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    ITT Interconnect Solutions ZTK33C

    Zener Diode, 34V V(Z), 8%, Silicon, DO-35 ; ECCN: EAR99
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    ZTK33C Datasheets (9)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    ZTK33C General Semiconductor Voltage Stabilizers Original PDF
    ZTK33C General Semiconductor Voltage Stabilizer Original PDF
    ZTK33C Continental Device India Temperature Compensated Zener Diodes in a DO-35 Package Scan PDF
    ZTK33C Micronas Semiconductor Voltage Stabilizers Scan PDF
    ZTK33C Unknown Catalog Scans - Shortform Datasheet Scan PDF
    ZTK33C Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    ZTK33C Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    ZTK33C9 General Semiconductor Voltage Stabilizers Original PDF

    ZTK33C Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: ZTK-33 ZTK6.8 ZTK33B ZTK11 ZTK33C ZTK18 ZTK22 ZTK27 ZTK33A
    Text: ZTK6.8 THRU ZTK33 VOLTAGE STABILIZERS DO-35 FEATURES min. 1.083 27.5 max. ∅.079 (2.0) Cathode Mark min. 1.083 (27.5) max. .150 (3.8) ♦ Temperature-Compensated Stabilizing Circuits ♦ Monolithic linear integrated circuits with extremely short thermal run-in time producing a

    ZTK33 DO-35 DO-35 ZTK11 ZTK18 ZTK22 ZTK27 ZTK33A ZTK33B ZTK33C ZTK33 ZTK-33 ZTK6.8 ZTK33B ZTK11 ZTK33C ZTK18 ZTK22 ZTK27 ZTK33A PDF


    Abstract: ZTK33B ZTK33 vishay ZTK-33 General Semiconductor ZTK11 DO-204AH ZTK18 ZTK22 ZTK27
    Text: ZTK6.8 thru ZTK33 Vishay Semiconductors formerly General Semiconductor Voltage Stabilizers DO-204AH DO-35 Glass Features • Temperature-Compensated Stabilizing Circuits • Monolithic linear integrated circuits with extremely short thermal run-in time producing a constant temperature-compensated voltage. They are particularly suitable for stabilizing the tuning

    ZTK33 DO-204AH DO-35 D7/10K 20K/box D8/10K ZTK33C 02-May-02 ZTK33 ZTK33B ZTK33 vishay ZTK-33 General Semiconductor ZTK11 DO-204AH ZTK18 ZTK22 ZTK27 PDF


    Abstract: ZTK18 ZTK27 DO-204AH ZTK11 ZTK22 ZTK33A ZTK33B ZTK33C
    Text: VOLTAGE STABILIZER DIODES Package DO-204AH Glass DO-35 SOD-80C (MiniMELF Glass) Operating voltage (1) at IZ = 5mA VZ(V) Dynamic resistance at IZ = 5mA rzj(W) Permissible operating current IZ max. (mA) LL1.5 1.35 … 1.55 13(<20) 120(2) LL2 2.0 … 2.3 18(<30)

    DO-204AH DO-35) OD-80C ZTK11 ZTK18 ZTK22 ZTK27 ZTK9 ZTK18 ZTK27 DO-204AH ZTK11 ZTK22 ZTK33A ZTK33B ZTK33C PDF


    Abstract: ZTK33B ZTK9 ZTK11 ZTK18 ZTK6,8 ZTK33A DO-204AH ZTK22 ZTK27
    Text: ZTK6.8 thru ZTK33 Voltage Stabilizers DO-204AH DO-35 Glass Features • Temperature-Compensated Stabilizing Circuits • Monolithic linear integrated circuits with extremely short thermal run-in time producing a constant temperature-compensated voltage. They

    ZTK33 DO-204AH DO-35 D7/10K 20K/box D8/10K ZTK33 ZTK33B ZTK9 ZTK11 ZTK18 ZTK6,8 ZTK33A DO-204AH ZTK22 ZTK27 PDF


    Abstract: ZTK11 ZTK18 ZTK22 ZTK27 ZTK33 ZTK33A ZTK33B
    Text: ZTK6.8 thru ZTK33 Voltage Stabilizers DO-204AH DO-35 Glass Features • Temperature-Compensated Stabilizing Circuits • Monolithic linear integrated circuits with extremely short thermal run-in time producing a constant temperature-compensated voltage. They

