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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO Semiconductor Very Thin Quad Flat Non-leaded Package VQFN44 6.0X6.0 Precautions concerning information given on package drawings Basically, SANYO Semiconductor Company’s packages are named and coded in compliance with JEITA regulations (ED-7303A), which stipulate the names and codes for integrated circuit packages. However, the

    VQFN44 ED-7303A) 85max VQFN44 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO Semiconductor Very Thin Quad Flat Non-leaded Package VQFN44 6.0X6.0 外形図情報に関するご注意 三洋半導体パッケージは基本的に JEITA の名称付与規定(ED-7303A)に準じています。 ただし、従来のパッケージに用いている名称については、そのまま継続しています。

    VQFN44 ED-7303A 85max VQFN44 PDF


    Abstract: DITTO VQFN44 LB8659FN LB8659PL VQLP40
    Text: Ordering number : ENN7899 LB8659FN LB8659PL Monolithic Digital IC DSC Motor Driver Features • An actuator driver for digital camera is implemented on a single chip. 1 Supports a constant voltage for the AF H-bridgex2 : a stepping motor (STM) ×1. - Constant voltage drive.

    ENN7899 LB8659FN LB8659PL LB8659FN] ILB01657 LB8659FN, ib22 DITTO VQFN44 LB8659FN LB8659PL VQLP40 PDF


    Abstract: h9910
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1928A CMOS LSI LC01707PLF FM multiple tuner IC Overview LC01707PLF is a vehicle-mounted FM multiple tuner IC with FM-FE, IF, IF-Filter, PLL, FM-DEMO and LPF incorporated. An FM multiple tuner can be developed with this one chip. It makes up a small-sized FM multiple tuners

    ENA1928A LC01707PLF LC01707PLF A1928-18/18 Devar h9910 PDF

    iris driver control drive coil

    Abstract: Camera AF actuator ILB01658 ILB01659 ILB01660 ILB01661 ILB01662 ILB01663 LB8653FN LB8653T
    Text: Ordering number : ENN7982 LB8653T LB8653FN Monolithic Digital IC DSC Motor Driver Features • An actuator driver for single focus digital camera is implemented on a single chip. 1 Supports a constant voltage for the AF H-bridgex2 : a stepping motor (STM) ×1.

    ENN7982 LB8653T LB8653FN iris driver control drive coil Camera AF actuator ILB01658 ILB01659 ILB01660 ILB01661 ILB01662 ILB01663 LB8653FN LB8653T PDF

    Camera AF actuator

    Abstract: iris driver control drive coil digital IC DITTO IB14 IB16 LB8658FN LB8658PL VQFN44 VQLP40
    Text: Ordering number : ENN7983 LB8658FN LB8658PL Monolithic Digital IC DSC Motor Driver Features • An actuator driver for digital camera is implemented on a single chip. 1 Supports a constant voltage for the AF H-bridge x2 : a stepping motor (STM) ×1. - Constant voltage drive.

    ENN7983 LB8658FN LB8658PL Camera AF actuator iris driver control drive coil digital IC DITTO IB14 IB16 LB8658FN LB8658PL VQFN44 VQLP40 PDF


    Abstract: ZIGBEE interface with AVR ATmega16 ATSAM4E16E ATSAM4S16 ATMEGA USART programming example ATSAM4SA16C ATSAM3X8 ATBM302 ATMEGA 16 AU atsam4s
    Text: Atmel Flash Microcontrollers Product Portfolio Table of Contents Introduction 3 Atmel tinyAVR 8-bit Microcontrollers 4 Atmel megaAVR 8-bit Microcontrollers 6 ® Atmel 8051 8-bit Microcontrollers 10 Atmel AVR XMEGA 8/16-bit Microcontrollers 12 ® Atmel SAM3A ARM® Cortex®-M3 Based Microcontrollers 14

    8/16-bit 32-bit ATSAM3X8E ZIGBEE interface with AVR ATmega16 ATSAM4E16E ATSAM4S16 ATMEGA USART programming example ATSAM4SA16C ATSAM3X8 ATBM302 ATMEGA 16 AU atsam4s PDF


    Abstract: LV8138 LC08000 LB11961 LB1946 LV8861VH LB11967 LV8121V LB11886 LB1845
    Text: ٫ࢲഝ‫ڑ‬JD 2010-11 ྄ާ๖‫و‬٫ࢲഝ‫ ڑ‬IC ᄽᅘҪਸ਼‫ޕ‬ቸᄮᅋ‫࡟৽و‬դ౹ᇀ௠‫و‬Lj ߟ‫وۺ‬դ౹ሷ൛ă ௅āଆ ኙ໘ • ਅ‫ٻ‬ᅋྐฺቓૣ‫ܧ‬ඤ٫ࢲഝ‫ڑ‬ॖৈ‫۽‬Ѧ P2 • ԅ࿴ᅋ٫ࢲഝ‫ڑ‬IC

    P10-11 LB1948M LV8136V LV8138V STK611-7XX LV8548M LV8136V STK5C4 LV8138 LC08000 LB11961 LB1946 LV8861VH LB11967 LV8121V LB11886 LB1845 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENN7982 LB8653T LB8653FN Monolithic Digital IC DSC Motor Driver Features • An actuator driver for single focus digital camera is implemented on a single chip. 1 Supports a constant voltage for the AF H-bridgex2 : a stepping motor (STM) ×1.

