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    Abstract: gaas fet micro-X Package marking BAS70B-HP x-band power transistor x-band mmic lna CGY40 MMIC Amplifier Micro-X marking D MSC Microwave gaas fet micro-X Package INFINEON PART MARKING
    Text: HiRel Discrete & Microwave Semiconductors Introduction and Type Overview HiRel DISCRETE & MICROWAVE SEMICONDUCTORS INTRODUCTION AND TYPE OVERVIEW HiRel Discrete and Microwave Semiconductors from Infineon Technologies AG December 1999 Product Marketing: Infineon Technologies AG

    MWP-25 MWP-35 SIEMENS MICROWAVE RADIO 8 GHz gaas fet micro-X Package marking BAS70B-HP x-band power transistor x-band mmic lna CGY40 MMIC Amplifier Micro-X marking D MSC Microwave gaas fet micro-X Package INFINEON PART MARKING PDF

    siemens spc 2

    Abstract: SIEMENS MICROWAVE RADIO SIEMENS MICROWAVE RADIO 8 GHz microwave transistor siemens MSC Microwave x-band mmic lna "Microwave Diodes" Microwave GaAs FET micro x MMIC Amplifier Micro-X marking D CFY67
    Text: HiRel Discrete and HiRel Microwave Semiconductors 1. Preliminary Remarks This Paragraph gives an overview on the HiRel Small Signal Microwave Semiconductors available from Siemens. Full data sheets are also given in our HiRel Discrete and Microwave Semiconductors Data Book which is currently under generation August 1998 . They are

    de/semiconductor/products/35/35 de/semiconductor/products/35/353 MWP-25 MWP-35 siemens spc 2 SIEMENS MICROWAVE RADIO SIEMENS MICROWAVE RADIO 8 GHz microwave transistor siemens MSC Microwave x-band mmic lna "Microwave Diodes" Microwave GaAs FET micro x MMIC Amplifier Micro-X marking D CFY67 PDF

    microwave transistor bfy193

    Abstract: BFY193 Micro-X marking "Fp" GaAs Amplifier Micro-X Marking k BAS40 BFY180 BFY405 BXY42 CFY25 micro-x 420
    Text: HiRel Discrete & Microwave Semiconductors Introduction and Type Overview HiRel DISCRETE & MICROWAVE SEMICONDUCTORS INTRODUCTION AND TYPE OVERVIEW HiRel Discrete and Microwave Semiconductors from Infineon Technologies AG December 1999 Product Marketing: Infineon Technologies AG

    MWP-25 MWP-35 microwave transistor bfy193 BFY193 Micro-X marking "Fp" GaAs Amplifier Micro-X Marking k BAS40 BFY180 BFY405 BXY42 CFY25 micro-x 420 PDF

    ujt 2646

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR J 5804 label infineon barcode msc 1697 MSC 1697 IC pin diagram Rohde und Schwarz Active Antenna HE 011 cd 6283 audio smd transistor v75 log tx2 0909 IC data book free download
    Text: D a t a B o o k , J a n. 20 0 1 GaAs Components N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2001-01-01 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53, D-81541 München, Germany Infineon Technologies AG 2001. All Rights Reserved. Attention please!

    D-81541 14-077S Q62702-D1353 Q62702-G172 Q62702-G173 ujt 2646 TRANSISTOR J 5804 label infineon barcode msc 1697 MSC 1697 IC pin diagram Rohde und Schwarz Active Antenna HE 011 cd 6283 audio smd transistor v75 log tx2 0909 IC data book free download PDF

    GaAs Amplifier Micro-X Marking k

    Abstract: LNA ku-band Silicon Bipolar Transistor MICRO-X CLY30 CLY27 microwave fet IC gaas fet micro-X Package gaas fet micro-X Package marking SIEMENS MICROWAVE RADIO 8 GHz GaAs Amplifier Micro-X "Marking k"
    Text: HiRel Discrete and Microwave Semiconductors Table of Contents Title Component Types Package Types Page 1 Preliminary Remarks 2 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 Introduction to HiRel and Space Qualified Devices General Silicon Devices GaAs Devices 2 2 3 3 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 Quality Specifications of HiRel Components