    ZTK33 DO-204AH DO-35 D7/10K 20K/box D8/10K ZTK11 ZTK18 DO-204AH ZTK11 ZTK18 ZTK22 ZTK27 ZTK33 ZTK33A ZTK33B PDF


    Abstract: ZTK33B ZTK11 DO-204AH ZTK18 ZTK22 ZTK27 ZTK33A ZTK-33
    Text: ZTK6.8 thru ZTK33 Voltage Stabilizers DO-204AH DO-35 Glass Features • Temperature-Compensated Stabilizing Circuits • Monolithic linear integrated circuits with extremely short thermal run-in time producing a constant temperature-compensated voltage. They are particularly suitable for stabilizing the tuning

    ZTK33 DO-204AH DO-35 D7/10K 20K/box D8/10K ZTK22 ZTK27 ZTK33 ZTK33B ZTK11 DO-204AH ZTK18 ZTK22 ZTK27 ZTK33A ZTK-33 PDF

    ZTK Series

    Abstract: ZTK3 ZTK9 ZTK33
    Text: ZTK Series VISHAY Vishay Semiconductors Voltage Stabilizers Features • Temperature-Compensated Stabilizing Circuits • Monolithic linear integrated circuits with extremely short thermal run-in time producing a constant temperature-compensated voltage. They are particularly suitable for stabilizing the tuning voltage in

    DO-35 D-74025 27-Nov-03 ZTK Series ZTK3 ZTK9 ZTK33 PDF

    zte 1,5

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Voltage Stabilizers Temperature-Compensated Zener Diodes ZTK6.8 to ZTK33 DO-35 Glass Package Linear integrated circuits generating an extremely constant temperature-compensated reference voltage with an extremely short thermal Dynamic Resistance at lz = 5 mA

    OCR Scan
    ZTK33 DO-35 ZTK11 ZTK18 ZTK22 ZTK27 ZTK33A ZTK33B ZTK33C zte 1,5 PDF

    bidirectional diode

    Abstract: zener db3 ZTK33A ZTK33B ZTK33C
    Text: CONTINENTAL DEVICE INDIA b3E D • 53033^4 QQGGObH S7Ö M C D I L DO-35 TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED ZENER DIODES SUITABLE FOR STABILISING THE TUNING VOLTAGE IN RADIO AND T.V. TUNERS Electrical Type No. r2T at 1^ •zT Ohm Max (mA) Vzr at lCT (V) Characteristics (At Ta=25°C, Unless Otherwise Specified)

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 10-S/K) ZTK33A ZTK33B ZTK33C 120ITABLE bidirectional diode zener db3 PDF

    bat41 BAT42

    Abstract: BAT43 1n4148 8889 5457 ZTK33B
    Text: List of Types - Single and Dual Diodes Type Small-Signal Diodes 1N4148 1N4148W 1N4150 1N4150W 1N4151 1N4151W 1N4448W 1N4448 1N914 Page 27 28-31 28-31 32 32 33-36 33-36 37-40 37-40 Page Type Page Schottky Diodes 102 Zener Diodes 144 BAS40 BAS40-04" BAS40-05*)

    OCR Scan
    1N4148 1N4148W 1N4150 1N4150W 1N4151 1N4151W 1N4448W 1N4448 BAS40 BAS40-04" bat41 BAT42 BAT43 1n4148 8889 5457 ZTK33B PDF


    Abstract: ZENER b29 B2950 BRF20100C BZY97C11 BRF20100CT BC337 B2060CT BRF1060 General Semiconductor 1N4249
    Text: ALPHANUMERICAL LIST OF ALL GENERAL SEMICONDUCTOR TYPES Note: Listed below are General Sem iconductor's part num bers, along with the Data Book in w hich they appear. For Zener and T V S page references, see the Zener/TVS Device Index on page 5 in th is book.