    ENN7982 LB8653T LB8653FN ILB01671 LB8653T, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENN7899 LB8659FN LB8659PL Monolithic Digital IC DSC Motor Driver Features • An actuator driver for digital camera is implemented on a single chip. 1 Supports a constant voltage for the AF H-bridgex2 : a stepping motor (STM) ×1. - Constant voltage drive.

    ENN7899 LB8659FN LB8659PL LB8659FN] PDF

    Delta DPS 300 RP -2 C REV

    Abstract: AT89LP ISP Studio interface AT89LP51RC2
    Text: Features • 8-bit Microcontroller Compatible with 8051 Products • Enhanced 8051 Architecture – – – – – – – – • • • • • Single Clock Cycle per Byte Fetch 12 Clock per Machine Cycle Compatibility Mode Up to 20 MIPS Throughput at 20 MHz Clock Frequency

    16x16 24KB/32KB 512-byte Delta DPS 300 RP -2 C REV AT89LP ISP Studio interface AT89LP51RC2 PDF

    Polygon Mirror Scanner Motor

    Abstract: LB11861 LB11861M LB1936 LA6548 LV8093 LB1946 LB1845 lb11961 LB11967
    Text: Motor Driver ICs/Hybrid ICs 2009-3 SANYO Motor Driver ICs/Hybrid ICs Custom motor driver ICs tailored to their applications. SANYO general-purpose motor driver ICs Offering users an ever-growing range of choices. Latest Information on SANYO Motor Drivers SANYO Semiconductor's home page has all the latest information to keep the company's users

    EP47M Polygon Mirror Scanner Motor LB11861 LB11861M LB1936 LA6548 LV8093 LB1946 LB1845 lb11961 LB11967 PDF


    Abstract: LB8659FN LB8659PL VQFN44 VQLP40 IB22-2
    Text: 注文コード No. N 7 8 9 9 A 半導体ニューズ No.N※7899 とさしかえてください。 LB8659FN LB8659PL モノリシックデジタル集積回路 DSC用モータドライバ 特長 ・デジタルカメラ用のアクチュエータドライバを1チップに内蔵

    N7899 LB8659FN LB8659PL 37Vtyp 200mA) VQFN44 VQLP40 IN5625 LB8659FN LB8659PL IB22-2 PDF


    Abstract: cars ecu immobilizer MXT768E mXT224 MXT224S mxt* atmel AT25128B-XPD-T antenna 125khz automotive atmel capacitive touch ATTINY44
    Text: Atmel Automotive Solutions The Atmel Automotive Commitment As a global manufacturer of innovative integrated circuits, Atmel has about 30 years of automotive electronics design expertise and is a market leader in numerous automotive areas. Atmel develops a broad array of automotive-dedicated



    Abstract: VQFN44 VICS LC01700PW SQFP-48
    Text: T OP I C S P R 製 品 ト ピ ッ ク ス FM多重チューナLSI 5V単一電源で動作可能! - VICS受信に必要な機能全てを1チップに内蔵! -デジタルTV搭載機ではFMラジオ視聴時にはVICS受信が出来ない! VICS受信専用のチューナが必要 !

    LC01700PW/PFN 78LC01700PW LC01700 SQFP48 VQFN44J VQFN44 VICS LC01700PW SQFP-48 PDF


    Abstract: LB11861 LB1847 LB1946 LB11923 LB11961 LB11872 LB1845 LA6548 LB1870
    Text: モータドライバIC/ハイブリッドIC 2009-3 三洋モータドライバIC/ハイブリッドIC 最新情報のご提供 お客様に三洋モータドライバをよく知っていただき効率良くご使用していただくため、 三洋半導体のモータドライバは、アプリケーションを熟知したカスタム展開。

    LB1938T 150mil) LV8013T TSSOP24 225mil) LV8019LP VQLP24 LV8019V SSOP16 LB11886 LB11861 LB1847 LB1946 LB11923 LB11961 LB11872 LB1845 LA6548 LB1870 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Features • 8-bit Microcontroller Compatible with 8051 Products • Enhanced 8051 Architecture – – – – – – – – • • • • • Single Clock Cycle per Byte Fetch 12 Clock per Machine Cycle Compatibility Mode Up to 20 MIPS Throughput at 20 MHz Clock Frequency