    HPAC140 MWP-25 MWP-35 GaAs Amplifier Micro-X Marking k LNA ku-band Silicon Bipolar Transistor MICRO-X CLY30 CLY27 microwave fet IC gaas fet micro-X Package gaas fet micro-X Package marking SIEMENS MICROWAVE RADIO 8 GHz GaAs Amplifier Micro-X "Marking k" PDF


    Abstract: schottky diode 43t BFY193 5613 CFY 19 CFY 18 micro-x 420
    Text: GaAs Components HiRel Discretes and Microwave Semiconductors 11.4.1 Table 2 HiRel Silicon Diodes General Purpose Silicon Schottky Diodes Tj,max = 150 °C Max. Ratings Component type variant BAS 40-T1 VR IF Characteristics VBR VF Package RF CD Detail Spec. Type Variant

    40-T1 70-T1 70B-HP HPAC140 2520P schottky diode 43t BFY193 5613 CFY 19 CFY 18 micro-x 420 PDF

    transistor Y2

    Abstract: Y2 TRANSISTOR EHA07478
    Text: GaAs Components HiRel Discretes and Microwave Semiconductors 11.5 Package Outlines 11.5.1 Package Outlines of Diode Packages FP Package 1.1’ 1.2’ Y1 X1 2 1.1 Y2 1.2 EHA07473 B max. B 3.10 3.55 B1 3.00 3.30 D 1.30 1.70 D1 0.55 0.65 d 0.10 0.15

    EHA07473 EHA07474 HPAC140 EHA07475 EHA07476 EHA07485 EHA07486 MWP-25 EHA07488 EHA07487 transistor Y2 Y2 TRANSISTOR EHA07478 PDF

    GaAs Amplifier Micro-X Marking k

    Abstract: gaas fet micro-X Package marking GaAs Amplifier Micro-X BFY193 BFY40 CFY66 BFY420 BFY193 Microx Microwave Semiconductors transistor "micro-x" "marking" 3
    Text: HiRel Discrete and Microwave Semiconductors Table of Contents Title Component Types Package Types Page 1 Preliminary Remarks 2 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 Introduction to HiRel and Space Qualified Devices General Silicon Devices GaAs Devices 2 2 3 3 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 Quality Specifications of HiRel Components

    HPAC140 MWP-25 MWP-35 GaAs Amplifier Micro-X Marking k gaas fet micro-X Package marking GaAs Amplifier Micro-X BFY193 BFY40 CFY66 BFY420 BFY193 Microx Microwave Semiconductors transistor "micro-x" "marking" 3 PDF

    MMIC Amplifier Micro-X marking 420

    Abstract: x-band microwave fet cfy 14 BFy 90 transistor guide selection microwave transistors BFY193 transistor C 5611 transistor "micro-x" "marking" 3 GaAs Amplifier Micro-X micro-x 420 "Microwave Diodes"
    Text: HiRel Discrete & Microwave Semiconductors Introduction and Type Overview Table of Contents Title Component Types Package Types Page 1 Preliminary Remarks 2 2 Introduction to HiRel and Space Qualified Devices 2 2.1 General 2 2.2 Silicon Devices 3 2.3 GaAs Devices

    EHA07485 EHA07486 MWP-25 EHA07487 EHA07488 MWP-35 EHA07489 EHA07490 MMIC Amplifier Micro-X marking 420 x-band microwave fet cfy 14 BFy 90 transistor guide selection microwave transistors BFY193 transistor C 5611 transistor "micro-x" "marking" 3 GaAs Amplifier Micro-X micro-x 420 "Microwave Diodes" PDF

