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    NXP Semiconductors BST72A,112

    MOSFET N-CH 100V 190MA TO92-3
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    Nexperia BST72A,112

    SOT54TRENCH MOSFET (Alt: BST72A,112)
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    BST72A Datasheets (9)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    BST72A Philips Semiconductors N-channel enhancement mode field-effect transistor Original PDF
    BST72A Philips Semiconductors N-channel vertical D-MOS transistor Original PDF
    BST72A Philips Semiconductors N-channel vertical D-MOS transistor Original PDF
    BST72A Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    BST72A Unknown Semiconductor Master Cross Reference Guide Scan PDF
    BST72A Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    BST72A-03 Philips Semiconductors N-channel enhancement mode field-effect transistor Original PDF
    BST72A,112 Philips Semiconductors FETs - Single, Discrete Semiconductor Products, MOSFET N-CH 100V 190MA SOT54 Original PDF
    BST72ATR Philips Semiconductors N-channel enhancement mode field-effect transistor Original PDF

    BST72A Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: HZG330
    Text: BST72A N-channel enhancement mode field-effect transistor Rev. 03 — 25 July 2000 Product specification 1. Description N-channel enhancement mode field-effect transistor in a plastic package using TrenchMOS 1 technology. Product availability: BST72A in SOT54 TO-92 variant .

    BST72A BST72A 03ab40 HZG330 PDF


    Abstract: MBB692
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET BST72A N-channel vertical D-MOS transistor Product specification File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC13b April 1995 Philips Semiconductors Product specification N-channel vertical D-MOS transistor DESCRIPTION BST72A QUICK REFERENCE DATA

    BST72A SC13b SCA54 137107/00/01/pp12 BST72A MBB692 PDF


    Abstract: BP317
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET BST72A N-channel vertical D-MOS transistor Product specification File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC13b April 1995 Philips Semiconductors Product specification N-channel vertical D-MOS transistor DESCRIPTION BST72A QUICK REFERENCE DATA

    BST72A SC13b SCA54 137107/00/01/pp12 BST72A BP317 PDF


    Abstract: TYN612 pin diagram 1n4007 smd, toshiba S0817MH TYN604 scr pin diagram kmz51 compass TRANSISTOR S1A 64 smd toshiba l 300 laptop motherboard circuit diagram JFET TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE j201 replacements for transistor NEC D 587
    Text: 5.2 5.4 5.46 5.124 5.130 5.130 5.140 5.180 Introduction Diodes & Rectifiers Transistors Triacs,Thyristors and Diacs Sensors Cross Reference General Application discretes Cross Reference Power discretes Cross Reference RF discretes Discrete Components 5.1 Introduction

    BAP1321-02 BAP65-05 BAP65-03 BAP65-05W BAP65-02 BAP63-03 BAP63-02 BAP64-03 BAP64-02 BB143 BC548 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT TYN612 pin diagram 1n4007 smd, toshiba S0817MH TYN604 scr pin diagram kmz51 compass TRANSISTOR S1A 64 smd toshiba l 300 laptop motherboard circuit diagram JFET TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE j201 replacements for transistor NEC D 587 PDF

    philips colour television picture tube pin volt

    Abstract: potentiometer 1m preset, horizontal pin diagram of potentiometer 1m preset, horizontal TDA9177 BZX795V6 TDA8375 BZX79-5V6 ic tda8375 pin data ic tda8375 smart ups 750 circuit
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE: Application of the TDA9177: YUV-Transient Improvement Processor LTP-Booster AN96049 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Application of the TDA9177 Transient Improvement Processor Application Note AN96049 Abstract

    TDA9177: AN96049 TDA9177 philips colour television picture tube pin volt potentiometer 1m preset, horizontal pin diagram of potentiometer 1m preset, horizontal TDA9177 BZX795V6 TDA8375 BZX79-5V6 ic tda8375 pin data ic tda8375 smart ups 750 circuit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET P8xC592 8-bit microcontroller with on-chip CAN Product specification Supersedes data of January 1995 File under Integrated Circuits, IC18 1996 Jun 27 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 8-bit microcontroller with on-chip CAN