    OCR Scan
    5KA43A 5KE440CA 1N746 1N759 1N957 1N979 ZTK33C Z4KE100 ZGL41 ZGL41-200A 5SBA20 ZENER b29 B2950 BRF20100C BZY97C11 BRF20100CT BC337 B2060CT BRF1060 General Semiconductor 1N4249 PDF


    Abstract: 2TE1
    Text: VOLTAGE STABILIZER DIODES Package O p e ra tin g v o lta g e O y n a m ic re s is ta n c e P e r m is s ib le a t Iz = 5 m fl 1 a t Iz = 5m A o p e ra tin g c u rre n t 0 0 -2 0 4 A H S 0 D -8 0 C (G la s s DO-35) (M in iM E L F G la ss) Wz(W) Iz m ax. (mA)

    OCR Scan
    DO-35) ZTK11 ZJK18 ZTK22 ZTK33A ZTK33B ZTK33C 2TE1 PDF


    Abstract: SAF1091 TCA700 SAK215 MSP3400 ACP2371-NI ADC2301E SAF1092 5.1 audio converter speech to text converter ic
    Text: List of Types - Integrated Circuits ICs for Consumer Electronics Type Type Page CCD3000 CCU2050 CCU2050PI CCU2070 CCU2070PI CCU3000 CCU3001 CCU3002 CCU3004 CCU3005C/D/E CCU3008 SAA1293A TFP02065/ TVP02066 Closed-Caption-Decoder Central Control Unit Central Control Unit

    OCR Scan
    ACP2371 ACP2371H ACP2371NI MultistandC51 BZX85-C3V6 BZX85-C62 DZ23-C2V7 DZ23-C51 DZ89-C3V9 TCA700y SAF1091 TCA700 SAK215 MSP3400 ACP2371-NI ADC2301E SAF1092 5.1 audio converter speech to text converter ic PDF


    Abstract: ZTK-33
    Text: <J^ G e n e r a l v ZTK6.8 thru ZTK33 S e m ic o n ] Voltage Stabilizers DO-2Q4AH DO-35 Glass Features_ • Temperature-Compensated Stabilizing Circuits • Monolithic linear integrated circuits with extremely short thermal run-in time producing a constant

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 ZTK33 D7/10K 20K/box D8/10K 20K/b ZTK9 ZTK-33 PDF

    ZTE 1.5

    Abstract: ZTK33B ZTE1,5 ZTK11 ZTK18 ZTK22 ZTK27 ZTK33 ZTK33A ZTK33C
    Text: Voltage Stabilizers Tem perature-Compensated Zener Diodes ZTK6,8 to ZTK33 DO-35 Glass Package Linear integrated circuits generating an extremely constant temperature-compensated reference voltage with an extremely short thermal Operating Voltage at lz = 5 mA*

    OCR Scan
    ZTK33 DO-35 ZTK11 ZTK18 ZTE 1.5 ZTK33B ZTE1,5 ZTK22 ZTK27 ZTK33 ZTK33A ZTK33C PDF

    TCA700Y equivalent

    Abstract: SAJ300R SAF1092 SAK215 n525 by133 tca700y itt zener diode zpd ITT INTERMETALL BC327-25
    Text: Pages Contents 2 and 3 List of Types 4 to 7 DIGIT2000 Digital TV System 8 to 21 ICs for TV and Radio Receivers 22 ICs for Telephone Applications 23 ICs for Electronic Clocks 24 and 25 ICs for Automobile Applications 26 ICs for other Applications 27 Voltage Stabilizers

    OCR Scan
    DIGIT2000 237th YU-61000 TCA700Y equivalent SAJ300R SAF1092 SAK215 n525 by133 tca700y itt zener diode zpd ITT INTERMETALL BC327-25 PDF


    Abstract: diode zener 1N4148 "high frequency Diode" zener diode A 36 kode diode Schottky diode 1n4148 zener diode Zener Diode frequency high frequency diode 8889
    Text: Alphanumerical List o f Types Type Page Type 28-31 28-31 32 32 32 33-36 33*36 37-40 37-40 BAV70 BAV99 BAV100 BAV101 BAV102 BAV103 BAW56 BB369S BB701S BB721 BB721S BB729 BB729S BB731 BB731S BB741S BB745S BZT52-C2V4 to BZT52-C75 BZX55-C0V8 to BZX55-C75 BZX84-C2V7to

    OCR Scan
    1N4148 1N4148W 1N4150 1N4150W 1N914 1N4151 1N4151W 1N4448 1N4448W 1N4731 diode diode zener 1N4148 "high frequency Diode" zener diode A 36 kode diode Schottky diode 1n4148 zener diode Zener Diode frequency high frequency diode 8889 PDF