    727 diode

    Abstract: 716 transistor diode 716 BFY 34 transistor
    Text: GaAs Components HiRel Discretes and Microwave Semiconductors 11 HiRel Discretes and Microwave Semiconductors Table of Contents Title Component Types Package Types Page 11.1 Preliminary Remarks 716 11.2 Introduction to HiRel and Space Qualified Devices 716

    HPAC140, MWP-25, MWP-35 727 diode 716 transistor diode 716 BFY 34 transistor PDF

    727 diode

    Abstract: diode 716 transistor 717 TRANSISTOR 726 716 transistor cfy transistor 35 CFY
    Text: G aAs Components Infineon •»ihnciogift* HiRel Discretes and Microwave Semiconductors 11 HiRel Discretes and Microwave Semiconductors Table of Contents Component Types Package Types Title Page 11.1 Preliminary Remarks 716 11.2 Introduction to HiRel and Space Qualified Devices

    OCR Scan
    BFY180, HPAC140, MWP-25, MWP-35 CGY41 727 diode diode 716 transistor 717 TRANSISTOR 726 716 transistor cfy transistor 35 CFY PDF

    BXY 36 300

    Abstract: cfy66 GHZ micro-X Package BFY19 CFY67-08 107 micro-x BFY183 BFY420 Microwave Semiconductors BFY193 Microx
    Text: SIEMENS 4 HiRel Discrete and Microwave Semiconductors Selection Guides for HiRel Discrete Semiconductors The Selection Guide provides main maximum ratings and electrical key parameters typical data . 4.1 HiRel Silicon Diodes Low Barrier Silicon Schottky Diodes

    OCR Scan
    BAT15-013/014 BAT15-033/034 BAT15-043/044 BAT15-063/064 BAT15-073/074 BAT15-093/094 BAT15-103/104 MWP-25 MWP-35 BXY 36 300 cfy66 GHZ micro-X Package BFY19 CFY67-08 107 micro-x BFY183 BFY420 Microwave Semiconductors BFY193 Microx PDF

    gaas fet micro-X Package marking

    Abstract: INFINEON DIODE BAS 70 infineon radar BFY420 GaAs Amplifier Micro-X Marking N
    Text: GaAs Components Infineon ?0í^nü!og¡«» HiRel Discretes and Microwave Semiconductors 11.1 Preliminary Remarks This Paragraph gives an overview on the HiRel Small Signal Microwave Semiconductors available from Infineon. Full data sheets are also given in our HiRel Discrete and

    OCR Scan

    microwave transistor siemens

    Abstract: Siemens Microwave A 1887 transistor siemens p1
    Text: SIEMENS HiRel Discrete and Microwave Semiconductors 5 Package Outlines HiRel 5.1 Package Outlines of Diode Packages SYMBOL B B1 D D1 d di F L MILLIMETRES MIN MAX 3.10 3.56 3.00 3.30 1.70 1 30 055 0.65 0.10 0.15 025 0.40 2.40 2.60 5.50 « Anode / D1 Cathode end

    OCR Scan
    HPAC140 Microw90 MWP-25 MWP-35 microwave transistor siemens Siemens Microwave A 1887 transistor siemens p1 PDF

    k-band gaas schottky diode

    Abstract: transistor 1877 1878 TRANSISTOR microwave transistor bfy193 Siemens Microwave BFY193 Microx 1882 hirel Microwave Semiconductors BAT DIODES
    Text: SIEMENS HiRel Discrete and Microwave Semiconductors Table of Contents Title Component Types Package Types Page 1 Preliminary Remarks 1870 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 Introduction to HiRel and Space Qualified Devices General Silicon Devices GaAs Devices 1870 1870 1871 1871

    OCR Scan
    BAS40, BXY42, BFY180, BFY193, BFY405, CFY25, CFY66, CLY29, CLY27, HPAC140 k-band gaas schottky diode transistor 1877 1878 TRANSISTOR microwave transistor bfy193 Siemens Microwave BFY193 Microx 1882 hirel Microwave Semiconductors BAT DIODES PDF