    P8xC592 P8XC592 SCA50 617021/1200/03/pp108 PDF


    Abstract: TFK U 111 B TFK U 4614 B TFK S 186 P TFK U 217 B TFK BP w 41 n TFK BPW 41 N Tfk 880 TFK 148 TDSR 5150 G
    Text: Industry Part Number 1N3245 1N3611GP 1N3612GP 1N3613GP 1N3614GP 1N3725 1N3957GP 1N4001GP 1N4002GP 1N4003GP 1N4004GP 1N4005GP 1N4006GP 1N4007GP 1N4245GP 1N4246GP 1N4247GP 1N4248GP 1N4249GP 1N4678.1N4717 1N4728A.1N4761A 1N4933GP 1N4934GP 1N4935GP 1N4936GP

    1N3245 1N3611GP 1N3612GP 1N3613GP 1N3614GP 1N3725 1N3957GP 1N4001GP 1N4002GP 1N4003GP TCA780 TFK U 111 B TFK U 4614 B TFK S 186 P TFK U 217 B TFK BP w 41 n TFK BPW 41 N Tfk 880 TFK 148 TDSR 5150 G PDF

    mosfet cross reference

    Abstract: pj 929 diode pj 1229 diode BSS250 VN0109N5 pj 66 diode pj 929 BSS295 "direct replacement" BSS295 "cross reference" pj 69 diode
    Text: Selector Guides Selector Guides MOSFETs The Supertex enhancement-mode and depletion-mode MOSFET families utilize both vertical and lateral double diffused MOS processes. They feature low parasitic capacitances with interdigitated structures for high-frequency operation. Their low gate threshold voltage is

    T0-92 options4206A ZVN4206C ZVN4206E ZVN4306A TN2106K1 VN2210N3 TN0606N3 TN0606N6 mosfet cross reference pj 929 diode pj 1229 diode BSS250 VN0109N5 pj 66 diode pj 929 BSS295 "direct replacement" BSS295 "cross reference" pj 69 diode PDF

    marking code A09 SMD Transistor

    Abstract: APC UPS 650 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM P8XC592FF P87C592EFAA-T p8xc552 transistor P45 smd P80C592FFAA circuit diagram of UPS APC 650 P87C592EFAA smd ct3
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET P8xC592 8-bit microcontroller with on-chip CAN Product specification Supersedes data of January 1995 File under Integrated Circuits, IC18 1996 Jun 27 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 8-bit microcontroller with on-chip CAN

    P8xC592 OT188 OT318 marking code A09 SMD Transistor APC UPS 650 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM P8XC592FF P87C592EFAA-T p8xc552 transistor P45 smd P80C592FFAA circuit diagram of UPS APC 650 P87C592EFAA smd ct3 PDF


    Abstract: battery vb 2415 TRANSISTOR BSP 149 ec 35 transformer UPS APC rs 800 CIRCUIT diagram 1n4150 philips bs170 complement APC UPS es 750 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM p80c51 plcc 44 pin datasheet rbs 5000
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET P8xC592 8-bit microcontroller with on-chip CAN Product specification Supersedes data of January 1995 File under Integrated Circuits, IC18 1996 Jun 27 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 8-bit microcontroller with on-chip CAN

    P8xC592 P8XC592 SCA50 617021/1200/03/pp108 battery vb 2415 TRANSISTOR BSP 149 ec 35 transformer UPS APC rs 800 CIRCUIT diagram 1n4150 philips bs170 complement APC UPS es 750 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM p80c51 plcc 44 pin datasheet rbs 5000 PDF

    Transistor SMD SOT363 SC70

    Abstract: BSP254A D2Pak Package IRF540 complementary MOSFET Selection Guide PHD78NQ list of n channel fet IRF640 smd PSMN009-100W BUK7516
    Text: Semiconductors Power MOSFET Selection Guide 2002 / 2003 The evolution of our LVMOS strategy continues to go from strength to strength. This MOSFET selection guide summarises our portfolio releases to date. Some of our recent innovations include: LFPAK and QLPAK packages – see page 4-5 and 8-9 exciting additions to our portfolio that further extends your choice and, with ever-increasing demands for improved