    Abstract: C556A POWER MOSFET DATA BOOK GFB50N03 GUR460 List of rectifier MOSFET BC337 1N414* zener MOSFET BOOK k mbrf10
    Text: ALPHANUMERICAL LIST OF ALL GENERAL SEMICONDUCTOR TYPES Note: Listed below are General Semiconductor’s part numbers, along with the Data Book in which they appear. For MOSFET page references, see the MOSFET Device Index on pages 5 in this book. 1 5KA6.8 thru 1.5KA43A .Zener/TVS

    OCR Scan
    5KA43A 5KE440CA 1N746 1N759 1N957 UF4001 UF4007 UF5400 UF5408 UG06A C549B C556A POWER MOSFET DATA BOOK GFB50N03 GUR460 List of rectifier MOSFET BC337 1N414* zener MOSFET BOOK k mbrf10 PDF


    Abstract: TDD1612S TDD1618S tdd1605 TDD1624S tdd1612 TDD1618 TDD1606S TDD1610S voltage stabilizer 24 volt
    Text: DE | ? 4 b f l 4 ciSS 0 0 0 5 3 1 * 1 ZTK6,8 to ZTK33 P VOLTAGE STABILIZERS AND REGULATORS Temperature-Compensated Zener Diodes DO-35 Package Linear integrated circuits generating an extremely constant temperature-compensated reference voltage with an extremely short thermal

    OCR Scan
    ZTK33 DO-35 ZTK11 ZTK18 ZTK22 ZTK27 ZTK33A ZTK33B ZTK33C TDD1605S TDD1612S TDD1618S tdd1605 TDD1624S tdd1612 TDD1618 TDD1606S TDD1610S voltage stabilizer 24 volt PDF


    Abstract: ZTK33
    Text: STABILIZER DIODES ZTK11 THRU ZTK33 CASE TYPE: D0-204AH film DO-35 Type Operating voltage a tlz -S m A 111 VZV Dynamic resistance at Ig = 5mA Permissable operating current atTamb>45«C<’' tn a 12 max. mA ZTK11 10. 12 10(<25) ZTK18 16 .20 11(<25) 19

    OCR Scan
    ZTK11 ZTK33 D0-204AH DO-35) ZTK18 ZTK22 ZTK27 ZTK33A ZTK33B ZTK33 PDF


    Abstract: zener db3 diac 32 V 5mA ZTK33 ZTK33B DIAC DB3 ZTK33A ZTK33C BIDIRECTIONAL DIODE
    Text: DO-35 TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED ZENER DIODES SUITABLE FOR STABILISING THE TUNING VOLTAGE IN RADIO AND T.V. TUNERS E lectrical Type No. Vzr rZT at ’ZT at 1z j C haracteristics A t Ta=25°C, Unless O therw ise S pecified 'ZT Thermal of Oper. Voltage Run-in-Time

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 10-5/K) ZTK33A ZTK33B ZTK33C 120Hz ZTK338 zener db3 diac 32 V 5mA ZTK33 DIAC DB3 BIDIRECTIONAL DIODE PDF

    bidirectional diode

    Abstract: ZTK33C DB3 ZENER diode ZTK33A ZTK33B
    Text: DO-35 TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED ZENER DIODES SUITABLE FOR STABILISING THE TUNING VOLTAGE IN RADIO AND T.V. TUNERS Electrical Type Vzr No. 'ZT rZT at 1z at 'ZT Characteristics At Ta=25°C, U n le ss Otherw ise Specified Temp, Coeff, Thermal of Run-in-Time j

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 10-5/K) ZTK33A ZTK33B ZTK33C 120Hz bidirectional diode DB3 ZENER diode PDF


    Abstract: BRC157 BRC-116 Germanium Diode aa143 1n4148 ITT TRANSISTOR BC147 BC107/spice model bf199 BY238 SN76226DN tungsram
    Text: rh is Booklet • • • ue to fluctuations in availability, some types of semiconductors used in Thorn products have >f necessity changed from those originally specified and quoted in service literature. This )lus the fact that some service replacements are

    OCR Scan
    ircD376 BD234 VT854, VT855â VT854* iTT44, BZX79-C24, BZX83-C24, BZX88-C24 sx3704 BRC157 BRC-116 Germanium Diode aa143 1n4148 ITT TRANSISTOR BC147 BC107/spice model bf199 BY238 SN76226DN tungsram PDF