    16x16 AT89LP51ED2/ID2 AT89LP51RD2 PDF


    Abstract: ILB01658 ILB01659 ILB01660 ILB01661 ILB01662 LB8653FN TSSOP24 VQFN44 IC1114
    Text: 注文コード No. N 7 9 8 2 LB8653T LB8653FN モノリシックデジタル集積回路 DSC用モータドライバ 特長 ・単焦点デジタルカメラ用のアクチュエータドライバを1チップに内蔵 ①フォーカス用定電圧Hブリッジx2:ステッピングモータ STM ×1駆動可

    LB8653T LB8653FN 300mA) LB8653TTSSOP24 225mil) LB8653FNVQFN44 O0406 B8-7347 LB8653T, LB8653T ILB01658 ILB01659 ILB01660 ILB01661 ILB01662 LB8653FN TSSOP24 VQFN44 IC1114 PDF

    1.65v reference

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN*A0905 Monolithic Linear IC LA74320FN Audio Interface for DSC + Video Driver Overview The LA74320FN is an audio I/O interface IC for cell phones that integrates, on a single chip, amplifiers for a stereo speaker, EVR stereo headphone, internal and external microphones, and a receiver speaker.

    A0905 LA74320FN LA74320FN A0905-14/14 1.65v reference PDF


    Abstract: AT89LP51RC2 atmel 8051 microcontroller with built in ADC dac AT89LP51ED2 AT89C51RC2-RLTUM atmel 8051 microcontroller with built in ADC atmel dac adc 8051 AT89C51RC2-SLSUM TPS30 PDIP40
    Text: Features • 8-bit Microcontroller Compatible with 8051 Products • Enhanced 8051 Architecture – – – – – – – – • • • • • Single Clock Cycle per Byte Fetch 12 Clock per Machine Cycle Compatibility Mode Up to 20 MIPS Throughput at 20 MHz Clock Frequency

    16x16 1152KB 24KB/32KB 512-byte 3722AS AT89LP51RB2 AT89LP51RC2 atmel 8051 microcontroller with built in ADC dac AT89LP51ED2 AT89C51RC2-RLTUM atmel 8051 microcontroller with built in ADC atmel dac adc 8051 AT89C51RC2-SLSUM TPS30 PDIP40 PDF

    tcxo 16.368MHz 2.7V

    Abstract: 44PIN CXA3355ER N8973A 16.368mhz
    Text: CXA3355ER GPS Down Converter IC Description The CXA3355ER is an IC developed as a GPS RF down converter. This IC realizes a reduction in the number of external parts by integrating an LNA, image rejection mixer, IF filter, PLL and VCO L, C into a small package with low current consumption.

    CXA3355ER CXA3355ER 100dB 13MHz, 368MHz, 414MHz, VQFN-44P-02 tcxo 16.368MHz 2.7V 44PIN N8973A 16.368mhz PDF


    Abstract: Devar h9910
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1928B CMOS LSI LC01707PLF FM multiple tuner IC Overview LC01707PLF is a vehicle-mounted FM multiple tuner IC with FM-FE, IF, IF-Filter, PLL, FM-DEMO and LPF incorporated. An FM multiple tuner can be developed with this one chip. It makes up a small-sized FM multiple tuners

    ENA1928B LC01707PLF LC01707PLF A1928-18/18 C2012C-R12G-RC Devar h9910 PDF

    tcxo 13MHz

    Abstract: tcxo 16.368MHz CXA3355AER 44PIN N8973A AP4000 phase shifter dc to 100mhz tcxo 16.368MHz 2.7V
    Text: GPS Down Converter IC CXA3355AER Description The CXA3355AER is an IC developed as a GPS RF down converter. This IC realizes a reduction in the number of external parts by integrating an LNA, image rejection mixer, IF filter, PLL and VCO L, C into a small

    CXA3355AER CXA3355AER 100dB 13MHz, 368MHz, 414MHz, 44PIN VQFN-44P-03 AP-4000-44010S tcxo 13MHz tcxo 16.368MHz N8973A AP4000 phase shifter dc to 100mhz tcxo 16.368MHz 2.7V PDF


    Abstract: Devar DBL 1
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1928 Bi-CMOS LSI LC1707PLF FM multiple tuner IC Overview LC01707PLF is a vehicle-mounted FM multiple tuner IC with FM-FE, IF, IF-Filter, PLL, FM-DEMO and LPF incorporated. An FM multiple tuner can be developed with this one chip. It makes up a small-sized FM multiple tuners

    ENA1928 LC1707PLF LC01707PLF A1928-18/18 h9910 Devar DBL 1 PDF