    BUT11APX equivalent

    Abstract: BU4508DX equivalent 2SD1876 2Sd1651 equivalent BYS21-45 smd zener diode color band 2SD1878 data sheet 2SC5296 equivalent BT151-600R BUK98150 spice
    Text: Philips Semiconductors – a worldwide company Argentina: see South America Australia: 3 Figtree Drive, HOMEBUSH, NSW 2140, Tel. +61 2 9704 8141, Fax. +61 2 9704 8139 Austria: Computerstr. 6, A-1101 WIEN, P.O. Box 213, Tel. +43 1 60 101 1248, Fax. +43 1 60 101 1210

    BT148-600R BT148-400R BUT11APX equivalent BU4508DX equivalent 2SD1876 2Sd1651 equivalent BYS21-45 smd zener diode color band 2SD1878 data sheet 2SC5296 equivalent BT151-600R BUK98150 spice PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET P8xCE598 8-bit microcontroller with on-chip CAN Product specification Supersedes data of 1995 Oct 24 File under Integrated Circuits, IC18 1996 Jun 27 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 8-bit microcontroller with on-chip CAN

    P8xCE598 P8XCE598 SCA50 617021/1200/04/pp108 PDF


    Abstract: IRF540 MOSFET datasheet PHP18NQ20T PHB27NQ10T PHB23NQ10T IRF540 p-channel MOSFET PHP45 MOSFET IRF540 PHP30NQ15T TO247
    Text: High performance MOSFETs for DC-DC conversion 100 V / 200 V MOSFETs Solutions for power in Communications SMPS Optimized solutions for 100 V Output power W Optimal Philips Semiconductors’ TrenchMOS technology exhibits significantly lower gate charge for a given RDS(on), thus delivering far better

    PHx18NQ10T PHx23NQ10T MSD791 PHD27NQ10T PHD23NQ10T PHP27NQ10T PHP23NQ10T IRF540 PHP18NQ10T IRF540 MOSFET datasheet PHP18NQ20T PHB27NQ10T PHB23NQ10T IRF540 p-channel MOSFET PHP45 MOSFET IRF540 PHP30NQ15T TO247 PDF


    Abstract: BUK2114-50SYTS saa7117 SAA7136E MPSA92 168 saa7136 buk2914-50syts TDA8920BTH bu4508dx KMZ52
    Text: Index Type number Page number 1N4148 34 1N4531 34 1N47xxA series 44 1PS10SB62 32 1PS10SB63 32 1PS10SB82 32 1PS181 36 1PS184 36 1PS193 34 1PS226 36 1PS59SB10 28 1PS59SB14 28 1PS59SB15 28 1PS59SB16 28 1PS59SB20 30 1PS59SB21 28 1PS66SB17 32 1PS66SB62 32 1PS66SB63

    1N4148 1N4531 1N47xxA 1PS10SB62 1PS10SB63 1PS10SB82 1PS181 1PS184 1PS193 1PS226 BUK2114 BUK2114-50SYTS saa7117 SAA7136E MPSA92 168 saa7136 buk2914-50syts TDA8920BTH bu4508dx KMZ52 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • N bb53T31 AHER OOSaTaT 7Tb M A R X PHILIPS/DISCRETE b7E BST72A J> N-CHANNEL VERTICAL D-MOS TRANSISTOR N-channel enhancement mode vertical D-MOS transistor in TO-92 variant envelope and designed fo r use in telephone ringer circuits and fo r application w ith relay, high-speed and line-transformer drivers.

    OCR Scan
    bb53T31 BST72A BST72A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • b b 5 3 c]31 O O S S T S 1! «APX N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE BST72A b7E I> ; v N-CHANNEL VERTICAL D-MOS TRANSISTOR N-channel enhancement mode vertical D-MOS transistor in TO-92 variant envelope and designed for use in telephone ringer circuits and fo r application with relay, high-speed and line-transformer drivers.

    OCR Scan
    bb53c BST72A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BST72A JV _ N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE VERTICAL D-MOS TRANSISTOR N-channel enhancement mode vertical D-MOS transistor in TO-92 variant envelope and designed for use in telephone ringer circuits and for application with relay, high-speed and line-transformer drivers.

