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    Abstract: HCOOA 74LS03 truth table
    Text: y TC74HC03AP/AF/AFN Q U A D 2 - I N P U T N A N D GATE OPEN D R A I N T he TC74HC03A is a high speed CMOS 2 -IN P U T N A N D G A T E fa b ric ate d w ith silicon g ate C 2 MOS technology. It achieves the high speed o peration s im ila r to eq u iv alen t LSTTL w hile m ain tain in g the CMOS low pow er

    OCR Scan
    TC74HC03AP/AF/AFN TC74HC03A TC74HC03AP/AF/AFN-3 vrvz HCOOA 74LS03 truth table PDF