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    WJLXT388LE.B2 Search Results

    WJLXT388LE.B2 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: LXT388LE-B2 DJLXT388LEB2 LXT388LEB2 WJLXT388LE.B2 WJLXT388LE 19-Jan-2006 djlxt38
    Text: Intel LXT388 Dual T1/E1/J1 Transceiver Datasheet The LXT388 is a dual short haul Pulse Code Modulation PCM transceiver for use in both 1.544 Mbps (T1) and 2.048 Mbps (E1) applications. It incorporates four receivers and two transmitters in a single LQFP-100 package.

    LXT388 LXT388 LQFP-100 ETS-300166. B5683-01 LXT388LE LXT388LE-B2 DJLXT388LEB2 LXT388LEB2 WJLXT388LE.B2 WJLXT388LE 19-Jan-2006 djlxt38 PDF