    OCR Scan
    BST72A PDF


    Abstract: cm .02m z5u 1kv pin configuration of BFW10 la4347 B2X84 TDA3653 equivalent TRIAC TAG 9322 HEF40106BP equivalent fx4054 core dsq8
    Text: Contents Page Page New product index Combined index and status codes viii x Mullard approved components BS9000, CECC, and D3007 lists CV list Integrated circuits Section index xliii 1 5 Standard functions LOGIC FAMILIES CMOS HE4000B family specifications CMOS HE4000B family survey

    OCR Scan
    BS9000, D3007 HE4000B 80RIBUTION BS9000 BPW22A cm .02m z5u 1kv pin configuration of BFW10 la4347 B2X84 TDA3653 equivalent TRIAC TAG 9322 HEF40106BP equivalent fx4054 core dsq8 PDF


    Abstract: BF0262 OM335 1N5821ID OM336 OM2061 OM926 BUK645 OM2060 BLY94
    Text: Alphanumeric Type Index Typo Page Type Page Type Page Page Type 1N821 1N821A 1N823 1N823A 1N825 11 11 11 11 11 1N5227B 1N5228B 1N5229B 1N5230B 1N5231B 13 13 13 13 13 2N2905A 2N2906 2N2906A 2N2907 2N2907A 17 17 17 17 17 2N6599 2N6600 2N6601 2N7000 2N7002 1N825A

    OCR Scan
    1N821 1N821A 1N823 1N823A 1N825 1N825A 1N827 1N827A 1N829 1N829A bf0262a BF0262 OM335 1N5821ID OM336 OM2061 OM926 BUK645 OM2060 BLY94 PDF

    transistor f6 13003

    Abstract: equivalent transistor bj 131-6 transistor Eb 13003 BM BB112 smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F 6n a1211 lg CQY58 BU705 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 026 philips om350
    Text: W IDEBAND TRANSISTORS AND W IDEBAND HYBR ID 1C MODULES page P refa ce. 3 Selection guide Wideband transistors.

    OCR Scan
    SC08b transistor f6 13003 equivalent transistor bj 131-6 transistor Eb 13003 BM BB112 smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F 6n a1211 lg CQY58 BU705 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 026 philips om350 PDF

    W1P 59 transistor

    Abstract: W1p 48 TRANSISTOR transistor w1P 83 ICM AP 1703 transistor SMD marked RNW transistor BD139 PH 71 W1P 66 transistor transistor w1P 91 Pnp transistor smd ba rn w1p npn
    Text: Philips S em iconductors S urface m oun ted sem ico n d u cto rs C on ten ts PART A page SELECTION GUIDE General purpose transistors 4 High frequency transistors 8 Broadband transistors 8 Switching transistors 10 Power transistors for switching 12 Low-noise transistors

    OCR Scan
    197/197X S310N W1P 59 transistor W1p 48 TRANSISTOR transistor w1P 83 ICM AP 1703 transistor SMD marked RNW transistor BD139 PH 71 W1P 66 transistor transistor w1P 91 Pnp transistor smd ba rn w1p npn PDF


    Abstract: BZW03-C68 PCD3360 PCD3360P PCD3360T TELEPHONE RINGER piezoelectric transducer for sound
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Programmable multi-tone telephone ringer CONTENTS 1 FEATURES 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 3 QUICK REFERENCE DATA 4 ORDERING INFORMATION 6 PINNING INFORMATION 6.1 6.2 Pinning Pin description 7 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 7.1

    OCR Scan
    PCD3360 BST72A BZW03-C68 PCD3360 PCD3360P PCD3360T TELEPHONE RINGER piezoelectric transducer for sound PDF

    BZX78 - C6V8

    Abstract: bzx78 PCD3360P LN5060 BAX18A BST72A BZW03 PCD3360 PCD3360T AUTOMATIC RINGING BELL
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Programmable multi-tone telephone ringer_ PCD3360 G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N The PCD3360 is a CMOS integrated c ircu it, designed to replace the electro-mechanical bell in telephone sets. It meets most postal requirements, p a rtic u la rly w ith tone sequence possibilities and in p u t

    OCR Scan
    PCD3360 PCD3360 BZW03 680ki2 BZX78 1N5060 BZX78 - C6V8 PCD3360P LN5060 BAX18A BST72A PCD3360T AUTOMATIC RINGING BELL PDF