPKJ PIN Silicon Photodiodes 3 Range Peak Sensitivity Wavelength À A p (nm) (nm) Spectral Dimensional Type No. Outline Package (P.42,43) Active Area Effective Size Active Area (mm) ( m m 2) 2.77X2.77 7.7 S2506-02 S2506-04 S4707-01 S5077

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    0003b2fi 633nm 930nm S2506-04 S2973 S3321 S4707-01 S5573 KSPDA0061EA KSPDA0062EA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD3728 7300 PIXELS x 3 COLOR CCD LINEAR IMAGE SENSOR The ¿¡PD3728 is a high-speed and high sensitive color CCD Charge C oupled Device linear image sensor which changes optical im ages to electrical signal and has the function of color separation.

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    PD3728 PD3728 S13878EJ1V0DS00 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ÌS n È B C . HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS EL4083C B EL4083C Current Mode Four Quadrant Multiplier F e a tu re s G en era l D e sc r ip tio n • N ovel cu rren t m ode design V irtual ground curren t sum m ing inputs D ifferential ground referenced

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    EL4083C 4083C PDF

    transistor N43

    Abstract: 4083C
    Text: HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG iNTEOTATÊDCMCUfTS F eatu res Current Mode Four Quadrant Multiplier G eneral D escrip tion T he 4083C m akes use of an E lantec fully com plim entary oxide isolated bipolar process to produce a p a te n t pending cu rren t in, cu rren t out four q uadrant m ultiplier. In p u t and o u tp u t signal

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    EL4083C ixin17 VFI10 VFI12 VFI13 VFI14 VFI15 VFI16 VFI17 transistor N43 4083C PDF